Have you gamers forgotton back when ME3 was still in development, Bioware said that this is the end of Shepard Story, not the end of the series so this is what Bioware meant that they are now working on a new ME which I hope to see and they also said that keep your ME3 save file too.
Even though Grand Theft Auto 3 is over a Decades old, this should have been free for PS Plus Members such as myself but since it's not, a'l Pass on this.
Japan never like the first Xbox to begin with and it's no surprise that Xbox 360 flop over there but it's doing better then the original and I'm also surprise that they don't like Kinect since most of the Japanese loves high Tech such as this. When MS release the next Xbox, they need to just leave Japan alone and not waste there Money in Japan.
With Rising, all I care about is the dynamic cutting. As long as that stays in the game, I'll buy it. I hope the 360 version isn't gimped, so I can gather honest opinions on which is better to buy on my PS3 or Xbox 360 in U.S
And I can't wait to play the early Demo since I pre-order Zone of the Enders.
For those of you who keeps saying this is not a Next-Gen, it is a Next-Gen by Nintendo first ever HD. So what if it's this Current-Gen, there new Console looks almost Advance as this Gen [to say the lease] and most game Developers, Sony and MS have said that it's a Next-Gen of it's own. I'm impress what I'm seeing so far but I won't be buying until next year and I'm happy with my 3DS.
Not really, Nintendo did said that Wii U will be giving a fair price and they learned from there mistake when they price 3DS at $250. $350 is kinda asking a little too much and if you ask me.
He's got a point, Sony is having trouble with there PS Vita as it is while MS has the upperhand with no Handheld on there own, so I had forgotten about sony's Money issue.
Gamespot Staff, Sony has already told you that they are in no hurry to release PS4 until it has reach it's 10th cycle, MS also said that they can get more out of this current-gen and most importanly, you guys should be focus on Nintendo Wii U since it's the next gen but until Sony and MS Confirms there next-gen Consoles, you guys just need to give it a break and stop posting useless Articles.
Nintendo will do just fine, They learned from there mistakes when they Launch 3DS with an over price and no first party games and Nintendo has said that they will make the Wii U affordable as possible and first party games at Launch but nobodys perfect these day. Besides MS and Sony have already stated that they are no hurry to release there Next-Gen Console and have yet to make an announcments so all you Analyst need to stop with this Next-Gen crap and Wii U is your Next-Gen Console you guys should be focus on.
Hey Mr. Pachter, we know you paid these guys to do your dirty work and we know it's you.
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