If you guys think your Comments are going to Feedbackula think again, that honor goes to Tom Clancy death article and I'm surprise that comment is close. All these years on GS, I have never seen GS close the Comments before. Eddie what happen?
Anybody who's been on Gamespot for years should now how Eddie works hear by now. I already know what Console I'm getting since after E3 and that is PS4.
Honestly you sound like Lhomity who defending the Season Pass, DLC crap that has been the major cause this gen has had and last gen, we did not have this problem. Only a fool will buy Season Pass when we don't know if it's good or bad.
As much as it pains me to say this but I'm just going to wait for GOTY and since WB had to say this by defending the Season Pass, I'm taking Origins off my list and as much as I want to play this, I got GTA V to hold me good anyways.
delete-EasyComeEasyGo's comments