@PepeJeria: I tried it under the games with gold. Even now used to PC at 144hz at 1440p. It still looks pretty good on XboxOne. Of course it doesn't have the detail of the PC version but it does have active foliage like Black Flag which as far as i can tell never made it into PC Tombraider.
@Slannmage: Complete with the shimmering multicoloured lighting from the 3DFX card in 640x480 resolution. Those were the days :). I still have the original on disc on PC and have a 3DFX card in my old PC . Tried it last year and it still works.
@Itzsfo0: You might change your mind if you get addicted to the Rare Replay bundle. Just got it last night and that snapshot section is so addictive :)
I do want to get a PS4 eventually for Uncharted 4 though , so will probably also pick up the previous uncharted pack then too.
@Mogan: Not really , the combat has always been scrappy in Uncharted it was sort of part of the charm. It really did get to be annoying having so many enemies to deal with in the same location to move on though. Far worse than any stage of Gears of War in that regard.
It still has the best and most interesting bunch of characters in gaming though. Far better than Last of Us.
@merimack: It's running at 60 fps so that will assist with the aiming. Beyond that though i don't think so. They wanted the games to have the same feel as the originals. I don't have a PS4 so just going on what i have read from Naughty Dog etc.
I'll probably pick up a PS4 when Uncharted 4 comes out and get the whole collection and replay them then.
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