@Pilgrim117 Xbox tried, but they tried the wrong way, and thus deserved the huge customer backlash, but they cant force gamestop to give them a cute and gamestop wont, thats why they push towards digital gameing so mutch so they can bypass gamestop
yeah...whenever a company talks about dlc this early i just know to wait for GOTY edition or wait for a steam sale and pick it up i dont want to pay for being a loyal customer that buys on release and then gets milked
Like it or not but developers and publishers should get a cut from used game's Games are very expensive to make, just look at how double fine is finding that out with their kickstarter game And the biggest profiteer from retail gameing is a company that adds aboslutely NOTHING! to the game, what did gamestop do to make these games ? nothing, jet they still activly push used games and try to rack in all the profits for themself
Stop hateing on the ppl who actually make the games we love to play and start supporing them, stop being a cheap bastard just to save a few bucks and support the companys that made these great games
Yeah, dont go into bed with M$ and then complain about their policy's you choose to go for an xbox version all these complains from them show me all they saw was the cash and did no research on the way xbox works
Yeah im not suprise that THQ would have wanted to do that,(one of the reasons im glad they went bankrupt) They did a rediculous amount of dlc milking from their game releases before they went bankrupt (Warhammer,Saints row) great examples of that
Before you sony fanboys go insane again overr 700k like you did on a 8 score keep in mind that 700k got sold in US alone, who knows how mutch more got sold outside the US.
demondogx's comments