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#1 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts

[QUOTE="dom2000"][QUOTE="millerlight89"] Well, I'm sure many including myself feel it is one of the greatest horror games of all time, and they wouldn't be wrong in believing that.seanmcloughlin

Me thinks penumbra is far superior!

I think its not. Penumbra is worse. The controls feel awkward somehow and clumsy. AMnesia had better controls even though they seem similar. Also the enemies in Penumbra are crap. Dogs and spiders and giant worms. Plus its a lot less scary when you can kill the dogs standing on a crate with a pick axe. Amnesia was better because you had no choice but to leg it everytime you saw a monster. THAT'S true horror

Well i played penumbra before amnesia so perhaps it is clouding my judgement but it seemed so fresh, and the enemies had much more variety. And yes using that exploit ot kill the dogs does detract from the mood but i didnt do that....+ the 2nd penumbra you have no weapons similar to amnesia and the enemies did not just disappear into thin air and werent so scripted like amnesia! Amnesia was just far too predictable in my opinion to be scary...much of the ambient sound was just for show and did not signify anything at all which sucked and it basically had one single enemy which was very easy to aviod and you dont even run into it all the often! The puzzles also in general seemed easier than the penumbra seris i thought, but perhaps that was because i had prior experience with that sort of puzzle!
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#2 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts
[QUOTE="OB-47"] Sure some parts where scary but it the Youtube videos just overdid it.millerlight89
I've come to notice that most of you guys who say this crap judge based of YouTube....for shame.

I think he means that the reactions shown on youtube are way over the top and the game is not anywhere near scary enough to warrant them...and I agree, its clear he has played the game not just watched youtube videos of it as you are supposing.......
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#3 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts

[QUOTE="millerlight89"] Actually it was scary and many will agree it is one of the top horror games of this generation. millerlight89

so few horror games out so thats not that great. 95% of devs dont even know that gaming horror and movie horror are not the same.

Well, I'm sure many including myself feel it is one of the greatest horror games of all time, and they wouldn't be wrong in believing that.

Me thinks penumbra is far superior!
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#4 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts
half the kids here who say this gen is better, never had an SNES or N64 when they were new - FACThadoken
FACT! Do you remember the first time you played Zelda and Starfox???Not to mention Super Mario 64, Goldeneye etc etc and what have we this gen....Cod, Gears,Halo,Uncharted? Lol yea.......brilliant.....
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#5 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts
WaW just shades cod2 imo in terms of campaign. ops didnt even play out of principle!
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#6 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts
Tbh this gen sucks...other than the rise of indie developers it has no positives in my opinion. The fps genre has turned incredibly stale (now that Crysis has turned to poo Staker is the only elite fps seris left except maybe half life if they would actually make it) and most "big games" i struggle to finish! Thank God for games like Machinarium, Braid, Limbo etc to keep my interest in games alive
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#7 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts



Which is what fans of every doomed platform always say :D



All of the video game consoles that people know and love today are NOTHING like what they were when they first came out. Many people easily forget or simply were not even there to witness that they all had very similar hurdles to get through. Public adoption, publisher support, etc.

I see you have a blog telling people why you believe to be PC gamer is "worth it". That is great, good for you. Right on Adrian!

In recent years I'm sure you have noticed there has been a lot of grumbling about PC gaming collapsing and disappating. Why? Because a lot of publishers were/are getting sick and tired of their games being pirated for free when they could instead could make A LOT more money putting their games on the outdated hardware of consoles. 'Hardcore PC' gamers are a severe minority of the general human population. Being hardcore and upgrading your PC with the latest hardware is cool and all, but there really isnt very many people doing it. Developers who want to make money really have little incentive to develop games for hardware that very few people even own. Not to mention the complexities and variables in every gamers computer setup that the developers have to account for. So more games are going to consoles and less to PC. As you note in your About section of your blog, even Gamespot is turning more console-oriented because that is where there is more money/popularity.


For yet another "PC is dying" assertions.

Am I the only one who finds this chart very difficult to believe? Espically the pc/mac boxed part....$2.1 billion despite the fact pc retail is close to dying

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#8 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts

Fary Cry 2 had a boat load of problems, but I think Far Cry 1 remains one of the best shooters out there. I think I'm the only person in the world that likes it more than Crysis.

Stand proud brother... Because you're not alone. FarCry was the best FPS I played (when it came out) and crysis..... well... It's alright. Battlefield 2 still holds my #1 spot though.

Far cry...meh..only think that it has over Crysis is its much greater difficulty
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#9 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts
This is sad....i bought a Wii with the hope of a proper star fox fox 64 was/is incredible even now
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#10 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts
Crysis ofcourse its the best at everything graphic related