If I could play the game on the big ass movie theater screen with the surround sound I'll be even happier.
Actually I know it cost advertising money but I don't understand why more game pubs don't do this. There are plenty people that play games that don't bother going on game sites like we do, or get game informer, or watch much tv to see commercials... but for a big blockbuster movie like this you know every one and their pets, grandma and will be going to see. Great way to advertise the game
The **** is this dude talking about...... I liked Bioshock games although I'm not one of those who went all goo goo gaga over it like they were humanities savior or something.
It's not really like the market can't support both single player games and multiplayer games.
If you make a great single player game like GTA, Fall Out, Witcher, MGS, Xenoblade people will buy
If you make a great multiplayer game like..............umm..... titan fall, evolve, battlefront...... *scratches head* I guess people will buy
Now if you make a game that has both great single and multiplayer then that will be icing on the cake. However that's not an easy feat so games like that don't come around very often.
Is star wars really going to have THAT much of an earth shattering story to warrant ALL that shit? Most people only go to see light saber battles anyway...... which is funny because compared to martial arts movies the fight choreography scenes in a star wars movie is like child's play.
I like how they said it as if that price is supposed to get me off the couch with the quickness and run to the store to buy a dying a system.... oh my what a crazy world we live in these days
the fact that wario was used in thumbnail says it all..... article was meant to be for the funnys
demon-returns' comments