The PS3 old models is $250 before the new ones comes out and the PS Vita is also $250 so which one would you buy? I can understand if Sony needs to drop the Price so it won't match the PS3 and expect people to not buy Vita if they can buy PS3 at that same price. But your right, Sony will lose more Money as it is and really, it's the Memory Cards that are the real problem.
Sony it's not the Price that Vita needs, it's those Damn Memory Cards that are the problem which it really needs a price cut or at lease have a bundle with a 8GB or 16GB would be a better deal. I will only buy PS Vita when Dragons Crown is release.
I already pre-order Zone of the Enders HD LE only because I never play the second one and I also want to play MGR Demo so I can see how well the Dynamic Cutting works. As for MGR LE, I may pre-order this since I was going to buy it anyway as long as it's not over $100 but if it is, Standard Edition will do for me. [Never was a Plasma Lamp fan to begain with]
All I want from Sy-Fy is Anime since I like Ani-Monday only because they show Gundam 00 and other Anime I like. If they have Being Human in it I may consider it.
If there is going to be DLC for making the Tits way bigger, then that should please the Fans including me as well. I like women with Big Tits. There I said it.
Platinum Staff, I actually had fun with Bayonetta on the Xbox 360 but at the time, I coudn't deside which version to get, PS3 or Xbox 360 so I pick Xbox. Working on the PS3 is what most Game Developers are having a very hard time with that system and Sony really need to start helpnig other Game Co. such as Bethesda with Skyrim and the DLC.
P.S I'm looking forward to Bayonetta 2 since I will be buying a Wii U next year.
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