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A gaming Blog, Gaming 2010 ouch!

so here it is the blog, I own some stuff to my GS friends and I'll deliver evntually, between the bunch of excuses I will use are: it is too cold, I'm visiting my dad periodically, Im painting a Car in Forza with all my creativity, I'm saving Ferelden, I've watched a lot of movies and...Im lazy but hen again Im a gamer so in a gaming the best excuse (this revelation oof my being a gamer was a pain to admit)so without more delay I present the 2010 game list, which will lead me to a financial crysis, get single again and the national bank to search for me. Here is the lineup (as best as I can remember) and I dont want every game but someone else does.

Crackdown 2 (must have eventually) Max Payne 3 (don't know a thing about the series excpt for the movie)Red Dead Redemption(this one Im watching very closely) Battlefield Bad Company (must have on month one) EA sports MMA (maybe) FEZ (interesting maybe also) Deus Ex 3 (not confirmed on 360 but I bet it will and..I'll get it) Dead Rising 2 (someone is hyped for this) Super Street Fighter IV (if it is released in $40 I'll have it) Brink (interesting get it when cheaper) Alan Wake (maybe) Majin the fallen realm (not too fond of the premise but let's see anyway) Fallout New Vegas (it might come out in 2010 and if it does, is a must have) Just Cause 2 (get it when it is cheaper) R.U.S.E. (i know ertain military guys that have their eyes on these) Earth Worm Jim (some people love nostalgia on XBLA) Resonance of Faith (JRPGs have a enough fanbase to want it) Dead to Rights retribution (enjoyed the first, this is a maybe) Kane & Lynch Dog days (someone lmight want this) Tecmo Bowl (what didi I say about nostalgia?) Alien Colonial Marines (it might come somethime in 2010) Aliens vs Predator ( I might want this when cheaper) Darwinia (XBLA strategy for the people) Capsized (platforms on XBLA hope is the new Braid) I am Alive (I want this so bad) Enslaved (it might get my attention) Army of Two the 40th Day (I will have it eventually) Split/Second (arcade racing is always welcome) Inversion (gravity and shooting sound entertaining..maybe) Spelunky (from PC to your XBOX360) Mafia 2 (sounds good to me) Fable III (must have for me) Perfect Dark (reamstered classic on XBLA) Zeno Clash Ultimate Edition (weird weapons in weird world might be the next Earth Worm Jim) Darksiders (for your God of War needs) the Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom ( mmmm weird and funny stuff) Skate 3 (if someone still cares about skate)Bayonetta (highly praised, just not my style) Blur (for more arcade racing) Crysis 2 (a must have eventually) Sega all star racing (if it is anything like mario kart 64 count me in) Final Fantasy XIII (for those who love JRPGs and gaming) F1 2010 (Formula 1 on xbox360 sounds good to me) Alpha Protocol (I might want to get it) Dante's Inferno (for more God of War needs) project Natal and related stuff

my heavy hitters and day one purchases: Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, Halo Reach, Kindom Under Fire 2, Bioshock 2

that is in the xbox 360 alone

the owners of a PS3 and a Wii will be able to enjoy games like God of War 3, heavy Rain, the last guardian, Metroid another M maybe the next Zelda this alone without any of the E3 announcements for the year so what do you think of all this?

P.S. I wanted to add some images but the post option is not working properly

A Gaming Blog, Christmas is away

well christmas is away and I got some cool and unrelated to games stuff which included:

Rado Watch

a Michael Jordan Statuette, from the slam Dunk Contest

Lego Pirate ship

Ray Ban sunglasses

and that's it.... so it was an ok christmas but my gaming had to get something new and fresh so after christmas I starting making my mind to give something for myself so..I bought for my gaming stuff


I wanted to get borderlands, but I couldn't find it anywhere

I hope you get better Dad

Right now my father is having a surgery in the intestin, is pretty serious and there are too many things in my mind about it I only want to give him te best of him and for him to know that all of me is going to be with him

Love you Dad

A gaming blog, best of the industry in 2009/2008

My beloved readers!, how are things going? getting ready for christmas? need a little of a gaming blog to feel easy the rest of the week? so, I've meant to write a best of the year blgo special for a year now, and since I'm still playing some tekken to write a worthy entry for fighting games, I decided to do it right now, I will have some good categories, other completely useless, and since I left 2008 without a best of the industry, I'll recap 2008's games, ok, first of all, I'm nly writing about games I have played and since I only own a 360...(and I have unlimited access to a wii) Im only writing about those. Sorry PS3 users I can only say: Uncharted 2 looks amazing, I've only played like an hour of it, Killzone 2 couldn't hold my interest and Little Big Planet is the first game I would get if I get a PS3

Best Story:

2009 winner: Assassin's Creed II; interesting enough, use of real people of the era, and a huge conspiracy.

honorary award: Resident Evil 5; not many good stories out there this year

2008 winner: Fallout 3.

Best Character

2009 winner: Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed II); interesting, with a human side, while still being cool enough as an Assassin.

honorary award: Soap McTavish(Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2); he was the best part of MW2 campaign, and well improved the role of captain in Call of Duty

2008 winner: Tyson Rios & Elliot Salem (Army of Two) tie with Starkiller (Star Wars the Force Unleashed)

Best Campaign

2009 winner: Batman Arkham Asylum; a good enough story good boss battles, and a metroidesque way to advance in the story made this amazing!

honorary award: Assassin's Creed II: the game was huge enough but could have used a bit more of scenario varietty

2008 winner:tie Fallout 3 & Battlefield Bad Company

Best Graphics

2009 winner: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: it has an incredible level of detail in everything, to characters, to weapons and enviroments, a secial mention to soap McTavish model in the "Cliffhanger" mission

honorary award: Resident Evil 5; the graphics in this one were impressive, specially in the Sheeva character model

2008 winner: Far Cry 2

Best Art direction

2009 winner: Street fighter IV; the style of every fighter is unique and it has enough animation to make them feel the pain

honorary award: Halo 3 ODST; the Halo universe became richer with this "expansion"

2008 winner: The Prince of Persia

Best Sound

2009 winner: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2; every bullet, every explosion all seems so powerfull in this amazing presentationwise game

Honorary award: Batman Arkham Asylum; voice acting was good enough to even onsider it, and add to that the solitary music!

2008 winner; Fallout 3

Best Weapon (funny category right?)

2009 winner; Nano rifle (Red Faction Guerrilla) surprisingly good against everything, name it, buildings, people, vehicles

Honorary honor: Alex Mercer ([Prototype]); this guy here is a person of mass destruction

2008 winner: Fatman (Fallout 3) mininukes for the win

Best Multiplayer

2009 winner: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2; I'd say right now the ultimate Multiplayer Experience there is something for everyone here

Honorary honor: Red Faction Guerrilla; well balanced, quick pace, destructible enviroments, unique abilities make tis one an instant winner

2008 winner: Rainbow Six vegas 2

Best sequel

2009 winner: Assassin's Creed II; it improved far too much from part 1 and is full of details and gameplay mechanics

Honorary honor: Street Fighter IV; a blast from the past adapted to this decade.

2008 winner: Far Cry 2

Best adventure game

Batman Arkham Asylum; great use of a license and with the exact ammount of durability and great gameplay

honorary award: Shadow Complex; good game and there was not enough games for competition

2008 winner: Star Wars the Force Unleashed

Best Shooter

2009 winner: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2; keeps things interesting enough after a month of playing it

honorary award: Halo 3 ODST; the campaig was good enough and firefight was a nice add into the mix, I've played it for hours with my girlfriend

2008 winner: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Best RPG

2009 winner: this space is open for Dragons Age Origins

Honorary award: and this one for Borderlands

2008 winner: Fallout 3

Best Fighting Game

2009 winner; Street Fighter IV: great game all aroun online runs smooth and plenty of honorable players

Honorary award: Garou Mark of the Wolves; pure 2D era greatness

Best Open World game

2009 winner: Assassin's Creed II; I've said a lot of it

Honorary award: Red Faction Guerrilla; a lot of stuff can't be said about this game, there is a lot of unnamed tuff in this one

2008 winner: Saints Row 2

2008 winner: Smash Bros. Brawl

I never expected this game to be good

2009 winner: Batman Arkham Asylum; liensed games you know...

2008 winner: 007 Quantum of Solace; currntly playing this one and is far more solid than I imagined (Call of Duty lightheart version)

Sandman's game of the year:

2009 winner: Assassin's Creed II

almost but not it: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, Street Fighter IV.

2008 winner: Fallout 3

almost but not it: Far Cry 2, Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

this is it, this 2 years have a lot of great games, specially 2008, many great games were left aside to give place to well known or deserving onesnext year starts strong, with sequels to personal favorites such as Mass Effect 2 (candidate for my favorite game ever) Splinter Cell Conviction, Bioshock 2, Halo Reach, Kingdom Under Fire 2 sounds great to me

and also games that look way better than their half good prequels as Just Cause 2 and Army of Two the 40th day (Sandman greatly aproves the demo)

and also new IPs such as Dante's Inferno.

Answer to Sandman's Challenge

ok, from bottom left to top right

Shang Tsung (MK) Scorpion (MK) Sub-Zero (MK) Shinnok (MK Mythologies) Shujinko (MK6) Kai (MK4) Kung Lao (MK2) Quan Chi (MK Mythologies) Reiko (MK4) Kabal (MK3) Kano (MK) Cyrax (MK3) Sonya (MK) Jarek (MK4) Striker (MK3) Rain (MK3) Ashrah (MK6) Sindel (MK3) Kitana (MK2) Johnny Cage (MK) Liu Kang (MK) Reptile (MK2) Baraka (MK2) Raiden (MK) Kenshi (MK5 DA) Li Mei (MK5) Dairou (MK6) Sareena (MK Mythologies) Tania (MK4) Darrius (MK6) Noob Saibot (MK3) Smoke (MK3)Nightwolf (MK3) Ermac (UMK) Mavado (MK5) Kobra (MK6) Kira (MK6) Fujin (MK Mythologies) Frost (MK5) Havik (MK6) Jax (MK2) Bo' Rai Cho(MK5) Hotaru (MK6) Drahmin (MK5) Mocap (MK5) Mileena (MK2) Jade (MK3) Sektor (MK3) Hsu Hao (MK5) Nitara (MK5) Onaga (MK6) Kintaro (MK2) Shao Khan (MK2) Goro (MK) Sheeva (MK3) Moloch (MK7) Blaze (MK5)

however there are 4 characters missing in the picture: Chameleon and Khameleon, and the main characters on Mortal Kombat Armageddon Dagon and Taven

A Gaming Blog, Fighting Games special part 1

Hey readers! new week, new blog, new useless stuff, how are things going on the gaming world? well recently I borrowed my girlfriends Wii just so I could play Super smash Bros. Brawl in peace, and well if I have to give it a score and an overview, the game is a solid 9, plenty of game modes and content, and well the same mindless fun, and here we are making a blog entry dedicated to fighting games, why? becaue I can, and I want, I'll name some of the major franchises and differences between it and other games and maybe I'll name a few more underground.

Street Fighter: the series that put the fighting genre in the map, whit one on one fights, life gauges, powers, and the most famous cast of all fighting series, it is the only game to blame for the boom! of arcades in the early 92's and has created lots of iconic content

Main entries in the series:

Street Fighter,Street Fighter II, Super Street Fighter II, Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Street Fighter EX, Street fighter 3 and Street Fighter IV

Best game in the series: Street fighter II; who has not played or seen this game in the past back in 1992 it was all about mastering those moves, and chalenge whoever was playing in the arcade

other notable games: Street Fighter 3; 2-D fighting at it's best. Street Fighter IV; Street Fighter II reimagined and with new mechanics

Worst in series: Street Fighter EX...Street Fighter was not meant for 3-D, if we imagine Street Fighter the movie ever existed

why is everyones biceps are bigger than their heads?

The King of Fighters: SNK created a series that rivaled Street Fighter in popularity with some big changes it included charcters from other SNK games (Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, Ikari Warriors) and it introduced the team battles the game was a 3 on 3 match in the first entry with settd teams, and in later one it would let you create your own, it used a lot the supers, ultras, and evasive maneuvers

Main entries in the series:

KoF '94, KoF 95. KoF '96, KoF '97, KoF '98, KoF '99, Garou Mark of the Wolves, KoF 2000, KoF 2001, KoF 2002, KoF 2003, KoF XII, KoF XIII, KoF Maximum Impact

Best game in the series: The King of Fighters 98: it was a best of...from the past entries, all characters were included some in more than one version, gameplay was balanced and you could customize your offense

other notable games: Garou Mark of hte Wolves;although a Fatal Fury game Garou was set in the King of Fighters storyline and was SNK's answer to Street Fighter 3,

King of Fighters '99: it introducd 3 on 3 battles and 1 striker per team, gameplay changed heavily on this entry

Worst in the series: King of Fighters XIII just no enough ontent less characters with less powers....a shame

and SNK is nominated for the game with the most girly male characters

Mortal Kombat: Midway decided to do a more violent approach to the fighting genre, they are the responsibles for the creation of the ESRB and have created one of the best storylines and richer universes in fighting games, it has the best character design (in my opinion) and intrroduced the Fatality!

Main entries in the series:

Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal Kombat 3, Mortal Kombat 4, Mortal Kombat 5 Deadly Alliance, Mortal Kombat 6 Deception, Mortal Kombat Armageddon, Mortal Kombat vs DC universe, and 3 spin offs: Mortal Kombat Mythologies Sub-Zero, Mortal Kombat Special Forces and Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks

Best in the series: Mortal Kombat 2; its the favorite of most MK players, it had a balanced roster and was more agile than the first one, it lacks the useless stuff added in later entries

other notable games: Mortal Kombat Deception: it was the best 3 D game of Mortal Kombat, with a balanced gameplay and incredible deep on the combo making.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy: a recap of the firt 3 MK games with all the roster

Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks: althouhg an action/adventure game, the Multiplayer mode putted two players facing each other in a open 3-D stage

Worst in series: Mortal Kombat 4; broken tons of spammin made this mortal kombat one to forget about

Sandman Challenge: tell me the name of all the characters in the picture...I know who all of them are

well this is it for today, sometime this week part 2, with series like tekken, soul calibur, virtua fighter, smash bros., killer instincts, capcom vs, and some sole fighters that impressed me

A Gaming Blog, Sandman's countdown V.2

Almost a year and a half I made my first top games and well much has moved since that day appreciation of most games and a revision of mot of them the list has moved a lot, I will just post the game and nothng more no comments or else

Top 5 sandbox games

1. Saints Row 2 (x360)

2. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (xbox)

3. Red Faction Guerrilla (x360)

4. The Godfather (xbox)

5. Ultimate Spiderman (xbox)

Top 5 Adventure games

1. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (n64)

2.The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (nGC)

3. Assassin's Creed II (x360)

4. Prince of Persia the Sands of Time (xbox)

5. The Legendo of Zelda the Wind Waker (nGC)

Top 5 RPGs

1, Mass Effect (x360)

2. Fallout 3(x360)

3. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic(xbox)

4. Fable the Lost Chapters(xbox)

5. The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion(x360)

Top 5 Platform games

1. Super Mario World(snes)

2. Super Mario 64(n64)

3. Banjo- Tooie(n64)

4. Mirror's Edge(x360)

5. Banjo-Kazooie(n64)

Top 5 Action Games

1. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory(xbox)

2.Resident Evil 4(ngc)

3. Resident Evil 2(n64)

4. Star Wars Battlefront 2(xbox)

5. Star Fox 64(n64)

Top 5 fighting games

1. Super Smash Bros(n64)

2. Mortal Kombat Deception(xbox)

3. Street Fighter IV(x360)

4. Super smash Bros. Melee(ngc)

5. Virtua Fighter 5(x360)

Top 5 FPS

1. Rainbow Six Vegas 2

2. Goldeneye 007

3. Bioshock

4. Metroid Prime

5. Modern Warfare 2

Top 10 games of all

1. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

2. Mass Effect

3. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

4. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

5. Fallout 3

6. Super smash Bros.

7. Resident Evil 4

8. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

9. Rainbow Six Vegas 2

10. Assassin's Creed II

Finished games list

Inspired by vashkeys blog (I would've put a link but just change the word doubalfa for vashkey in your browser) I decided to enlist all the games I hve finished in my gaming career, well and I consider finish a sports game when you end the season and win the champsionship

  • Super Mario Bros 3 (NES)
  • Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers (NES)
  • The Legend of Zelda II Link's Adventure (NES/GC Re-release)
  • Double Dragon 2 (NES)
  • TMNT 2 (NES)
  • Super Mario World (SNES)
  • Super Punch Out! (SNES)
  • Super Metroid (SNES)
  • TMNT Turtles in Time (SNES)
  • TMNT Tournament Fighters (SNES)
  • The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past (SNES)
  • Death and Return of Superman (SNES)
  • Batman Returns (SNES)
  • Mega Man X2 (SNES)
  • Super Mario Kart (SNES)
  • Star Fox (SNES)
  • Super Mario 64 (until noticed all games are on the nintendo 64)
  • Wave Race 64
  • Pilot Wings 64
  • Mortal Kombat Trilogy
  • Mario Kart 64
  • Star Fox 64
  • Goldeneye 007
  • Banjo-Kazooie
  • Fighters Destiny
  • The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
  • Turok 2 Seeds of Evil
  • F-Zero X
  • Hybrid Heaven
  • FIFA World Cup 98 (won the world cup)
  • Mortal Kombat Mythologies
  • Mortal Kombat 4
  • Superman 64
  • Diddy Kong Racing
  • Deadly Arts
  • NBA Courtside 2 (won NBA champsonship)
  • Mario Party
  • 007 The World is not Enough
  • Killer Instinct Gold
  • The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
  • Turok 3 Shadows of Oblivion
  • Cruisin' USA
  • Super Smash Bros.
  • Resident Evil 2
  • Perfect Dark
  • Jet Force Gemini
  • Banjo-Tooie
  • Castlevania 64
  • Castlevania Legacy of Darkness
  • Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
  • Star Wars Rogue Squadron
  • Forsaken
  • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee (from here on Game Cube titles till further notice)
  • Star Wars Bounty Hunter
  • Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2 Rogue Leader
  • Star Wars Rogue Squadron Rebel Strike
  • Resident Evil 0
  • Resident Evil
  • Resident Evil 4
  • Capcom vs SNK 2 EO
  • Turok Evolution
  • Dragon Ball Z Budokai
  • Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2
  • True Crime Streets of L.A.
  • NBA 2k3 (NBA Champion)
  • NFL 2k3 (NFL Champion)
  • Mario Kart Double Dash
  • Mario Strikers
  • The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker
  • The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
  • Metroid Prime
  • Star Fox Adventures Dinosaur Planet
  • Star Fox Assault
  • F-Zero GX
  • Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
  • Soul Calibur II
  • Medal of Honor Frontline
  • 007 Agent Under Fire
  • 007 Nightfire
  • Naruto Clash of the Ninja
  • Enter the Matrix
  • Batman Dark Tomorrow
  • Eternal Darkness
  • Dead or Alive 3 (XBOX)
  • Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance
  • Mortal Kombat Deception
  • Mortal Kombat Armaggeddon
  • Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks
  • Project Gotham Racing 2
  • Need for Speed Most Wanted
  • NBA Street V3
  • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
  • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
  • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
  • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent
  • Prince of Persia the Sands of Time
  • Prnce of Persia Warrior Within
  • Prince of Persia the Two Thrones
  • Far Cry Instincts
  • Far Cry Instincts Evolution
  • Jade Empire
  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II the Sith Lords
  • Star Wars Republic Commando
  • Star Wars Battlefront
  • Star Wars Battlefron 2
  • Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith
  • Doom 3
  • Black
  • Halo 2
  • Call of Duty Big Red One
  • Tomb Raider Legend
  • X-Men Legends 2
  • Marvel Ultimate Alliance
  • Ultimate Spiderman
  • Justice League Heroes
  • Castlevania Curse of Darkness
  • Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
  • Fable
  • The Godfather
  • The Lord of the Rings Return of the King
  • The Lord of the Rings the Third Age
  • WWE Wrestlemania 21 (career mode "road to Wrestlemania")
  • NCAA Football 07 (all 4 seasons of superstar mode)
  • FIFA World Cup 2006 (Won the World Champion)
  • Kingdom Under Fire Heroes
  • Shenmue 2
  • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas (XBOX 360)
  • Halo 3
  • Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
  • Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
  • Bioshock
  • The Orange Box
  • Turok
  • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
  • Halo 3 ODST
  • Unreal Tournament 3
  • Far Cry 2
  • Far Cry Instincts Predator
  • Left 4 Dead
  • Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
  • Mirror's Edge
  • Gears of War
  • Gears of War 2
  • Lost Planet Extreme Condition
  • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent
  • Army of Two
  • Bourne Conspiracy
  • Resident Evil 5
  • Dark Sector
  • Star Wars the Force Unleashed
  • Marvel Ultimate Alliance Gold Edition
  • Devil May Cry 4
  • Batman Arkham Asylum
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Assassin's Creed 2
  • Saint's Row
  • Red Faction Guerrilla
  • Crackdown
  • Saint's Row 2
  • Fallout 3
  • The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion
  • Mass Effect
  • Fable II
  • Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts
  • Tomb Raider Legend
  • Tomb Raider Underworld
  • Prince of Persia
  • Lego Star Wars II the Original Saga
  • Street Fighter IV
  • Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
  • WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007
  • FIFA 10 (Be a Pro Season)
  • Project Gotham Racing 3
  • Pokemon Fire Red (GBA)
  • Quake 3 Arena (PC)
  • Unreal Tournament (PC)
  • Doom (PC)

And if I'm not mistaken it' 180 games, I tought I woud be way lower than this

A gaming blog, Das Achievement Unlocked pt. 2

Hey reades! another week another blog, yeah I know I always do this, say away from my blog a couple of months then back in full force, then away, then back, then away, then back, then away, then back...enough with the gag right now i'm in the back process so what should I disscuss today? mmm tough one, I just had this idea, since I responded to a thread about 1000/1000 game completion, I finished Assassin's Creed 2;s 1000 points and I owe you a pt. 2 achievement blabery I'm making a small entry on my game completions and some random stuff on it.

First of all a few lines to comment on the dark side of things....boosters, when someone destroys the experience of a multipayer game to everyone el se on the match to have an achievement is something that I found incredibly irritating, there are web pages, forums and whatnot dedicated to achievement hunting, so why not make parties to get achievements? yesterday I was helping a couple buddies getting one. So why not let everyone enjoy their games and do your stuff with people that will enjoy that too? if you played Halo 3 around October of 2007 you surely suffer from constant matches with 2 or 3 people boosting an achievement. It was annoying.

Other thing I can comment on is people getting sh!tty games...I find no wrong in that if they enjoy getting achievements more than gaming let them be, don't complain, maybe you're angry because your jealous that they are rising their gamerscore and you are stuck in the same 15k, I don't know the reasons, Me? I woudln't play something I dislike to get some quick points, a friend of mine told me to play Terminator Salvation but I was like nah, I better play something worth of my gaming time. I have proudly around 40k right now and it all comes from games I wanted or recommendations, so let's see how Sandman is doing in the achievement department.

first the games I have completed 100% (according to my xbox)

Assassin's Creed; which was 2 solid playthroughts and 9 hours finding flags, must say are you insane, I can only smile and say, what can I say I love parkour and killing enemies with the most fancy swordplay I can do (no counter) obviously I had a lot of trouble finding the flags, but what I did was a square per square total research.

Assassin's Creed 2; this was way easier than the first one, without trying I finished the gme with a solid 910G so I made my way finding 30 feathers I was missing, hiring all courtesans I crossed with, and well I tried to hard to sweep guards,sunday I got to finish 1 guad without taking damage (smoke bombs :D) it was way easier than the first one, still enjoyable

Batman Arkham Asylum; I enjoyed this game a lot and the achieements weren't too hard there were two that you have to really try them to get them; Party popper and Mano a Mano, they require you to handle some situations in specific ways, the riddler challenges were pretty easy just finding a map and the challenges, were way harder than I tought any way by simply playing the game on hard you can get around 750

Banjo-Kazooie (XBLA): this only requires collecting every single thing on the game and finish it...pretty simple you'll have it in around 9 hours

someone told me you're PS3 exclusive is that right punk?

games I have the retail 1000/1000 but DLC screwed me

Marvel Ultimate Alliance; this one was pretty good, game I had to finish it like 6 times to get all achievement,s most are pretty simple, but ther are some that require annoying ammounts of grinding, specially to get every heros costume (by the time I was not a fan of achievements, I was a fan of Marvel Comics and was curious about the outfits) I'm just missing couple ahcievemtns of the DLC seeing as I have most of the DLC ones :D

Halo 3; I had all 1000 original points, without boosting, I used to like a lot this game and played it with friends all the time campaign achievements were pretty quick and online ones were pop out every once in a while, it wasn't that hard, except a few I had to really try to get them, I have the mythic disc and all maps so 1750 is not too far away....thing is I lost my interes in Halo 3 a long time ago

The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion; all the achievements came ut playing the story and the takes time but it is all too easy and the time I did this I didn't even knew about gamrscore and achievements :D, I have the Shivering Isles DLC but I have to focus to get it started maybe at some point later hehe

Star Wars the Force Unleashed: it was also very easy it required playthroughts, finding a couple holocrons (big glowing cubes) and grind all abilities, I never got any DLC beacuse I traded it in before DLC came out, what a shame maybe I will get the ultimate Sith Edition

Fable II; this one required an insane amount of looking for stuff spending money, do certain killing....ok ok you got me, it was pretty easy, the only hard one? Doll catcher, you have to collect 6 hero dolls....thing is in every playthorugh you can only find 2, so the tricks is to trade with other players, I did it after amost a year of playing it hahaha, I got the see the future DLc but I have yet to play it.

Tomb Raider Underworld; ah this one had it's share of easy achievements, but required google on some of them, treasure hunt was easy and I completed it on my second playthrough, the levels are short so it doen't require that much time dedication :D

Fallout 3; One of my favorites, same as Oblivion it only requires, to do all main missions (noted in your diary) and reach certain levels with some moral inclination, this is fairly easy if you follow the good choices, when you're about to reach a level achievement, save then go steal stuff until your morality is bad enough and kill some monsters or complete a quest, I got the broken steel DLC and I finished it, I have yet to get all other DLC

I didn't do it...well maybe I helped a little

the quite almost there

Bioshock (950) I have to get the avid inventor and finish the game on hard...when I get it back I must complete it

Mass Effect (940) I'm currently on my last playthrought of the game, i have to do a couple engineer ones, adept ones and finish the game on insane

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (880) I have only to finish Charlie don't surf mission which is a pain in the a$$, and finish the jeep mission, find 5 terminals and destroy the TVs so I have to sit and finish that mission

I tell you guys, this bioshock movie is not a good idea

A Gaming Blog, on IGN's Top 25 games on the xbox 360

IGN recently published the top 25 xbox 360 games, and after reading it....I have to differ with their opinion in some games big time, others not that much but at some point they totally lost objectivity and forgot about some great games that were big on the 360s beginning. Yeah I know it's not the same to rate 9 Perfect Dark Zero 4 years ago than rate 9 Modern Warfare 2 today, so I took the time to put in my own thought on IGN's top 25

25.Dead Space: I agree with their opinion Dead space is a gme you have to consider owning specially if you like survivial horror, it has an awesome presentation and the gam mechanics feel fresh enough, the bad thing about Dead space? it's a sci fi horror movie cliche, and relies too much on "jumpy" moments

24.Lost Odyssey: this game has a great personality, I'm not an JRPG fan but Lost Odyssey achieved too hook me for almost 3 complete discs, the story is good, but gets impoved by the thousand years of dreams text compilations, I wouldn't select it as a personal favorite but it is a game you have to try yourself to judge it

23.Dead Rising: I totally hated this game, the gameplay felt too stiff for my taste and any game that loves to pressure you with time has to be burned, sure the premise is a great idea on zombie games but, they take the gimmick too far, for me? not even top 50

22.Shadow Complex: ok mixed feelings right here, altough I liked a lot Shadow Complex, It felt way too short for my taste and it lacked personality, and for an arcade game is impressive but, for a retail it would have left a lot to be desired

21.NHL 10: haven't played any NHL games so I can't have an opinion on the matter altough having sports games in the list feels a little out of place

20.Modern Warfare 2: I wouldhave rated it way higher on the list, because MW 2 is a great package that gives you gameplay of all sorts, blend with impressive graphics and stellar gameplay. Maybe for CoD enthusiasts it was not that impressive for the ammount of MW1 they played, but for me is still a great experience.

19.Virtua Fighter 5: VF5 is a huge fighting experience, from mastering controls to customize your fighter VF 5 is awesome in all fronts, even graphic wise, I agree with Ign, but still I think thee are better games out there.

18.Left 4 Dead: A totally co-op zombie apocalypse is always a huge start, it has been the most impressive zombie game I've played since Resident Evil 2, it is simple enough to encourage you to grab the control, and still it is filled with techinisism, higher or lower in the list? I don't know hwere I would put it but it would be deffinitevely on the list.

17.FIFA 10: there is no way you'll find a more real experience of soccer in a console, still I don't think the FIFA series is as big as making the cut, sports games will keep coming with improvements each tme, so thi is not the definitive soccer experience, but I have to agree is the best sports game I've seen in production values.

16.Forza Motorsport 3: I haven't played Forza 3, but by the improvements they've made form part one I can't do anything but agree that it most be one hell of a racing game.

15. Rock Band 2: I have played Rock Band a couple oftimes with friends, and it makes it a great experience, after all it is intended to be played with friends right? the game is a great "just to have fun" game and all the DLC makes it even more worth the money you pay

14.Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved: really? I don't see this game being best than any of the last 11 games, it might have it's fair share of mindless fun, but it can't be as deep or as complete as say..Modern Warfare 2, Left 4 Dead or Forza Motorsport 3, really IGN it can't be that big and even the games are included on th Project Gotham Racing series.

13.Borderlands: I haven't played Borderlands either if any of you have played it do you think it deserves this spot on the list?

12.Halo Wars: HW failed to impress me I'm a casual RTS player, and I like Halo universe a lot so what's there not to like about htis game? plain and simple...the max ammount of units you can have, it totally broke the game for me as I love watching hundreds of troops marching into battle.

11.Halo 3 ODST: mixed feelings again, ODST's cmpaign altough short is exciting, and firefight keeps things interestin for a while, but is not enough package for a retail game at $60, if I were to get into an island alone I wouldn't take ODST with me, it wont last me more than a few days.

10. Gears of War: if part 2 is bigger and better why not put it here? GoW campaign kept things interesting enough, but it was no that memorable it was like a macho smasher adventure, and multiplayer wise....the names Gears of Lag or Glitch of War comes to my mind.

9.Braid: again? come on, do you find Braid a game you enjoy more than any of the above retail games? wouldn't this spot serve a huge game.

8.Bioshock: a masterpiece and a classic, Bioshock was meant for greatness and most gamers agree, although I woul have it a bit higher on the list

7.The Orange Box: the best gme pakage out there, you have whatever yout fancy is in shooting games, but I have to say, almost half the pckage are old games, and the other 2 are voth too short, and well TF 2 community is near extinction

6.Halo 3: great game, the xbox 360 biggest franchise made a great arrivl this gen, the campaign has a couple great moments, but the main focus is the Multiplayer with seemless never ending options

5.GTA IV: if IGN and most sites rated it a 10 why it is not at the top of the list, GTA IV has great production values, but I have to say lacks fun, the game is way too slow and tries to simulate on the most annoying things

4. The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion: remember the island example with ODST? this is the exact opposite, this game would last me years, it has way too many things to do it is a fully enjoyable game, with never ending stuff.

3.Fallout 3: yeah it is smaller than Oblivion, but then again it has way more personality so the characters and te capital wasteland are easier to remember, and it's an spectacular game

2.Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: well I wasn't too fond of this game but as I told to my buddies I recon is a great game full o fgreat things, I think it deserves this spot or maybe number one except for...

1.Mass Effect: you have played it...enough said

well this is it, a good list fr the most part exept I guess they are missing some good games, where's Rainbow Six Vegas, or Assassin's Creed, Fable 2 anyone? Battlefield Bad Company, Batman Arkham Asylum, Gears of War 2, Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter, Street Fighter IV, Castle crashers, Call of Duty 2, Dragon Age Origins ,don't you think many of these deserve to be there way more than some of the list?