Me thinks penumbra is far superior![QUOTE="dom2000"][QUOTE="millerlight89"] Well, I'm sure many including myself feel it is one of the greatest horror games of all time, and they wouldn't be wrong in believing that.seanmcloughlin
I think its not. Penumbra is worse. The controls feel awkward somehow and clumsy. AMnesia had better controls even though they seem similar. Also the enemies in Penumbra are crap. Dogs and spiders and giant worms. Plus its a lot less scary when you can kill the dogs standing on a crate with a pick axe. Amnesia was better because you had no choice but to leg it everytime you saw a monster. THAT'S true horror
Well i played penumbra before amnesia so perhaps it is clouding my judgement but it seemed so fresh, and the enemies had much more variety. And yes using that exploit ot kill the dogs does detract from the mood but i didnt do that....+ the 2nd penumbra you have no weapons similar to amnesia and the enemies did not just disappear into thin air and werent so scripted like amnesia! Amnesia was just far too predictable in my opinion to be scary...much of the ambient sound was just for show and did not signify anything at all which sucked and it basically had one single enemy which was very easy to aviod and you dont even run into it all the often! The puzzles also in general seemed easier than the penumbra seris i thought, but perhaps that was because i had prior experience with that sort of puzzle!
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