Nintendo already said that most people already have these DVD/Blu-Ray Players at home and if Wii U have a built-in Blu-Ray, it would increase the Price and that is why Nintendo could not have it ofr Wii U and that is why it is Price at $299.99 and $349.99.
To the people at Fox News and CNN, the last time you guys Bash GTA: IV before the game release, you guys better not do the same thing with GTA: V and that right there is saying something. The News Crew did the last GTA by Bashing game was stupid and Ridiculousness.
I'm old school who still get's the Magazine that comes in my Mail box and right now, it looks like Game Informer is the only game Magazine I still have. What's ironic is that back then most of the Mags came with Demos for the most part but now, you can just download Demo on the fly and the best of all they came with Cheat Codes again the internet makes it better then waiting for a Mag with a Cheat Codes. My first game Mag was Tips N Tricks follow by Gamepro and Nintendo Power.
I am curious to see how they approach having three protagonists but you'd think by now they would be able to create a GTA game where you could customize your character from the start. I don't know about you guys but I kinda want a Chinese guy again. I kinda felt a stronger connection with the Nintendo DS chinawars protagonist then any of the others GTA Characters besides Tommy and CJ which I also like them too.
It's also a Shame that Halo 4 is not welcome in Japan and none of the Japanese are not into FPS. But then again, Japan is not into Xbox 360 and I hope MS just forget about Japan when they release there next-gen Xbox.
This is a day one buy for me only because I'm following Issac Story and I need to know if he reaches the true Marker the Black Marker that is. That Co-Ops is Optional to play after all so what's the complaint about this?
Halo is the Crown Jewel of Xbox since day one and I have all the Halo games exept Halo Wars [I only Rented and beat it] and I can say is that it's nice to see MS supports this series and I'm also looking forward to what Halo 5 and 6 will do in the upcoming years to come. I wish Sony would take notes on there FPS like Killzone as the next Halo but all in all, I like them both but Halo is way more Addictive to play then Killzone in terms of gameplay and MP. I'm on Vacation next week so I can play Halo 4 and it will be Halo Week for me.
I been so busy I had no idea that Disney buyout Lucasfilm but I'm cool with it as long as Star Wars stays good in terms of games and Movies to say the lease. Disney did good with Marvel Studios with good Marvel Movies and I have no doult that LF will be in good hands. As for another SW Movie, I would like to see the very begining of the Republic and the Jedi order if done right.
One can wonder if SW The Clone Wars that's airing on Cartoon Network will be effected by this.
OMFG! I have not pick up my PS3 Pre-order yet and if it's as bad as Skyrim PS3 Version so I heard, I may have to switch it to Xbox 360 then for my ZOTE.
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