yes people seem to forget that the people who made cod what it is today jumped shit part way through mw2. They not work for EA and are doing bigger and better things with titan fall.
well thanks for an actual reply. I can see that. Its funny because I have been asking this question every year since mw2 and usually with every response its because my friends all have it too. I can understand that reason too. Im just looking for actual feeback as to why this game is so amazing to so many people.
that's plain and simple, dice actually release software version upgrades with their games with actual improvements. That is why it is pushing your hardware to the max. The difference is crazy, it makes cod look archaic. to me cod looked dated several years ago. Its just sad that developers out there are doing bigger and better things and cod is basically the Mcdonalds of video games. Crap ass burgers but they sell tons.
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