@SKaREO @bluebird08 you're in the wrong forum noob, why don't you go puke your troll crap on a cod forum or something. a game that is truly nothing more than a reskin when BF actually pushed the bar and hardware every 2 years and not annually. Ever heard of a software update? .
well said my man! and yes the BF theme music is amazing. the original from 1942 is like seriously one of my favorite songs and I love how they remix it for bf4
numbers don't lie about what:? I don't care how much it makes that doesn't mean its a good game. Mcdonalds sells tons of burgers and guess what, their burgers are shit. Justin bieber sells a lot of albums, guess what Biebers music is shit. Cod is just the coke of video games. All the mommies and daddy's know the name and have been buying it for their 12 years olds for xmas for the last decade.
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