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30 Days of Gaming, Day 7

Day 7.

Favorite Game Couple.

The Prince and Elika (Ubisoft Xbox 360/PS3 2008)

One of the things going of for them is how each one depends on the other, one is the plaable character and the other is likable and helpful this was one of the things Prince of Persia (2008) got right.


Link & Midna (The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess)

Banjo & Kazooie (banjo-Kazooie series)

30 Days of Gaming, Day 6

Day 6

Most Annoying Character.

Slippy Toad.

"Fox, take this guy off me!" "Ahhhh! I'm hit" lines of that in the middle of a dog fight annoyed me to no ends, Slippy was a useless pilot, lame character and uneasy on the ears, having to save him every 2 minutes made it all worse, if it wasn't for the medals I would've let the guy die in every mission


Navi the fairy (The Legend of Zelda OCarina of Time)

Tingle (specially in Wind Waker)

Cortana (in Halo 3 at least)

30 Days of Gaming, Day 5

Day 5.

Game character you feel you are most like.

Vault dweller (Fallout 3).

it's simple he makes his choices I make mine, so we are a lot like that, to be honest, there is not a single game character that feels realistic and down to earth like puny humans, so I chose a Role Developed character.

30 days of Gaming, Day 4

Day 4

Guilty Pleasure

Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks.

this adventure hack and slash game saw the light in 2005 following the formula of games like God of War, although the game looked a bit ugly it was great fun for me to play uncovering every secret the game held.

30 Days of Gaming, Day 3

Day 3

An Underrated Game

Saints Row 2 (Xbox 360, PS3 and PC)

this game started with the wrong foot, coming a couple months after Grand Theft Auto IV was released, it met criticism in many web sites and forums, just because it was goofier than GTA IV, but I guess I enjoy a lot more goofing around and doing nonsense in a city like **** than play pool with a virtual friend who would dislike me if I refuse. Man I also love to customize everything I can.


Red Faction Guerrilla (THQ 2009)

Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks (Midway 2005)

Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts (Rare 2008)

30 Days of Gaming, Day 2

Day 2

Favorite Character

Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell series)

expected someone else? Sam is at least for me one of the best characters out there, he fels believable and has somewhat realistic skills, he has this dark sense of humor to releve the tension he lives everyday, he has evolved a bit since the first game beininthe las iteration (Splinter Cell Conviction) an angrier character that insteaad of sneaking, is predating everyone around.

Runner ups:

The Prince (Prince of Persia Sands of Time trilogy)

Leon S. Kennedy (Resident evil series)

Commander Shepard (Mass Effect series)

30 days of Gaming, Day 1

I saw this at a gamespot's user facebook page, so I liked the idea and well time for a bloggy thing, you can share your 30 days too on the comments at least!

Day 1

Very First Video Game.

Super Mario Bros. (NES)

I played this game back in 1989, when my sister got a NES on her birthday, I really remember the whole family getting around the tv to play this game, it was a good memory and a good game to start a life of gaming.

A Gaming Blog, Fall 2010

well, a couple months have passed since the last entry and I haven't felt like writing at all, but gaming has seen a few interesting releases (mostly big names) and I wanted to do a brief comments on a couple of them.

First of all we have Halo Reach; that was released 2 months ago so many people have had the time to enjoy it and make their own minds, to me the game was a pretty good and solid one, it had as many features as you can geta ll in the high quality fashion Halo has get me used to, the gameplay is the final refinement of top notch mechanics and the presentation was a good standard for this generation, I enjoyed the single player specially the A.I. which made the game pretty fascinating and challenged me in interesting ways no cheap tricks just tactics, the MP component for this game seemed a step forward in many ways, o me, it was good enough and I enjoyed as much as I can, playing with friends the bad thing came when my friends moved to the next games and well I haven't felt like playing Halo on my own, still pretty recomendable and with enough content to make you smile. Solid 9!

Medal of Honor, ahm what can I say maybe dissapointment? Don't know how to begin to explain it, first of all presentation wise is a good game, it has great audio and good graphics, but I feel like I have to od as the developers and part the review in single and multiplayer, the campaign was the best thing in the whole package, it lacked a mildly realistic story in a highly realistic enviroment, and great things, although short it was interesting and amusing, I enjoyed far more tan that of Modern Warfare and bad company games. The other side is the Multiplayer which had me with great expectations, becausei t was developed by DICE (Battlefield series) the game was a dumbed down battlefield-like game, with a call of dutyesque twist, which made it….a not so handsome mix, it took camping as the most annoying level, unbalanced weapons, and weird game modes, on the good side you have; the maps which seemed solid, and a few rewarding experiences, I never had such a hard time learning any multiplayer. 7 is the score.

Fallout New Vegas, the worst first impression I've had in this year, at the beginning I wasl ike, where is my vault, my G.O.A.T, my overseer! Why the HUD and PipBoy are exactly the same!!! Am I playing the same game? Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games, but I didn't knew if I could stand the same game again, so I was doubtful tos ay the least wheter or not give New Vegas the chance, so I played it with little interest, and doubt if I was going to be able to finish this game, I was like uhm…right, meh, stuff liek that until I started a misión in the REPCONN facility which picked my interest with the weird and out of place ghouls, from there on everything was amazing I was into this game as much as I was in Fallout 3, the NCR, the Legion, Helios 1, vault 22, everything rocked so hard I had a blast, I was 20 hoursi nto theg ame and hadn't set foot on New Vegas, so I played this game a bit more tan Fallout 3, and as son as I was done, I re started on Hardcore (you need hydratation, food and sleep, ammo has weight and stimpaks are not as effective) the only 2 issues I have with this game are, that the music was superior in Fallout 3, and the loading time to get to some places, like you appear outside of New Vegas Strip, and you have to enter a door wait for the loading, enter the common area walk to theluck 38 wait for the load, talk to victor to use the elevator and another loading time….so that makes changing equipment too long. Great 9.5.And the space suit gets a 10

NBA 2k11. The best sports game you have ever seen. 10 (at least is a 10 for a sports game)

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, so this game just came out a couple days ago so I have hardly play it, the MP so far seems solid, although I'm eager to unlock the hardcore wanted gamelist (which turns radars off) and the SP isa ll you can expect for a sequel to Assassin's Creed II, Ezio seems as awesome, Rome is the biggest playground of the series, and I have yet to see what happens, oh and Desmond seems like a mix between an asssassin and Sam Fisher. I will rate when I finish it.

Other games Ithat were release lately that I would like top lay are Fable III and Call of Duty Black Ops, but I got what I wanted the most. And in 2010 my 3 favorite games for this console had it's sequels, Mass Effect 2, delivered, fallout New Vegas expanded the wasteland and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood seem to go a great way!

A gaming Blog, IGN's top 25 xbox 360 games

Hey gamers, what's up? anything new? nothing new? have you missed me? yeah I guess not much, well I've been doing plenty of gaming lately, either way I'm not talking about it at least today, today I'm going to discuss and give my opinion on IGN's top 25 xbox 360 games so let's get to it.

IGN's list:

25. Super Street Fighter IV. It's the best fighting game out there and they really improved on the online aspects of the game so I think it deserves to be here.

24. Left 4 Dead 2. A great online co-op experience that isa ll there is for Left 4 Dead making it as fun and unique as it gets.

23. Splinter Cell Conviction. The single player for this game is amazing really impressive to see Sam Fisher as angry and tough

22. Batman Arkham Asylum. It captures the essence of the carácter and the comic books it is based on.

21. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. I think it should be ranked higher just for the nline experience it is.

20. Gears of War. In it's time it was groundbreaking in the graphics department, it still is impressive and unique in ti's own way.

19. FIFA 10. The best edition to date, still I'm not a big fan of the series….but my brother is.

18. Dead Space. Gory, and scary, one of the great games of 2008 it is a shame I never really enjoyed the Dead space experience

17. Halo Wars. The RTS gameplay was well adapted to the Xbox controller and it was interesting the downside, the small max units poblation.

16. Assassin's Creed II. The biggest and most complete adventure to experience this Gen assassinations, scheming and development isa ll you'll find in this awesome game

15. Forza Motorsport 3. The ultímate experience for car lovers, I'm not a car lover, but I am a real fan of Forza Motorsport 3 the game is huge in every aspect.

14. Alan Wake. I have yet to try it all gameplay videos and fórum commentarys seem to be that of a worthy product

13. Halo 3 ODST. I like ODST don't get me wrong but it has nothing to do against games like Modern Warfare 2 or Forza 3, as it is a really small package

12. Rock Band 2. I haven't experienced thsi one, bbut I've played the Beatles Rockband which game me an insight of the social experience Rock Band is, lesson : the mroe friends, the more fun.

11. Borderlands. The perfect mix between a FPS and an RPG with the combat and looting of both genres is unique graphics and co-op component.

10. The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion. A big world full of dantasy and stuff to do you can drift away from the main story line and have hours oupon hours of stuff to do, exploring and fighting all around cyrodill is a rewarding experience.

9. Grand Theft Auto IV. The most polished modern Sandbox game out there not my favorite sandbox game but I recon the quality in this game as it is full of details ,and the euphoria motor makes the characters reactions awesome.

8. Bioshock. The travel to rapture was a great experience, the setting the characters the art direction, the horror all these made Bioshock a one of a kind game, powers and guns never seemed so awesome.

7. Mass Effect. The most epic, huge and polished game out there, great in all fronts, and it was great to shape the galaxy with your desitions

6. The Orange box. Each of his 5 parts are great, fuse them together and you get a game for everyone who is a bit into shooters.

5. Halo 3. Pure awesomeness online, the features in this game made it hard top ut it away

4. Red Dead Redemption. This game is something you have to experience, the realism the depth, and all the details in the game world made this one of the best games in 2010 and John Marston is a hell of a character, and the ending…oh the ending

3. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. Call of Duty 4 made the big step and became a standard for modern day shooters, the unlocks and gameplay are top notch great all around experience.

2. Fallout 3. If a game had a personality Fallout is like a goofy commander, pure awesome all around the capital wasteland you can find things to do or experience, each character a chance to laugh or get into the urge fo survival in the wasteland

1. Mass Effect 2. Does it get any better tan Mass Effect? Yes mass effect 2 polished the game and isway too ambitious character development, audio, presentation, gameplay all of this made it memorable, and as awesome as it gets

So what do you think of IGN's top 25? agree? disagree? I'll give my own next blog

A Gaming Blog, When Love and Hate Collide

hey readers, another blog this week ain't I awesome? this entry of the blog will cover some annoying issues, namely Multiplayers that are unplayable, for various reasons of coure this blog is sponsored by Red Dead Redemption's Multiplayer

Gears of War: the game looked awesome and was gory as hell what could possibly go wrong here? online coding, the MP was full of details that I'm sure the developers never tought of, people would use a shotgun over an assault rifle anyday in this game, you use any other than that and you're a noob (this is not the games fault) but they overpowered the shotgun which made the game loss a lot of the tactical gameplay, the host advantage and the glitches made this nearly unplayable for me. How many times did I started shooting the host only for him to turn around and shoot me as easy as it gets.

Rainbow Six Vegas: I love this game but in the first part you could only join custom matches which was not that bad...unless the host decided that you didn't have the adequate rank or connection to play in his match and kicked you out of it, I'm from Mexico so I don't have a wondeful connection, so I got kicked of 60% of the matches I joined, sad thing is I was pretty good at the game

Lost Planet: lag made japanese players nearly unkillable enough said.

Army of Two: talking about unplayable, Army of two has to have one of the owrst codings I have ever seen on xbox live, the lag in this game was extremely troublesome, I tried to play around 40 matches of which I could only finish 2...2 matches! if one players quitted the game was over for everyone else, lag was insane!

Halo 3: what is doing Halo 3 here? well the main reason for this is the desition by bungie to make most playlists only available to those who have all the content, I used to have the Mythic disc that came with ODST but I don't know where is it, so I can't play anything but Lone Wolves and Team slayer, too bad I really liked Halo 3.

Gears of War 2: it has to have the wors matchmaking of any AAA game, I don't know (nor do I care) if they fixed this but the matchmaking and the lag was too much to bear, so I quitted GoW...again.

Saints Row and Saints Row 2, once again lag made both ths game pretty hard to enjoy at least multiplayer wise. too much lag it could take forever to kill someone.

Red Dead Redemption: oh mn this game is so good even the multiplayer is enjoyable, but there is one huge huge error that keeps happening to me in this game (and I'm not the only one that suffers from this) whenever I try to join a match the loading screen apperas and stays there for around 2 minutes then a messsage appears that I was disconnected of the match (what match?) because I had trouble connecting with other players (which players?) then the loading screen again, the message again and so on, until it puts me in a free roam myself, why on earth would I like to play alone multiplayer???