Oh yes I went there, it's been a long time since my last gamespot blog, but since this si my oldest account I think it's fair I do my take on the next generation and current state in general gaming.
 Well first of all my Xbox 360 has seen a lot of gaming, I got into buying games, but haven't had the time to play them all, my backlog is in the fourtysomething, but I have plenty of varierty to play, I have finished a couple games, like FarCry 3, Mass Effect 3, Tomb Raider, Crysis 3, and I'm still on my way through in so many, I recently restarted Dead Space 3, with a friend, and well I have this deep addiction to xcom Enemy unknown, too many games and not enough time to play them, heck I even play the first Borderlands from time to time. And there is the new Splinter Cell and GTA V so theres plenty of gaming
 Well I feel like I should properly speak of 3 games, which are FarCry 3, Mass Effect 3 and X-Com Enemy Unknown.
 FarCry 3, to me this was one of the best games and my favorite First Person shooter from last year, it had the open map, a ton of gameplay options, a good arsenal, and the random factor of animals (specially predators) also a brilliant cast of characters, I bought Blood Dragon as a way to expand my experience but I haven't find the time to play in all extense.
 X-Com Enemy Unknown; this is my first approach to the franchise and I while I am not the biggest fan of Strategy games, this is a game I really enjoy, all progression and desition making, makes this game formidable, the satisfaction to clear a map in perfect condition is hardly match by other games
 Mass Effect 3; finally! got to finish the Mass Effect trilogy, after 6 years, I consider this as my favorite game series of all time, and I think my approach to the game was the best possible, since I got all the DLC beforehand and got to experience the whole game and add ons as a unique experience, the gameplay and story was great, and with so many familiar faces and plots, I felt rewarded at every step, this is the best game I have played and I guess the expanded ending helped me appreciated in the best form. Oh! and the citadel DLC is some of the most fun with digital characters I have ever had!

Anyway, there is also the new generation which I havent had time to talk about, after many news and information I decided to move to the Xbox One, I decided to get it for a couple of reasons, over it's closest competitor the PS4, first of all, the controller, I have never liked the Dual Shock I had a PS3 and never really felt comfortable with the controller and the button layout, then the games, I never liked the big exclusives of the PlayStation brand (yeah I enjoyed Uncharted, but it is way too linear for my taste, little big planet is great, but that's about it) I enjoy more the likes of Halo and Fable, there are also games coming to the XO that seem to appeal a bit more to me, and although it is a bit more expensive, I don't mind paying a bit more for the price of entry, and finally if these last 2 generation serve as an example I have been pleased with the way Xbox handles gaming.
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