Your right, no games made in the west have women with crazy pink hair or huge tits. Or better yet, none of the gamers make nude mods for that game (Left 4 Dead, Saints Row 3) if the game dosen't already have such things in it already (Dante's Inferno, The Witcher 2, God of War). The art style you described is used a good bit in Japan made games but it's not in every game like to insinuated. If you think they are you really don't know where alot of titles are made.
I'm sorry did I sleep through the hype surrounding BF3 and Crysis 2 and how they were so revolutionary? No, I was there and that's always one of the first things said about a game here, the graphics. Graphics are important but why does it get soo much attention in the west? People (mostly PC players) ripped on Skyrim constantly about thier game engine and how they are known for making less than stellar looking games. Really?
Coming from someone who left a very dismissatory comment with nothing to say really, I wonder how was what I wrote a "foolish generalization".
I wonder how the majority of the games on XBLM are even there because most of them suck. The only PSN/XBLM game I spent any real time with was Crysis(360/PS3) and Dead Nation(PS3). I played many more but never liked them so it makes me wonder...
And you obviously don't know grammar. I do know a little about PCs and I also know gaming on them isn't for everybody unless:
1. They have more than a passing interest in PCs and how they work (me).
2. They work with them in thier professional life.
3. They have alot of money they are willing to dish out for a high end rig. You know, because nobody likes playing anything on lesser than high/ultra settings.....
Why do you and other PC "elitists" insist on insinuating that consoles are some abomination from hell? Please, give reasons with some actual substance this time and not the common "Because idiots play them" or the classic "Because they hold gaming back" BS. L8ter.
I love Steam and they are very good with prices on it. Rumor has it that Vavle is going to be making a console that uses Steam, which would be awesome as I think it could be a catalyst for decreasing these costs, not to mention probably being a damn fine console all in itself.
Funny you mentioned trading in FO:NV and getting FO:NV GOTY as an example of the awful pricing system because I did the exact same thing with FO3 on PS3. Traded her in for FO3 GOTY lol.
You are a pefect example of what western gaming has become and what we should be getting away from. Japan would be a good start, where gameplay is placed above graphics. Why don't you create your own game where you have no quests, no storyline, nothing to do but walk around and look at beautifully captured scenery?
The thing that pisses me off the most about DLC, on all platforms, is that it dosen't ever go down in price. There are sales now and then but when a new copy of Oblivion is $20 and Shivering Isles is still $30...... The DLC costs more than the base game??? GOTY editions aside, it's the same with games like COD, I don't like COD but if I were to get CoD:WaW the map packs combined would cost significantly more than the base game.
I have no problem with games going cross platform to make more money because it's the consumers that win in the end, but the DLC pricing is just plain wrong and needs to adjust accordingly.
Good god! A company wants to increase thier income on a popular product and the result is that more people win! 360 players get to play a port of Minecraft and money goes to the developer so they can make more games. PS3 players got the shaft though. MS probably paid good money for this port's exclusiveness to the 360.
I don't care who has the superior version because I can play anything cross platform on either on PS3, PC, or the 360. Why the hell would I care about who has the best version?
devastion913's comments