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A gaming blog, gaming between generations

Hi! a new blog entry for this long forgotten blog, well it's just a few more days until the release of the next generation of console (for microsoft and sony that is) and while I will be making the jump myself, it's going to be a bit weird, because I have so many games to play in my backlog (which continues to grow), for starters I got a couple intergenerational games in NBA 2k14 and Assassin's Creed IV, NBA 2k14 is what you would expect from the basketball franchise, and Assassin's Creed IV was a nice surprise because is the pirate games we always wanted, and also a solid Assassin's Creed game.

Other games that I have played recently worth noting are, obviously GTA V (which at the moment I'm not playing due to the game deciding to erase my game progress after an update), Batman Arkham Origins which I really liked but was a step behind City to be honest and a really surprise in the form of Rayman Legends which is a brilliant game full of fun and great moments.

A gaming Blog, Gamespot's update

GS has always been like my gaming mancave, where I could get around the people to talk about games, a couple days ago I tried to publish something, but I was unable to due to Gamespot changes, now I see what they did with the site and I think it's good, feels more intuitive and easier to navigate, anyway, I totally like it.

A Gaming blog, Next Gaming Generation.

Oh yes I went there, it's been a long time since my last gamespot blog, but since this si my oldest account I think it's fair I do my take on the next generation and current state in general gaming.

 Well first of all my Xbox 360 has seen a lot of gaming, I got into buying games, but haven't had the time to play them all, my backlog is in the fourtysomething, but I have plenty of varierty to play, I have finished a couple games, like FarCry 3, Mass Effect 3, Tomb Raider, Crysis 3, and I'm still on my way through in so many, I recently restarted Dead Space 3, with a friend, and well I have this deep addiction to xcom Enemy unknown, too many games and not enough time to play them, heck I even play the first Borderlands from time to time. And there is the new Splinter Cell and GTA V so theres plenty of gaming

 Well I feel like I should properly speak of 3 games, which are FarCry 3, Mass Effect 3 and X-Com Enemy Unknown.

 FarCry 3, to me this was one of the best games and my favorite First Person shooter from last year, it had the open map, a ton of gameplay options, a good arsenal, and the random factor of animals (specially predators) also a brilliant cast of characters, I bought Blood Dragon as a way to expand my experience but I haven't find the time to play in all extense.

 X-Com Enemy Unknown; this is my first approach to the franchise and I while I am not the biggest fan of Strategy games, this is a game I really enjoy, all progression and desition making, makes this game formidable, the satisfaction to clear a map in perfect condition is hardly match by other games

 Mass Effect 3; finally! got to finish the Mass Effect trilogy, after 6 years, I consider this as my favorite game series of all time, and I think my approach to the game was the best possible, since I got all the DLC beforehand and got to experience the whole game and add ons as a unique experience, the gameplay and story was great, and with so many familiar faces and plots, I felt rewarded at every step, this is the best game I have played and I guess the expanded ending helped me appreciated in the best form. Oh! and the citadel DLC is some of the most fun with digital characters I have ever had!


Anyway, there is also the new generation which I havent had time to talk about, after many news and information I decided to move to the Xbox One, I decided to get it for a couple of reasons, over it's closest competitor the PS4, first of all, the controller, I have never liked the Dual Shock I had a PS3 and never really felt comfortable with the controller and the button layout, then the games, I never liked the big exclusives of the PlayStation brand (yeah I enjoyed Uncharted, but it is way too linear for my taste, little big planet is great, but that's about it) I enjoy more the likes of Halo and Fable, there are also games coming to the XO that seem to appeal a bit more to me, and although it is a bit more expensive, I don't mind paying a bit more for the price of entry, and finally if these last 2 generation serve as an example I have been pleased with the way Xbox handles gaming.

A gaming blog 3

Hi, been another couple months, well things have been rather well for me, I just returned from a gaming hiatus (two months), since gaming stopped being somewhat interesting, but after some time away, I felt eager to play som games, so I chose a couple that had me interested, I got the mass effect trilogy, which has been good memories and I really want to play the third one, I also got FarCry 3, which is amazing and I've barely scratched the campaign, I got assassin's creed 3 which I've been playing very methodical and I'm impressed it seems really immersive, finally I got dead space 3 for co op purposes and whilst I've enjoyed the game I'm not as hooked with it than I was with the first two.

And well I'm fixing on getting Crysis 3, what's really curious is that all this games are the part 3 of their current series, and most debuted this generation, so I guess this is the natural course of a franchise over a generation, cool huh!?

A Gaming Blog, blog 2012

Hi readers of old! been a really long time since my last blog, life been a little shaken up, moved to a different place where I got myself a little distant from gaming, with little options on new games and all I guess it was easier to let go than to just get used to the limited choice of games, which I don't regret one bit due to the massive backlog I had, so Halo 4? Assassins Creed 3? Borderlands 2? I guess I will get them at some point, right now what I'm playing? Darksiders, Borderlands and Crysis, yeaah a bunch of oldies, games I knew I should finish before moving on, but then again I still have a whole lot bunch of other games I still need to get done with.

In the last couple weeks I got to 1k Dragon Age II and Skyrim, I 100% Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (had the Da Vinci Dissapearance for like a year and never played it...which is forgettable at best) and the backlog keeps on! Beyond good and evil HD, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Tooie, etc., also completing a bunch of games, like Enslaved, Bioshock 2, Fable III, etc.

And well after a bunch of games has been played and done, I'll set myself for the whole Mass Effect trilogy DLC included as I never had the time to finish Mass Effect 3.

A Gaming Blog, xbox 360 retropective III

Gears of war, was the first big name and new franchise to the current generation, the game developed by Epic nad published by Microsoft Game Studios was graphical impressive, gory and with a nice Multiplayer component, including a co-op campaign qhere the4 second player would take the role of an already existing A.I. partner, the campaign included 3 acts each divided into several chapters, the game included mostly urban guerrilla and short therm objectives.


What really set Gears of War apart from the rest of shooters was first of all the besty implementation of cover use (which a lot of games will adopt later) top notch graphics, weapons that allowed for gory results, curios multiplayer modes, a grim enviroment in the warthorn world of Sera, a likable band of soldiers roughened by the war, and a misterious yet easy to love-hate enemy in the form of the Locusts, Gears of War was the first hit on the console and it would continue to be one of the most beloved franchises.


A Gaming Blog, xbox 360 retrospective III

in March 2006 what I would like to mention as one of the first blockbusters for the 360 (the others being Call of Duty 2 and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter) The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion was the second adaptation of the series to home consoles and it did a fine job by offering a huge world filled with exploration and adventure, the game was heavily criticized specially by people who are used to play on PC, but the magnitude and lenght of the adventure was moswtly unprecedented in home consoles (aside from Morrowind).


The Game featured skill improvement as it's level base, it also had scalation on the game world so you could explore as you saw fit, smithing, crafting spells, alchemy, combat, magic, potions, armor, stealth, it was all there, a darker world called Oblivion (think of it as Mordor from Lord of the Rings) an extensive suply of quests to do and things to discover, from saving the empire to investigate ghost ships, get inside paintings, hunting for ogres. etc.


a gaming blog, xbox 360 retrospective II

Hey readers new entry today, word is if you have a first gen xbosx 360 with a hard drive you had in your hard drive a game called Hexic HD.


Hexic HD is a tile-matching puzzle game, it was designed by Alexey Pajitnov (who also designed a game called TETRIS) the obejctive of the game is to rotate hexagonal pieces, which serve to eliminate other tiles from the same color from the board, ocasionally one can create special pieces like flowers, if an allowed ser pattern of pieces is made, or sometimes the board drop colored bombs which eliminate the matching tiles from the board.


The game offers different game modes classic in puzzle games like, infinite mode, timed games, or under objectives, if you haven't tried it never too late as the game can be downloaded for free from the Xbox Live marketplace

A gaming Blog, xbox 360 retrospective 1

It?s been a while since I blogged about anything, because I haven?t played much (in terms of different titles) so I decided to make a special on the 6 and a half years of the xbox 360, I own the console since 2007, anyway I played a big part of the console library between retail, DLC, Arcade, Games on demand, and so I will touch a bit on some titles across various short blogs.

November 2005, the Xbox 360 releases with the sequel to a 2000 game, Perfect Dark Zero, as times changed, the games differs greatly from the Nintendo 64 classic, the game vanguards in the amount of moves you can use, but it suffers greatly from presentation, although the music is good, every other aspect seems lacking, the game implements use of cover, combat rolls, ADS, secondary functions, equipment, destructible armors, vehicles able to transform, etc. But it also has some ?evils? like the lack of checkpoints (that in higher difficulties makes you really miss them). The levels have several objectives but most of them are on a set route.


The Multiplayer has some good points, like the player cap of 64, vehicles, buyable weapons (in round based game modes) Bots, and variable maps; a base map is a big map for the 64 player game mode, but it has between 4-5 seeds for smaller games, these seeds took parts of the map, and moved weapons opened and closed access or exit points.

Overall is a mediocre game, that had some great ideas but lacked the polish and direction to make it truly shine, heck even some of the original features sound like something most games should have now.
