dk00111's forum posts
No, my foot,nose have been though. For some reason try turning it on with your hand in a glove and it won't turn on..[QUOTE="Fightingfan"][QUOTE="joshua2424"]
i always thought it was a heat sensor, is it not?
edit: ...
It's not heat, it uses your body to finish an electrical circuit. A cold metal spoon will work, but a hot rubber ball wouldn't. It also depends on what you're standing on. I've tried turning it on while standing on my aunts ceramic floor, and it wouldn't work.A few things here:
1) If God is incomprehensible to man, then how much credit do the descripions of God and his ways in the Bible have if they too are written by man?
2) Really, what it comes down to in my opinion, is that the reason why the Bible (and other holy books) are open to such a variety of interpretations is that it was written by man.
The bible does talk about how the world's first woman was created from a man's RIB.
You do know thats not a literal account right?
You see, here's the problem. You are picking and choosing what to take literally, and what to take figuratively. If that section is not literal, then how can we be sure that the whole bible wasn't meant to be taken literally?[QUOTE="Atheists_Pwn"][QUOTE="PannicAtack"] This. Also, it seems that he wants people to simply be trained to be good employees or something. I may be wrong but thats the vibe im getting. Purely vocational education is useless. "If they want to educate us they should put us out in REAL situations instead of throwning useless assignments at us." Just because not everyone uses calculus does not mean that people shouldnt knowitDesulated
I disgress. What is calculus's use besides engineering and science? You don't need it to count how much you need to pay for a meal.
How about the problem solving skills that you acquire as a result of it?Society should provide? works and provides for them self.LJS9502_basic/thread
[QUOTE="dk00111"]That's actually a common misconception with antivirus programs. (Most, including Kaspersky), don't prevent viruses, they only detect them when one infects your computer. Therefore, an not having a virus in years can mean one of two things:[QUOTE="On3ShotOneKill"]
Kaspersky. Absolutely the best anti-virus software I have ever used. Of course, it's pricey but the protection and detection it has provided makes up for it. I have seriously nothad one virus, trojan, or malware program ever infect my computer.And I've been using this for 2 years now; That's amazing.
1) You know how to properly use the internet without clicking on any bad links
2) Your anti-virus program isn't detecting existing viruses on your computer.
Still, Kaspersky offers really good protection, so it's probably the 1st case, but it's way too heavy for my tastes.
Kaspersky's safe run (sandbox) prevents viruses from infecting your computer. Yeah but that's the internet security version. The closest thing that the stand alone antivirus has to prevention is the link scanner.
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