Cool Trailer since I saw it at VGA but Gamespot could at lease tell you guys about the Pre-order bonuses that you get from Gamestop and hear is the link for more details.
Hmm so this is not a GTA: San Andreas huh? Well I'll pass on this and besides, I still have my original copy from day one and I can play that game anytime on my PS3.
I don't know why is everyone bashing Xbox 360, I own both Xbox 360 and PS3 and I love them to death [I own a 3DS XL] and Halo 4 will keep me busy until The Last of Us hits the store.
Just admite that your scared that it won't sell on Vita Mr. Levine. He's just like the rest of these other Delelopers, they don't want to risk making games on the Vita and seriusly can you really blame him? Why not just make it on the 3DS?
I would just give it more time until the good games starts rolling in like Pikmin 3, SSB, and Legend of Zelda. Honestly I know some people are waiting for those Deluxe Wii U version to become more avalible and that's the only Wii U version everybody wants.
Not surprise we are getting a Splinter cell Movie since back then, the tease Trailer on Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory and then that movie has been on hold for like years until now.
I Voted for ME3 as GOTY on Spike VGA and if got a problem with that, then that's your problem and Bioware admitted that they F#$% up the ending and they did the Extended Cut for free just to say they were sorry so why are we still talking about the ending?
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