I do understand it's hard to find a job in this Economy but if this is the only job you can find like Gamestop, then that's fine I just don't like Gamestop Policy and I don't blame the people who work there, I just wish Gamestop would treat there Employees better then they are now.
What Gamespot does not tell you is that Gamestop is one of the worst places to work. They there Employees like crap, harass customers for preorders, play a pre-recorded soundtrack and throw good customer service out the window, and crappy Salaries. Hey you guys don't have to take my word, Gamespot had an article that working for Gamestop is one of the worst places to work. Ask Eddie, he can tell you since he did an article on them.
I'm gonna hold-out playing GTA Online until I'm finish with the main story and so far, there is so much to do and for the most part, I like Franklin only because he has a big house and he's living the Dream. Micheal is okay and Trevor is damn funny until he took them pants off but still forgivable.
Fifty GB is way too large for me to even consider downloading. I complained when I had to download a 15.5 GB patch for Battlefield 3 [and boy, I will never play Battlefield ever again] on my Xbox 360. This is one reason why I will continue to prefer retail over digital downloads, no matter how easy, "consumer-friendly," or clutter-free digital downloads may be.
I'm still not being wowed by any of the free things so far, [besides AC2 since I never play it] The newest game given out has been Magic 2013, but besides that it's been a mostly disappointing showing. They're gonna have to release something like Gears of War 3/Judgement in order to be competitive with Sony's deals.
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