Not a bad deal but since I live in U.S and if I tried to import buying a Wii U for cheap, it would not do me any good since the Wii U is region lock so which defeates the purpose for importing a Wii U. Well I can wait on a price drop in the U.S which is cool because I'm waiting for new SSB and Bayonetta 2 anyway.
You do relies that Nintendo is not trying to compete with Sony and MS right? They are just doing there own thing by making fun games that everyone loves and by the way, Big N are not going anywhere because they make the best Handhelds ever.
In my opinion it just bad timing. Nintendo was too impatient to be first out of the gate this time instead of last. I think with the PS4 announcement and the Xbox 720 in April people will quickly forget about the WiiU (the rest who already haven't) but if they had stick to there plain for Pikmin 3 which was supposed to come out this Month, it would have made a difference in terms of huge sales since it is a Wii U Exclusive we have been waiting for. Nintendo really needs to release those Exclusive games now.
That sounds about right, ever since Rockstar announce there release date on GTA: V, there was an article that they were going to release SR4 while GTA V is still in development so they can get the jump before GTA V hits the Market.
I don't know about you guys but if there is one thing I want to see in Killzone 4 is that I want to play as the Helghast in it's own Campighn for once considering this is a new start on the PS4 and I'm sorry any KZ fans but the ISA SUCKS!
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