@tsakane: I think it's all in your head buddy...... nobody is getting "tense" over a list that ultimately means nothing.... well except for you I guess
@snugglebear: this game was created in teaching girls how to grow up and be that "old weird cat lady" down the street with enough cats to rival an nfl roster
@rush86: until the ps5 comes out and they say the same thing all over and this time say something like
we provide the games with 4K resolution so we now charge $20 and suckas like you will be drooling and dropping your pants to take it in alllllll up inside you.
"We are also able to add Trophies; some people really care about Trophies," he said.
Well what about the rest of us that don't give a **** about trophies!!?? Release a trophyless version and I'll buy it at $5 or maybe even $10 depending on the game
This is the same as people that were paying a $1000 for the PS3 and Wii during their launch windows when they were still rare and hard to find and then 2-3 years later realize how stupid and dumb they were for doing that shit.
It just goes to show how human nature works and how easily people can be manipulated just by having the perception that something is rare (even if that thing is shit) they start to value it more.
This tactics pretty much works with everything in life...... even when it comes to attraction and talking to the honeys. Fellas out there take notes......
demon-returns' comments