Yall folks can have your next-gen console because I'm done with this gen and my Xbox/PS3 will keep me happy all year long and besides, that $430, I can use that money to buy all the games I miss like 2-3 years ago and Handhelds is were it's at for me. Sony can charge there PS4 online for all I care, I'm quiting next-gen.
Well Ladies and Gamers, I'm hear to announce my retirment from gaming Consoles. I have been gaming since my first console SNES and now I'm happy with my Xbox 360/PS3 as my last console and from hear on out, I will just stick to my Handheld 3DS [soon to be Vita] which I can take on the go and I got to say it has been a wild ride from all these years of gaming. Hoping I will get a good Retirment Benefits.
This is the FPS game I have been waiting for since last year sice there is no MP, this game will show a lot of other Developers that not every game needs MP [That goes for most FPS] and the Single Player is still alive and strong. Thanks Ken Levine for not having any MP in Bioshock: Infinite and this is a day one buy.
Then you have not been paying attention to the gamesites news, Ubisoft knew they did was dirty, GTA: V is one of the most game everyone wants to most, and do you think the fans will forgive Ubisoft wants Rayman is out? Not happening.
Ubisoft will do anything to keep the Nintnedo fans happy but none if this would have not happen if Ubisoft would just release the Wii U version, then come back later to release the Xbox 360/PS3 which will solve the problem. To make it even worst, Ubisoft wants to release Rayman: Legends in September, Really Ubisoft? Grand Theft Auto: V is going to shadow Rayman and all that hard work you did will be for nothing. Oh and this Free mode for Wii U fans is just another Slap in the Face.
Like this is a surprise, ever since Gears of War: Judgment has gone Gold 2 weeks ago, there will be Pirates who will do anything to play this game early, just like Halo 4 did and this is Exclusive too, MS should have expected this from the start.
I only pre-order games once the previews are out but for this game Destiny, I would just wait until E3 assuming Bungie will show up this time to give out more details but from what I see so far, this looks promising. To the people talking about the Wii U, the only thing I can say is that there online is not as advance as Xbox 360/PS3 so that's the only reason Destiny may have a problem but that does not mean Destiny should not be on Wii U but it would be nice if can push the Wii U to it's limites.
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