I don't think this'll be big with the average gamer, but this is a good extra feature for all the moms and stuff out there. Personally, I like it a lot, but I don't like two things: extra subscription, and I motherf*cking hate Jillian Michaels. What a bitchface.
Sounds good to me"? WTF? Did we not learn anything from this past console gen over-staying its welcome? Watching my buddy play GTAV on his PS3 [and my 360] with its sub HD resolution and lucky-to-hit 30 fps gameplay makes my stomach turn.
Nice Bundle there Sony but I pre-order my PS4 with Watch Dogs since both will be release on November 15th but I do plan to get Killzone: Shadow Fall in the not to distant future but still, nice bundle.
Question, in this new Killzone, do we get to play as the Helghast cause the I'm tired of playing the hero.
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