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30 Days of Gaming, Day 27

Day 27

Most Epic Scene Ever.

The end of Prince of Persia the Two Thrones

"Most people think time is like a river,it flows swift and sure in one direction..." the exact same words that opened the rilogy ended it making all games a tale from the Prince to Farah.


Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - " youre Revan"

Red Dead Redemption - Shootout at Marston's farm

30 Days of Gaming, day 26

Day 26

Best Voice Acting.

Mass Effect series.

Im commander Shepard and this is my favorite store in the citadel, anyway the ammount of dialogue and branching interactions of Mass Effect made easy to give this award, it has quality all over the game.



Red Dead Redemption

Star Wars the force Unleashed

30 Days of Gaming, day 25

Day 25

Games I plan on playing.

Batman Arkham City.

Arkham Asylum was a game beyond great for a licensed IP, and AC seems to improve greatly on the first and with the addition on catwoman and robin this just got bigger for me.

Other games I will play at some point

Assassin's Creed Revelations.

Mass Effect 3

The Elders Scroll V Skyrim

30 Days of Gaming, Day 24

Day 24

Favorite Classic Game.

Super Mario Bros. 3

****c it's what came to my mind with this game ahhhhh the good times.


Double Dragon

Street Fighter II


30 Days of Gaming, Day 23.

Day 23.

Game you think had the best graphics or art ****

Red Dead Redemption

Out of all the games I've played the scale and detail in Red Dead Redemption has no precedents, from the enviroments to the way wildlife is animated Red Dead never ceased to amaze me, also the characters are presented in realistic way which makes it even better.


Mass Effect 2

Battlefield Bad Company 2

Far Cry 2

30 Days of gaming, Day 22

Day 22.

Game sequel which dissapointed you.

Crackdown 2

look at a lazyand lousy sequel, no story, same playground (seriously exactly the same) less challenge, less personality oh Crackdown what did you do to get messed.



Turok Evolution and Turok (360)

30 Days of Gaming, Day 21

Day 21.

Best story.

Mass Effect series

after two games and the upcoming third part, the story on the series still feels engaging with every chapter adding lore and characters to the series, mass effect has to be my favorite for one thing on the big picture of the galaxy, you develop the way shepard's adventures happen.


Assassin's Creed series


30 days of gaming, Day 20.

Day 20

Favorite Genre.


From the fast paced to the tactical recon, from bow and arrows to laser weapons, from Doom to Portal, from engaging action packed campaigns to crazy MP matches, this genre has lots of things to offer nad has grown a lot.

other genres.



3.Action Adventure

30 Days of Gaming, Day 19.

Day 19.

Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in.

I love forests, and well this looks good although I'd prefer better graphics and neighbors with more things to say

30 Days of Gaming, Day 18

Day 18.

Favorite game protagonist.

1.Sam Fisher

Commander Shepard (Mass Effect series)

against all stakes and odds Shepard has proven capable of handling any situation, through the first two games Shepard is your choices and what you want him to be, still the game manages to make him a full fledged character


The Prince (Prince of persia sands of time series)