I think its funny they basically ever gamer on this site saw right through that BS.
Its the kids and their parents making the purchases, so if NVidia can sell a couple cards to people who don't know any better, why not. and what better crowd to direct it towards then the cod crowd
they are definitely different types of games. I do like Planetside 2, but it doesn't offer things BF does and vise versa. since ps2 is sort of free to play, I will probably try again once they release some new planets to play on, but otherwise I will still play both.
I did like planetside 2 as well, but battlefield is just different. I haven't been on ps2 for like 6 months. have they added any new planets or content? is there a lot of people still playing?
Last night playing the physics looks like they were amped up, it was super hilarious. I would shoot a guy and he would like fly across the ground. it was actually sort of fun.
I think they are doing quite a bit of stress testing among other types of testing with the beta and people just chalk it up to bugs. IF the beta ran perfectly something would not be right.
I know what youre talking about. Ive found that if you click on a squad mate to spawn on that's when it freaks out. its almost like it shows where the points are from that particular squad mate, but if you click off him or somewhere else on the map it goes back to normal. have you noticed that?
the destruction among each point has most definitely improved over bf3. they have mixed interior close quarter style destruction with a bigger more open map. I have played well over 6 hours and Im still finding stuff that gets destroyed. If you get a chance to look at the map before it has been touched, there is definitely a huge difference from when everything is blown to pieces.
yes the building going down is player controlled. the thing is if you are holding the base you don't want it to go down fast so the other teams tickets will drop faster. so you have to really defend because people and their tanks really enjoy taking it down.. sometimes too fast. but I think they will fix that because of people complaining it comes down too easily
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