Can you guess what this blog is about? I'll give you a hint: *cough* Paul *cough*
Did you guess Paul? Congratulations, you're right!
So, you wanna hear his new, brilliant *sarcasm* idea? He wants me to start paying five dollars a week towards the electric bill. According to him I spend too much time on the computer, and it's making the bill go up. Like he'd know. He doesn't even read the bill, he just hides it in the closet so my mom won't see it. You see, it's his responsibility to pay the electric bill, but he never does. He went three months without paying it once, I was surprised we didn't get shut off. And yet he has the nerve to tell me he wants five dollars towards a bill he doesn't pay. I wish I could tell him to just f*** off, but you know,, he'd take my head off my shoulders if I did. Jackass. Oh, and how did all this start, you wonder? I stayed up one night until 1 (AM), playing on the computer. Okay, so I shouldn't have. You know what though? A) That's the first time I've ever done that B) I'd just gotten on at 9 (PM), and hadn't been on at all, all day. And the worst part is, my mother doesn't agree with making me pay money, but she does agree with everything else he said -- and he said a lot of bad stuff. I won't go into too much detail, I'll be here all day and all night if I do (and God forbid I stay on too late), so I'll just sum it up: He pretty much said I was lazy and don't do anything besides playing on the computer. So I suppose going over my aunt's and helping with the brats --er, cousins -- and going to work don't mean anything to him. Not that he takes my job seriously. He says it isn't a real job because I don't normally work more thaneight or nine hours a week. But then, I have to remember, he was the perfect teenager *heavy sarcasm* who did no wrong, so of course everything I do is terrible in his eyes.
In more enlightening news, my aunt is still on my side. We were talking the other night when I was over there, and we were talking, and she was asked me (again) if he's ever hit me. "I don't know why I said no -- stupidity, I guess. My one chance to tell someone (somenoe who isn't reading an online blog, that is) exactly how I feel about Paul, and I blew it. Well, I'm not worried. I know she'll bring it up again. She's my aunt. She has the biggest mouth of anyone I ever know. Maybe next time...
In other news, my mom got into my account and read some of my blogs, including my rants about Paul. I wanted to kill her. I still do, actually. But I've gotten smart. I fixed it so that when I log off, she won't be able to view my blogs. Now I just have to remember to log out when I leave for the night.
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