Deus Ex: Human Revolution was really a good game when I got the PS3 version but to any Nintendo Wii U owners, I recommand you get this game but the Boss fights were so easy to beat but I did not like the ending but not as bad as Mass Effect 3. Square Enix is asking way to much Money [$50] for this when you can get it for $19-29 at the most on the PS3/Xbox 360.
Gamerevolution gave Judgment a 3.0, IGN gives it a 9.2 said the story is awesome but from what I'm seeing, Gamespot may give the score in the middle so I can't wait until the review is up. I'm hoping Angry Joe reivew this as well since I like his show.
Good thing I pre-order Last of Us which is said to be the last great game for this Gen but 12-16 hours is not my consern, it's the Demo release date [when you buy God of War Ascension] set in the last day of May 31. Really!? In that case, I might as well just wait for Last of Us to come out so I can play and start Freash.
Sure God of War has a good single player but the MP is crap when I play the Beta back then but Gear of War has always have the better MP and the single player is so so but again, I'm getting both since I like Gears of War and God of War.
Honestly the first one never came to Wii U in the first place and I don't need a reason why Deep Silver is not bringing Dead Island Riptide to Wii U anyway so why bring Riptide if they never got the first one? I enjoy the first one so I will be picking up Riptide in the near future when it gets a lower price.
This is going to be good, Gears of War Judgment vs God of War Ascesion which one of these Exclusive games will be number one? Well I was not sure about Judgment and Ascesion but after looking from the previews and trailers, I mayjjust get both.
Money talks, if Santa Monica is not getting any Money assisting with Last Guardian then end of discussion. As for this article, tell me when is Sony ready to announced Last Guardian otherwise, don't be wasting everyones time.
That's cool, my Birthday is in May so I hope my Baby Mama will get this for me as my B'day gift and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon will hold the void until Donkey Kong 3D comes out.
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