Indeed but Sega is just using Sonic as a sales target in a world of Apps which is just lazy when they could take that money into making a good Sonic game.
Oh sales targets, sales targets... How about quality targets? I'm not a Dead Space addict, but I really liked 1 and was completely OK with 2 but 3 was just lame. A shooter without substance. They changed Issac core character (not evolved him, but outright changed his character). He went from being a nobody surviving on a ship masterfully incorporating him into a survival-horror sci-fi action adventure setting, into a formulaic Hollywood superhero within a formulaic Hollywood game-movie. It's clear to me that Dead Space 3 was nothing more than a "sales-target" to begin with, not a work of EA.
Whatever happen to that Your Mom will Hate this game? EA you didn't use that meme which was the reason why nobody didn't buy Dead Space 3 in the first place.
Sega how about a new Sonic game please just for once and not some app game. Sonic Generation was fun but since we are going to next-gen, I expect Sega to have a new Sonic game ready for next-gen.
This new Tomb Raider should just come straight to DVD/Blu-Ray and not waste money into Theaters which would be a smart move. I may check this out if it does come into Theaters, if I can watch The Last Airbander and Dragon Ball, I can handle the pain if this movie is crap. [Please get someone with large Breast this time]
While I agree that I love my 3DS XL a lot but it is going to make it harder to sale Wii U for those who own and Xbox 360, PS3, Wii which is what making it harder for most gamers thus buying Wii U. The only problem is the name, Nintendo should have come up with a better name considering it is there first HD Console and the PS4 and next Xbox, well we shall see at E3 2013 what in store for Sony, MS, and Nintendo untile we see what Nintendo can do.
What I find it odd today is that Gamespot is sure having fun picking on Nintendo with bad news that the Wii U is DOOM. Come on Gamespot, report some good news on those Exclusive games at lease.
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