director13's forum posts
may i ask how you got such cool desktop effects? (specifically, the reflective CPU and RAM usage)Usually there are no icons and also Raptr is updating...
Yeah.... heavy rain was announced before the ps3 was out.kong_sevixnineI don't know if this comment was supporting me or attempting to debunk me; either way, this is what happened. A "Heavy Rain" tech demo was shown during the PS3's debut at E3 (i'm fairly certain). Then, David Cage went out a couple months later and said that he is going to make a game called "Heavy Rain" (it was his demo) Then, he laid out the foundations and motivations for his game. The whole mature, story driven, choice driven narrative/game. This is when i got interested in the game (over a year ago). At this time, he was also working with the game's engine and such not. Anyways, i remember, about a year ago (possbily more), he was reviewing his script with a Hollywood screenwriter. And that is why i said "I remember when they were still in the process of WRITING it and i already considered it a day one buy."
your a teacher! SPY! Just kidding ;) So, what class do you teach?Games always come out on test week, but since I'm usually the one handing the test out I just cackle and can't wait to get home and start playing. MWAHAHAH!
Yeah....Im broke....but....I got a interview on thursday....hopefully that'll change the gameYoung_Chartergood luck!
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