The thing about EA is that they always go where the money is. Always.If PS4 greatly outsells the Xbox One, in a year or two EA will be rethinking their deal with Microsoft. Money is Money after all.
And My PC easily meets the recommended settings. I won't be picking it up because I don't like that genre of game, but my PC could handle it.
I'm glad to see she is back so I can look at her Pantyholes and if it's not too much to ask, can we get Bayonetta in?
Know what else is disrespectful? All the shit you assholes at Microsoft did between May and now. So Xbone, Xbone, Xbone and by the way, this is old news people. GS is sure is slow today.
Why in the world would they make a Mickey game that nobody ask and spend Millions of Dollars to make? Blitz games Studios was deadweight anyways.
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