my PS3 got YLOD after 5 long years of use. Its probably my own fault. I keep it wedged between my dvd player and stereo system and it gets pretty dusty down there. In anycase, I'm taking this opportunity to get an xbox, but I'm curious what the situation of the RROD and E74 crashes and such are like now? Xbox are pretty cheap nowadays at 199 so i'm eager to pick one up but I'm still worried about it giving out a year or two after I buy it. What can you guy tell me?
On a side note, what ever happened to the days where consoles lasted lifetimes? There was nothing ever wrong with SNES that you couldn't fix by blowing on it and my PS2 STILL works.
So back on topic, whats the faulire rate like on hte 360 now ?
deluxemando's forum posts
I feel like I haven't enjoyed a good game in a while so I'm wondering what you guys are up to. I bought undead nightmare a while ago and I'm working through thatt (rather underwhelming :P), andd I'm waiting for force unleashed to go down in price before I pick it up. I'm a little skeptical about AC:Brotherhood so I'm going to wait a bit on that tooo. I want to buy costumequest lol :P it looks like a fun RPG i can spend some time onn.
What about you guys? What have you been playing/looking forward to. Name me some games that I might have missed and should go back and check out?
1) The A-Team. Great action, extremely well paced and some memorable performances make this a really fun movie.
2) Karate Kid. One of those charming/feel good movies that, in my opinion, surpasses the original by leaps and bounds. Jackie Chan (for one of the first times ever?) plays a serious role and does a great job evoking emotion when his number is called. Jaden Smith is also unexpectedly convincing in what I thought was going to be a role consisting ofsome cheap kung fu tricks to cash in on an established movie.
I reccommend both of these movies.
I drink green tea because I hear it has a lot of health benefits and I find it relaxing but I when I brew it I notice's not green. It's a light brown almost yellow colour. Why is this? If I let it sit for a 5-6 minutes it will turn very brown. Is this perhaps some generic green tea that I should not be drinking?
Miyamoto made Super Mario Galaxy. Miyamoto is pushing the inudstry forward.enterawesomeGalaxy didn't push the industry forward in anyway. Galaxy didn't push gaming mechanics forward in any way. Galaxy was a slightly better version of sunshine. Don't be blind.
I don't know why anyone would want to sell any console. Unless you're going to make money off the selling... if not, why?Stevo_the_gamerBeacuse I haven't used it in months, it's taking up space, and it's better to get as much money back for it as possible as opposed to letting it sit around and decrease in value.
No one wants to hire a 17 year old :( everytime i fill out an application, there's a little box that says "Are you between the ages of 18 and 65" and check "NO" :( so im gonna try to job hunt again in a few weeks after i turn 18. Might stand a better chance.if you're unemployed and have no money i'd forget about gaming and get yourself a job first.
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