Anyone remember the time a season pass ment you would get all the dlc a game released ? you might have missed it as that was something that passed by really quickly thanks to companys like gearbox and thq
@shingui5 ist great for the indie's who look to publish or port games to the xbox one, but yeah, there aint mutch left of the xbox one's original desing
if xbox one preorders are doing so great according to microsoft and their retail pals, then why is microsoft so desperate to copy every move Sony is makeing ?
Sony was sure that their loyal fans would be fine with the price point of the ps3 on release, and it caused them to get outsold by xbox360, even tho they caught up now, why does M$ think this will go different for them ?
I'm not a m$ fan and i am also not a sony fan But if i buy a console i look at its power and its price point. this gen i went for 360 because of its price point over ps3 as ps3 was just to expensive for me Now i could buy either one but the ps4 is both cheaper and more powerfull
I am sure if you cut trough all the fanboy bullox there are a lot of ppl who look at the same thing as i do, and so far sony is winning us over
if the American gouverment can arrest lol players who treathen to kill ppl, could they please arrest these ppl who threaten to kill someone over patch tweaks too
@pohman @demondogx If it is hard to choose concider this, what company treats its customers the best ? as that is the one you should want to support the most if its a tie between 2 games
the most likely result will be Dragon Age winning on sales The witcher 3 winnign on quality Dragon age winning on DLC milking The witcher winning on quality updates
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