i feel you. hope you find a good solution soon.My upgrade time has come up, and it's about time to put my old HTC Hero away (finally...).
But I have a problem when looking for phones, especially in the Android OS phones. There are a huge number phones from the manufacturers using Android OS, but it seems like in the end...None of them are properly refined to work as phones, as in, they will all have some sort of problem that will affect them immediately or make them worse in the long run.
Lets look at the Samsung Galaxy SII line of phones for example, especially the epic 4g touch (since Sprint's my provider). It has great specs, but it has awful hardware and software issues (LOS, no GPS pickup, Wi-Fi not working properly, 3G Issues, etc..). A patch has come out for it earlier this month, but people are reporting the patch made the problems worse. Of course, it has an amazing processor and a huge amount of RAM, but how does that matter if it can't work properly as a phone?
My HTC Hero for example, has a ton of problems. You can say that the reason is because it was an earlier android phone, but I had the Nexus S 4G for a brief period of time during this summer, but returned it due to the fact that is has the same exact issues as the epic touch 4g (bad signal in areas where my Hero would have full bars, freezes, bad GPS pickup, 4G connectivity was pretty bad, etc..). I use my phone a lot for managing my day, and neither phone did a good job. I always ran into issues when I needed them to work the most.
Although the Android OS is great (much, much better than iOS) the phone manufacturers really need to step up their refining of the final product. The iPhone has a smaller processor and RAM, and can run it more efficiently, and that's what matters. It's getting to the point where I may even need to switch to the iPhone 4G (I know...:x), just because the best phone on sprint is the epic 4g touch, and I just can't risk running into problems again. I rely on my phone a lot, and I can't afford to run into serious issues, no matter if it has a bigger processor and RAM. Let's not forget the consistency of updates either. It seems like you never know when your OS will be updated (my Hero hasn't been updated in a very long time because HTC just decided not to care anymore). I need my phone to work, and I need to know the phone I buy won't be forgotten by the manufacturer by future updates.
In the end, it's great they can have such great specs come out for the phones, but would you guys agree that they need to focus on a more refined product?
deleteduser198's forum posts
I received an iPad 2 for Christmas and I Currently have an iPhone 4. I was wondering how I can turn off iMessage on my phone. Let me try and explain what I mean. When I send and iMessage to one of my friends on my iPad, it show up on my phone as well. I don't want my phone to receive messages when I am on my iPad. Is there a way to turn off my email iMessage on my phone? Thanks. I tried google, but I was met with no luck. Any help is appreciated. Edit: I want my iPhone to still send iMessages between iPhones, just not have the iMessages I receive in my email to my phone. Any idea?LordsLossiMsges are supposed to be synced together from your iPad and iPhone. if you don't want to do that, just go to your iMsg settings in the settings app.
Grand Theft Auto 3
Real Racing 2
Modern Combat 3
Dead Space 1
Dead Space 2
Dark Meadow
Riptide GP
Rage HD
Just off the top of my head.
So, people may have doubtlessly seen at gamestops in Canada that they are taking trades on its devices. I'm wondering if, or where they sell these devices back. I'm sick of the POS phone I have, and if I can spend $350 for a refurb 3GS then...darkspineslayer350 for a refurb 3GS? thats way too much. You could gt refurbished 4 or 4S with that
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