@G-Corleone: ahahaha the only "defense" you have is that we are haters?! really?!
We don't hate her, we hate her review. Big difference! And not because we think 2077 is the ultimate game, but because the reasons for the grade are stupid !
If she was a guy the hate would have been more intense! people normally go easy on women.
@Bread_or_Decide: please elaborate. I really want to know what I got wrong (I'm not being ironic, i really do). If I made a mistake please point it to me.
@rowl:it is her opinion... and forgive me for having my doubts in believing someone who doesn't upgrade weapons in an RPG... Also... actually they are kinda standard in RPGs :D
politics has nothing to do with game reviews, it's irrelevant what she thinks, but that should not affect the review
I didn't say that stop putting words in my mouth!
ahahahaha "I'm not a sheep who allows reviews" nice... you showed me.
i'm not a "sheep" i just consider that someone who doesn't like RPGs should not review RPGs... (see my last sentence)! Do you think that someone who doesn;t understand RPGs can write an accurate RPG?!
There's so much to do that isn't meaningful, so a lot of it ends up feeling superfluous - so basically "it's bad because it's an RPG"
Superficial and often "edgy" aesthetic choices often have no real purpose, which makes them grating rather than adding anything relevant to the world - so basically "it's bad because it's an RPG"
The incorporation of different cultures and backgrounds is wildly inconsistent, from good to inaccurate to downright offensive - personal opinion. Politics. Has no place in a game review
The main story doesn't cohere with the rest of the game, with an urgency that's at odds with everything else - so basically "it's bad because it's an RPG"
Technical issues, from visual bugs to full-on crashes, are so pervasive that it's impossible to ignore - the only real bad thing she said about the game. And it's a fair criticism. I do agree with this being a problem. But this means a 9 maybe 8.5, not a 7!
Most of the "bad" are added there just to fill the "bad" section! she needed some reasons to give the game such a low score!
Look if you don't like the bugs, say it's buggy, give that game a 7 because it's buggy and that's it. Don't make up bad things about the game just because you want to give the game a 7!
she ignored half of the game (crafting, updated weapons, clothes shopping side quests etc etc etc) who let her review the game?! it's ok to not like RPG games, but it's not ok to review them!
dinamo4ever's comments