The Anime Dead Space movies is good enough for me and making a Dead Space live action movie is a big mistake because Sy-Fy has done this crap like too many times with movies.
Sorry about your Damn Luck Jean-Froncois Boivin & Patrice Desilets but you guys quite on Ubisoft and this is what you get. Payback is a Bitch and to any Employees out there who is working at Ubisoft, if you quite and try to return just now, I would advice you to get the hell out while you still can.
I doubt we are getting the whole story from either. For all we know this guy could have been a huge ass and difficult to work with. Not saying Ubisoft is innocent but its too hard to know who is in the right from just this.
There are two sides, if not more, to every story - and truth be told, it wouldn't make much sense for Ubisoft to terminate such a fellow unless there were some specific reasons for doing so. For good reasons, corporations hate to outright terminate employees, especially valuable ones, so they generally try to break the relationship through "resignations", etc - when an outright termination where the person is walked out of the building happens, that generally indicates some gross breakdown of professional behaviour on the part of the person being axed. Anyways, too many angels to consider.
All this making SW games should come to a stop, I mean let's wait for Disney to release the new SW movie, then will talk about the game but seriously, Clone Wars has been done to death, New Hope, Empire Stricks Back, Return of the Jedi making games from them have been done to death. All I'm saying is that SW games have been milk for years and the only reason why I like the Knights of the Old Republic is was that they took the story were the Acient Sith were as common and it was no where near the when the Empire crap was being milk for years.
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