If the Xbox One is turning a profit at $499, then I can only guess that the PS4 is turning a profit at $399. The components aren't all that different, and the Xbox One has the Kinect included (for better or for worse).
I think any way you slice it, the prices are fair considering they didn't increase beyond last generation (despite inflation).
I finally understand why you are posting all this microsoft propaganda Gamespot....It's funny. and you are just letting Microsoft do it's own damage against itself.
Everyone in the gaming media is way overthinking the importance of releasing one week apart. Considering the entire first shipments of both consoles are already spoken for in preorders, these dates do not mean much. What really matters is how many units they can pump out by Christmas. Hopefully a lot or some unlucky kid will be opening up a gift containing the gaming equivalent of a lump of coal: the Wii U.
It does not matter what you people say because every body is going to get Xbox and trust me, this is only in america dream Console to have for Hardcore Shooters so I don't see why people can't understand that even with all the Bullshit MS has done, you got people want this kind of system no matter what MS has done in the past. I'm getting a PS4 at Launch and I will buy Xbox One next when Titanfall comes out. [Hey I love shooers]
Nintendo exclusive games normally don't get a price drop until 1-3 years and this is not really surprising at all. I only play SMG1 but not SMG2 yet and it looks like I may never will.
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