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digigirl555 Blog

New Banner/Avatar/Personal Image

6 Days: Until my Birthday

25 Days: Until School Starts

Well, I finally did it! I sat down yesterday after my last blog and made a new banner and avatar (the personal image is something I had laying around from a while back). They feature my favorite characters from the Anime Inuyasha: Sango and Miroku ^^ I love those two so much, and they're such a cute couple. In a lot of ways I like them better than the main characters from the show. Sad huh?

So I'm going to the brats' -- er, that is to say, my cousins' -- house tomorrow, and staying through Wendsday (I never could spell that particular day of the week). With school starting soon I won't be seeing them as much, and my aunt wants them to get in as much beating as possible between now and September 4th (now, keep in mind they're 3 and 7 and can't actually hurt me. Well, mostly). xD

And...that's all. Still waiting for my stupid schedule to come in. My friend and I are talking about that right now actually. Well, we were, anyway. Now we're plotting to overthrow the superintendent, who reminds of Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter (seriously people...the similarities are scary)


The Countdown Begins!

7 days: until by Birthday xD I'll be seveteen

26 Days: Until School starts. I'll be a Senior (oh crap, I'll be a Senior *scared now*)

So, this past week Mr. Caron (the HHS Band Director) held a Band Camp. Basically what we did was practice for the Homecoming and Turkey Day Field Shows. I'm in love with our muic this year. We're doing Stevey Wonder for Homecoming (Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours, Superstition, and Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing), and Bon Jovi for Turkey Day (Livin' on a Prayer (my personal favorite), Wanted Dead or Alive, and You Give Love a Bad Name). Now, as sad it may sound, I like all those songs. I can't help it, I grew up listening to them (my mom's a fan). Don't hold it against me, please! xD Moving away from my sad taste in music. So Thursday the field we practiced on was really wet ('cause it had rained the night before; raise your hand if that surprises you). And unfortunately my shoes are really bad (well, they're old. I'm going to the mall next week to by new ones). So water got in my shoes and my socks and feet got soaked. And unfortunately, I had to sit like that all day. And all night too; I had to work and I didn't have time to go home and change. Point is, my feet got really wet. And now they still hurt because of it. Two days later. It's kinda sucky. But I'm glad I went, I got away from Paul for the day, and it was fun, hanging out with my fellow Band Geeks, plus, like I said, I love the music Mr. Caron chose. I wish it was next week too *sighs* Now I have to go do my Summer Reading Project (I kept saying I'd do it after Band Camp was over xD)

In other news, I still haven't started my new profile stuff yet. I'm going to do that right now (actually, I really am. I'm opening Photoshop as we...type)


My Vacation...


Now, I'm sure you guys are sick and tired of listening to me complain. I don't blame you. No one wants to hear anyone else whine. So I'll tell you about the good parts of my vacation (because, despite the suckishess, there were a few good things). One good thing was...



*frowns and thinks harder*

*thinks harder still*



Huh. Oh! I got to watch the vein in Paul's head slowly get bigger and bigger. That was fun ^^

*sighs* Okay, so my vacation REALLY sucked. It rained everyday, but that wasn't the worst part -- I wanted the rain. The worst part was that Paul to the weather out on my mother and I -- though mostly me. No matter what I did, it wasn't good enough, wasn't right. I finally snapped on him on the last day and told him to get off my back. Yeah. He didn't like that. But it felt so nice to speak up to him after ten years of silence

Still working on making new stuff for my profile. I'll let you know how that's going as soon as I start it


July 9th, 2008 -- 3:22 PM -- Does anyone know how to get away with murder?

Can you guess what this blog is about? I'll give you a hint: *cough* Paul *cough*

Did you guess Paul? Congratulations, you're right!

So, you wanna hear his new, brilliant *sarcasm* idea? He wants me to start paying five dollars a week towards the electric bill. According to him I spend too much time on the computer, and it's making the bill go up. Like he'd know. He doesn't even read the bill, he just hides it in the closet so my mom won't see it. You see, it's his responsibility to pay the electric bill, but he never does. He went three months without paying it once, I was surprised we didn't get shut off. And yet he has the nerve to tell me he wants five dollars towards a bill he doesn't pay. I wish I could tell him to just f*** off, but you know,, he'd take my head off my shoulders if I did. Jackass. Oh, and how did all this start, you wonder? I stayed up one night until 1 (AM), playing on the computer. Okay, so I shouldn't have. You know what though? A) That's the first time I've ever done that B) I'd just gotten on at 9 (PM), and hadn't been on at all, all day. And the worst part is, my mother doesn't agree with making me pay money, but she does agree with everything else he said -- and he said a lot of bad stuff. I won't go into too much detail, I'll be here all day and all night if I do (and God forbid I stay on too late), so I'll just sum it up: He pretty much said I was lazy and don't do anything besides playing on the computer. So I suppose going over my aunt's and helping with the brats --er, cousins -- and going to work don't mean anything to him. Not that he takes my job seriously. He says it isn't a real job because I don't normally work more thaneight or nine hours a week. But then, I have to remember, he was the perfect teenager *heavy sarcasm* who did no wrong, so of course everything I do is terrible in his eyes.

In more enlightening news, my aunt is still on my side. We were talking the other night when I was over there, and we were talking, and she was asked me (again) if he's ever hit me. "I don't know why I said no -- stupidity, I guess. My one chance to tell someone (somenoe who isn't reading an online blog, that is) exactly how I feel about Paul, and I blew it. Well, I'm not worried. I know she'll bring it up again. She's my aunt. She has the biggest mouth of anyone I ever know. Maybe next time...

In other news, my mom got into my account and read some of my blogs, including my rants about Paul. I wanted to kill her. I still do, actually. But I've gotten smart. I fixed it so that when I log off, she won't be able to view my blogs. Now I just have to remember to log out when I leave for the night.


Long time no Write

Hehe...sorry. I've been busy lately. But something happened today that I feel inclined to share with everyone, because it's the first good thing, really good thing, that's happened in awhile.

So here's what happened: I was talking with my aunt today. She was asking me about college and stuff, and how much money I have saved, and I told her how much, then added that I'd have more once my mother paid me back (because she owes me a little bit of money). When I asked how much, I told her (it's about $260, in case you're wondering), and my aunt flipped. She went on and on and on and on about how my mother shouldn't be borrowing money from me, a sixteen-year-old girl who's working one day a week. Then -- here's the good part -- she started tearing into Paul. Yes, Paul. She started saying how he should be giving my mother money instead of my mother borrowing it from me. And I, feeling inclined to defend him (because my aunt doesn't know how I feel about him, and I wasn't sure how she'd react to me saying I don't like him), I said he does help with a couple of things, and she scoffed about that, saying he should help with everything, instead of blowing his money on alcohol and scratch tickets. Then -- I loved this part -- she asked me how he treated me. I was flying, I swear. Unfortunately the annoying part of me that wants my mom to be happy took over and said he treats me all right. Luckily, I don't think my aunt believed me. Then she started going on about how she doesn't like him, and how my mother can do better, and how Paul is never welcome in her house and so on and so forth. It was amazing. I mean, I knew my aunt harbored a small dislike for Paul. But it goes way beyond that. She hates him almost as much as I do.I floated out of her house this afternoon. I mean...I have an ally. And the best part is, my mother never has to find out. My aunt promised not to say anything about what we talked about today. Bless my aunt. For years I thought she was just a loudmouth. I respect her so much more now ^^

In other news, will be changing my profile soon. I'm going Inuyasha now ^^


My Doom Doth Cometh

T-Minus: 11 hours in counting

Until what, you ask? My death. What will that be?


The Junior Prom

Hehe, okay, kill me now. No really, please do. I don't want to go. My friends are all making a really big deal about it and I'm just like "...meh"

They all think I'm nuts

The Prom goes seven to eleven, and then we're going to my friend Shayna's for an after-party that's going to last some time into the wee hours of the morning. Sounds thrilling, I know.


I really don't want to go. Wish me luck


End Of Term

Well it's that time again. The wonderful, wonderful time when report cards are winging themselves towards the homes of unsuspecting students. Not something I'm looking forward to. So far I look okay. A- in Graphic Design (I think he knocked points off because my eyes tend to wander to the 'net when I'm in this class) and B in English. But I always worry. Grades are big thing to me, mostly because I have to put up with friends who are about ten times smarter than I am, and when we're comparing grades I like to have something that actually compares. I'd also like to prove to people - namely Paul - that I'm not the total screw up he likes to think I am. But I'm worried - not so much about Band or Wind Ensemble, I'm always okay in those. More History than anything. My project and test grades in that class haven't been so hot lately. Hopefully they'll be enough to scrape me a B- though. That's all I'm asking for right now. I have a bad feeling though that it's not going to happen *sigh* At least my mom doesn't care so much about grades - I think she kind of expects me to bring low B's and C's.

*shrugs* So anyways, I'm in Graphic Design right now. We're watching I Am Legend - for anyone that doesn't know, I Am Legend is about a man - played by Will Smith - who is the only survivor of some disease that mutated all the people in the city he lives in, and he's trying to find a cure. That's the basic idea, at any rate. It's really weird so far. His dog's name is Sam. Random fact. You're probably wondering why we're watching it. The idea is to compare the effects in it to Spiderman, which we watched Friday/Monday. That's what Mr. Macedo says, at any rate. Honestly, I just don't think he wants to teach (not that he's taught me anything anyway. I came into this class knowing what I was doing).


Chillin' (for once)

Haha...I love being a Junior...all the little Sophmores and 8th graders have to take MCAS, and I get to go in for 10:30. I got to sleep late today, I didn't have to rush around...the only bad thing is that Paul's here. Oh well. Can't have everything, I guess.

Anyways, as you can tell, I finally got around to redoing my profile. Ended up making the stuff at school ( I love Graphic Design), but I still think it all came out fairly well. I like the avatar best, to be quite honest - I'm a major Kakashi/Anko shipper. Don't ask why, I don't know. Anyways, I'm off to respond to some PMs and relax some more (and I get to do this tomorrow too. Man I love not having to take MCAS again)


Happy Easter!

Hope the Easter Bunny was good to you (certainly was to me...three packs of Bleach cards XD). The only thing I don't like about it that I have to spend time with Paul '-_- We don't normally eat supper together (we're not that kind of family), but on the holidays we do. So now I'm stuck spending time with Paul. Bleh. The only good thing is I can hide in my room before and after dinner. So while I exercise my hiding techniques, I think I'll redo my profile (LyokoPhantom's Anko theme inspired me to do something Naruto-ish, so it'll probably be that).


Is it wrong to wish death on step-parents?

'Cause if it is, I'm a terrible person indeed

Backing up. Here's what happened:

We went to Salisbury yesterday into today. I didn't want to go to begin with, but I didn't have a choice. Moving on. Paul's sick (YES!!!!), and it's making him a miserable bastard (moreso than usual). So anyways, we get home today, my mom tells Paul to just take his stuff up, and we'll get the rest. I get as much as I can carry, and ask her if she wants me to come back down. She says no, so I go upstairs and start unpacking. A few minutes later my mom stiill hasn't come upstairs, and Paul starts laying into me saying, "If she had to make another trip I'll kick your ass." So I said (never mind said, I yelled), "She told me not to worry about coming back down!" and he says, "Don't raise your voice or I will kick your ass" and I said, "Well then don't threaten me!" And he says, "I'll threaten you all I want! Next time we just won't bring you so we won't have as much stuff to carry!" (which would really be just fine with me)

And if that isn't bad enough, it turns out my mom did have to make a second trip down, and he starts laying into me about being lazy and only caring about myself, and how while I was in my room I was probably on the computer (which I wasn't!) and so on and so forth, completely ignoring my mom when she says I did offer to make a second trip down. Then he turns around and says, "Well I should have just gone down myself, I'm in such perfect health."

Boo friggin' hoo. The damn man is sick. It happens to everybody. It's not like it's my fault, but he seems to enjoy taking it out on me. I mean, come on. What the hell did I even do? I offered to go down again, she said no, it's not my friggin' fault. But does Paul care? No. And what's more, he thinks he has the right to threaten me over it. No one has the right to threaten me, especially not him. He does that again...well, he better not.

Hoping your weekend was better than mine,
