Nintendo fans, you guys will love Deus Ex: Human Revolution but the only thing I didn't like was the Boss fights and the ending but not as bad as Mass Effect 3. I play Human Revolution PS3 version but still this game will look good on the Wii U version but Square Enix is asking too much Money for a $50 when you can go buy it for $19-29 on the PS3/Xbox 360 version. The Wii U version should have been at lease $29.99 if you ask me.
I have not play Sniper in a long time but this is just a rent and I could not care about the MP. This is just something to do in the mean time until Bioshock: Infinite is out.
Hmm I'm not sure what to think over a CE but I will wait for Rockstar what they say about there CE for Grand Theft Auto: V but Deep Silver better be creative if they want my Money. If this CE have anything to do with Big BOOBS whatever, I might just might Pre-oder there CE.
@sundown19 Well if Deep Silver is not bringing Dead Island: Riptide to Wii U, I doult DS is not making SR4 Wii U version so the anwser is no.
It's simple, We want Big Tits N Booty in all Female and you got yourself a good ass sells. Mortal Kombat have the big tits but in Dead or Alive, fans were upset that the females did not have big tits and it did not sell well which the director was surprise that they want big tits. I prefer Big Booty over tits. There I said it.
I'm going to do as I did in Dead Space 3, just play the game as it is and never look back on those microtransactions. MS must have heard that EA President and CEO left so MS is now making there move with microtransactions.
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