Now remember people, Kojima is from Japan and the Japanese are into Sex appeals and big Tits so you guys have got to remember that this is part of there Culture after all so I'm not mad at him for doing this and let's be real, as long as MGS V is the best game that's all it matters right?
Japan is not the problem, it's Capcom that's bringing Gaming down and giving Japanese gaming a bad name. Even most Japanese game development admit that they are behind the Western and yes this is the truth.
Ubisoft has said that they were so focus on getting this game really good for next-gen only and I have saw all the videos for PS4 since that is the leading platform of choice and PS4 version will look good and Ubisoft has been working on that PS4 version for the most part. The curren-gen does not look that good so next-gen or PC is the way to go.
I got this bad boy Pre-order with PS4 since Watch Dogs is the leading of choice to play on PS4 Platform [PC also] but the current-gen looks like it could have been done better from the videos I seen.
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