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digigirl555 Blog


*get shot*

Yeah, I.......pretty much deserved that, didn't I? I mean it's long since I last posted? Well let's last posted had the words "fifteen more days until Germany" in it. Germany was in APRIL....there's a vague idea of how long it's been. SORRY!

So wanna hear what's been going on in the Digi's life?

>1< I'm in college now. No lie. There is a college in this country that was STUPID enough to accept me, God bless their souls. I'm now a proud member of the Class of 2013 at Framingham State College. w00t!

>2< I have retreated further into my anti-social shell then anyone would have ever believed possible (hence me not posting here in FOREVER). It now almost SCARES me to be in the company of other humans, and I can never do it for more then a few minutes at a time. Considering seeking psychiatric help for that issue, but I'm a college student now; I'm poor

>3< Paul is, UNFORTUNATELY, still alive. I had all kindsa money saved up for an assasin, but then my mother borrowed it all. So no assassin. Sad face

>4< Um....actually there isn't really any four. I guess my life is pretty boring, huh? Oh well....


Ten things you may not know about me (and if you do, deal with it)

So I have been tagged by a certain girl named Elie101 - who will from here on out get NO cookies from me - and now I must list ten things about me that you may or may not know -- or may or may not care. Read on, victim!

1) I hate doing things like this

2) I do things like this and list my first fact as "I hate doing things like this" just for the satisfaction of having people ask, "why do you do things ike this if you hate them?"

3) I can play 3 1/2 instruments. The Flute, Oboe, Piccolo, and a eensy little bit of Piano (hence the half)

4) I'm a lefite (one day all the lefties will band together and rule the world!)

5) I am drama/trauma junkie moonlighting as a closet hopeless romance

6) Graduation CAN NOT come fast enough -- I'm ready to be OUT of high school

7)I've had a perpetual crush on the same boy since sixth grade. Unfortunately when we tried going out, we found we were better off just crushing on each other and being friends. Sad, huh?

8 )I've never been out of the US -- going to Germany in April though. 15 more days!

9)I've been writing since 4th grade

10)I have a morbid fascination with the show CSI: New York

Now scroll down for super-special fact #11


























































11) I tag everyone who bothered to come this far xD Enjoy!


wtf 0_0

What up with this new layout thing? actually checked the url to see if I went to the right site. Seriously, this is screwed up. I kind of just want to go back to the old one...


Sorry I haven't been on in so long. I'm kind of without internet at home, so I have to do everything from school. It's really suckish. Hopefully I'll get it back after christmas...I hope I will anyway. I miss it. I miss being able to come on here whenever I want to.

Anyways, just letting you know I'm not dead. And this new layout scares me. Adios ~_-



Hahaha...I just made the funniest joke in the world. As you can tell I have no school spirit. Homecoming is pretty much a waste of time to me. The last week was Spirit Week at my school, and it didn't mean much to me. Unfortunately, some jokers on the track team thought they'd force me into the spotlight; I was nominated for Senior Homecoming Queen as a joke. It didn't bother me at all. They were just trying to get a rise out me, and it didn't work. No big deal. I knew nobody as going to vote for me. I was safe. Unfortunately...I forgot to factor in that I'm easy to feel sorry for. Long story short, my friend Stephanie (who I voted for), ended up runner-up, and I ended up queen. Woo-freakin'-hoo. I wasn't sure whether to be p***ed off or humiliated. I settled for the first one -- the second is what the track team wanted. I was the victim of a lot of hugs after the rally ended. Let's see, Stephanie, Jessica, Ashli, Quinny, Eric, Marla, Shayna...I had more hugs in one hour than I did in my entire life. And I had even more people texting me and leaving messages on my facebook saying congratulations. Ah well. It's over now, and that's all that matters. I can't say I'm exactly disappointed about that. And life goes on.


Today Was...

Today wasn't Paul's fault. For once. Today was just one of those days where you're like, "Why did I get out of bed?"

It started this morning. One of my friends was really upset -- to the point where she was actually crying. I'm not going to say why -- it's personal, and that'd be a betrayal of her trust -- but it was bad, and she was upset, and I felt terrible that I couldn't do anything besides say how sorry I was, and nod when she said something that I didn't have an answer to. It was bad; she was really upset, and I felt horrible that I couldn't do anything to make her feel better. And I hate watching a friend suffer and knowing I can't do anything about it. So that was this morning. Shoulda known then it was gonna be a miserable day.

I got a 68 on an AP Psych paper. Not exactly a life-changing experience, but it sucked.

And then, just to top everything off, I had to stay at school until quarter of five. My mother had to work, and at first I was just like, "oh, okay, I'll stay with Mr. Caron (Band teacher) and work in the music library (my friend Matt and I have been attempting to organize it)." But then my mother springs it on me this morning that she had to work until four. Which meant i had to stay at school until four-thirty. Okay, not so cool with that. I ask Shayna if I can go over her house (she was staying for an exchange-party -- we had Germans at our school for the week, and she was leaving at four). She says sure. My mother says no, though, just stay at school. Okay, fine. Then she calls me at four and tells me she wasn't sure what time she'd be getting out, and to see if I can over Shayna's. But then Shayna says that I can't, she has too much to do. And by this time I'm just so sick of getting the run around from everybody, and I was in a bad mood and I just sort of...snapped, I guess. I tried to get out of the cafeteria before I lost it (it was full of people), but unfortunately Mr. Caron caught me on my way out. We went into the back hallway (blissfully empty) and I just had a meltdown. Not exactly something I want to do in front of my teacher, but Mr. Caron's very understanding. It took me a good five minutes to calm down and call my mother to let her know to pick me up at school. Unfortunately i made the mistake of doing it in front of Mr. Caron -- he didn't like very much that I lied to my mother (I told her not to worry about it when she apologized). He said basically the same thing everyone else always says -- I should tell her the truth about how I feel, and not bottle it up. Now, I like Mr. Caron and all, and I do believe he had my best interests at heart when he said that, but he has to understand what telling my mother the truth entails -- which is a lot of arguments and a lot of headaches

*sighs* So that's my life right now. I know, nobody likes listening to me whine. Well I'm sorry


Stuck at 100%

It's true. I'm stuck as a Golden Girl xD Oh well, I love that show. And Estelle Getty is amazing (RIP)

So guess what. Go on, guess. Guessed yet? Know what I'm about to say? Well...















PAUL ISN'T HERE! xD :lol: That's right. The man we all love to hate is in Old Orchard, Maine as I type. He started his vacation today, and decided he didn't want to wait to go up until Saturday afternoon when my mom got out of work. So my mom and I are going up tomorrow. He took a train today (I told my mom to leave him there. She didn't like that very much). He didn't even ask my mom or I if we wanted to go. Just decided we wanted to. Again, told my mom to let him go alone. But he's supposedly paying for everything (yeah. as if), so she just went along with whatever he said. Doesn't she realize how dangerous that is?

So yes, Paul not being here improves my mood 110%. My mom's working tonight and tomorrow during the day, so I'm hone all alone. No Paul. It's amazing. So quiet. I didn't know peace like this was possible xD

School's still going good. With Paul on vacation for all of next week, I'm not sure I'm going to want to come home


My First Day

Ha. Ahaha. last day of my first day of high school. Does that make any sense? Probably not, it's something my friends and I made up. This is my Senior year of high school, let's go with that.'d it go?

First Block: Virtual High School, otherwise known as VHS. It. Freakin'. Rocked. I signed up for an online Creative Writing class ('cause I've taken all the writing classes my school has to offer, and interned one, so I've nothing left xD). And I can already tell I'll be right at home there. I'm SO looking forward to it. The people I've met so far all seem really nice, and like me they're all really interested in writing, so hopefully that'll go okay. I'm with three friends in there: Katie, Katie, and Tanya. It'll be fun

Second Block: Honors English 12. Haha. Yeah. We had to write an essay discussing two ethical topics. I did Gay Marriage and Abortion and -- if I'm allowed to get up on the soapbox a little -- I think I did very well on it. Teacher seems nice enough -- I had her for Cluster last year, she was okay, left us to our own devices pretty much. Two friends: Catie and Corinne

Third Block: AP Psychology. Ha, ha, and ha again. You want to talk interesting? Mrs. Ferns -- the teacher -- is a nut. She gave us a test and told us if we failed we weren't allowed to come back. I failed xD But she never collected the stupid test, and anyways I think she was kidding. Either that or she was leaving it to us to decide whether or not we wanted to leave. Either way I stayed. One Friend: Corinne

Between Third and Fourth Block: This is where I got a little pissed. My guidance counselor hunted me down during lunch and told me to come to her office to work the bugs out of my schedule for next semester (I was missing my first and second classes). So, after waiting in the Guidance Office for fifteen minutes, I argued with her for fifteen minutes over the classes she wanted to put me in. She wanted me in a math class and a science class. I point-blank refused. Hate math, hate science, got the three years I needed to graduate, never want to deal with them again. But she was like, "well if you won't take math I'm going to make you take a science." I was like, "huh?" But let her do what she wanted. I ended up with Enviromental Science and World Cultures. My mom's calling tomorrow to get me out of them (I struggle in Science, I'm not going to let a class I didn't want blow my GPA. And I just don't like World Cultures).

Fourth Block: Band. Mr. Caron was cool with me being half and hour late, thank God. He knew I had some glitches in my schedule to work out, but I was still mad. We didn't do much here, it was mostly going over the handbook and getting music passed out and stuff like that. But I've taken Band every year since I started at the high school, so I know I'll be okay.

Boring, huh? Well, I think it's going to be an interesting year. I like my first semester. Now if I can just work out Semester 2 we'll be all set...


It Seems Like Just Yesterday Paul Was Ruining My Life...

Oh wait, because it was. Yesterday and the day before and the day before and today. Doesn't the man ever take a break?

So right now you're thinking one of two things: "who the hell cares, stop complaining," or "what could he have possibly done this time?" If you're thinking the first one, I suggest you stop reading now.

As for what he did: he's mad because I had a bowl of rice for lunch. He bought that rice that's in the bag and you boil it, and I had one for lunch (yes one. Count 'em, one). And he got all pissy because I'm "wasting food."He was like, "those are for sit-down meals, not snacks." And, being me, I defended myself and said, "it wasn't a snack it was lunch!" I mean, he acts like I should just leave everything for him (he's the only one that eats "sit-down meals," as he calls it -- my mom and I don't). Then he was like, "your mother can't pay me back for food, we're going to have to go easy on the stuff." And of course I'm thinking, it's your fault she doesn't have any money! But moving on. I told him if he wanted money I'd start paying for the stuff I ate (which I won't, I just wanted him to shut the hell up). And he said, "I don't want your money, just go easy on the stuff." Then he walked away, so I huffed and turned back to the computer, and he said, "be mad, I don't care." And I said, "I'm not mad," which was a blatant lie, but whatever, and he said, "Well you're acting like it." and kind of yelled, "I'm just making a point!" which is funny, because he was just making a point Monday when he yelled at me for drinking the fruit punch (which I didn't; I don't even like the stuff he bought, it tastes nasty). He always acts like everything around here should be left for him. My mom and I should just starve, I guess. He yells at me when I finish the ice-cream too, yet blatantly ignores the fact that nine out of ten times he is the one who eats most of the stuff, and I usually just get one bowl. I'm just so tired of him, I can't stand it! I can't even breathe without getting yelled at anymore, and as usual my mother's useless when it comes to him -- she didn't even give him grief for yelling at me over the fruit punch, and she's the one who drank most of it -- that's right, I got blamed for something she did. She didn't even apologize to me. I can't take it anymore. Everything in this damn house belongs to him. I can't even leave a slice of pizza from work in the fridge anymore, it won't be there by the time I go to eat it the next day because he'll have already laid a claim on it and eaten it. One bag of freakin rice...

Countdown: 15 More Days Until School Starts (not soon enough)


UPDATE: He just blamed me because there was water on the floor. Our fridge is leaking. I suppose that's my fault too

My Mom's Talking About Leaving Paul

No, she really is. I just got off the phone with her. He was supposed to give me some money to give to her (I'm like a mail-carrier) for rent, and he never gave it to me. She asked me about it while we were talking, and I told her he never left me anything, and she started flipping out -- on me. So I, naturally, told her to stop yelling at me. She actually listened. Then she said if Paul didn't start dishing out the green -- and soon -- (okay, maybe not those exact words, but you know what I mean) she was leaving him on his own in the apartment and we were leaving. I didn't say much to that (other than "where are we supposed to go?"). I know we can stay here, she can't make the rent on her own. Stupid Paul, he's ruining everything. But at least she's seriously considering leaving his sorry ass. I've never been happier! Wait, is that bad? Is it bad that I'm happy about getting rid of Paul? I mean, the only reason I haven't called the police on him (trust me, I've got stuff on him that would get him arrested in a hearbeat) is because I know my mom loves him and he makes her happy -- sometimes. Great, now I'm torn...


What's the difference between 17 and 16?

(19 More Days: Until School Starts)

That's not a joke or a pun. I'm actually very curious. The only difference I can figure out is that 17 involves more work at school. Yay. But, moving away from that.

It's my birthday today, yay! Two of my friends are coming up later, we're having a video game/anime/whatever we want to do party. It's gonna be lots of fun. Hopefully Paul doesn't ruin it -_- Well, that's all, adios
