dammit man, cant you see im trying to be nice and get this great game running like it should on this mans machine! Anyhow your rig sounds top notch. Id like to see the specs on that baby
you probably have already tried this but there has been some beta drivers released for ATI and I believe NVidia. not sure tho
also go through all the video setting with a fine tooth comb, it could be one setting your video card doesn't like. You should have zero issues running the game with your setup
Nearly the same setup but I have a 7870, and the game runs silky smooth for me. I play on a Chicago server and my ping never gets higher than around 15ms. Ive seen it as low as 5ms. I have most setting on ultra. my ram hovers right around 55% and my cpu hovers right around 60%
Ive been hearing it doesn't like 6 plus cores, its just not optimized for that amount of cpus, because it doesn't need it. I have a i7 and it utilizes right about 60 percent of the cpu.
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