Okay you guys, I got some GTA V Cheats for you so I if you want them hear is the link but keep in mind that there are only few now but more will become available later on so Print them if you want.
@EL_Bomberdor @Dovahkiinknight @Saidrex @Random_Matt I'm waiting on PC version as well but for now it's the 360 version for me and I can wait for PC version whenever it comes out.
@dogbert784 @EasyComeEasyGo This right hear I agree, I did remember ME2 won GOTY and RPG but since Bioware was with EA, they ask them to put the MP so they can use there Online Pass. As for the new ME, who knows it maybe good or not but I'll wait for the reviews on that game.
What, we still hating on ME3 and it has been 1 year too. Come-on guys ME3 had the best gameplay, better combat, and the MP was so fun to play. It was only the ending which was the only problem but ME3 almost won GOTY but it did won best RPG of the year.
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