so here it is the blog, I own some stuff to my GS friends and I'll deliver evntually, between the bunch of excuses I will use are: it is too cold, I'm visiting my dad periodically, Im painting a Car in Forza with all my creativity, I'm saving Ferelden, I've watched a lot of movies and...Im lazy but hen again Im a gamer so in a gaming the best excuse (this revelation oof my being a gamer was a pain to admit)so without more delay I present the 2010 game list, which will lead me to a financial crysis, get single again and the national bank to search for me. Here is the lineup (as best as I can remember) and I dont want every game but someone else does.
Crackdown 2 (must have eventually) Max Payne 3 (don't know a thing about the series excpt for the movie)Red Dead Redemption(this one Im watching very closely) Battlefield Bad Company (must have on month one) EA sports MMA (maybe) FEZ (interesting maybe also) Deus Ex 3 (not confirmed on 360 but I bet it will and..I'll get it) Dead Rising 2 (someone is hyped for this) Super Street Fighter IV (if it is released in $40 I'll have it) Brink (interesting get it when cheaper) Alan Wake (maybe) Majin the fallen realm (not too fond of the premise but let's see anyway) Fallout New Vegas (it might come out in 2010 and if it does, is a must have) Just Cause 2 (get it when it is cheaper) R.U.S.E. (i know ertain military guys that have their eyes on these) Earth Worm Jim (some people love nostalgia on XBLA) Resonance of Faith (JRPGs have a enough fanbase to want it) Dead to Rights retribution (enjoyed the first, this is a maybe) Kane & Lynch Dog days (someone lmight want this) Tecmo Bowl (what didi I say about nostalgia?) Alien Colonial Marines (it might come somethime in 2010) Aliens vs Predator ( I might want this when cheaper) Darwinia (XBLA strategy for the people) Capsized (platforms on XBLA hope is the new Braid) I am Alive (I want this so bad) Enslaved (it might get my attention) Army of Two the 40th Day (I will have it eventually) Split/Second (arcade racing is always welcome) Inversion (gravity and shooting sound entertaining..maybe) Spelunky (from PC to your XBOX360) Mafia 2 (sounds good to me) Fable III (must have for me) Perfect Dark (reamstered classic on XBLA) Zeno Clash Ultimate Edition (weird weapons in weird world might be the next Earth Worm Jim) Darksiders (for your God of War needs) the Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom ( mmmm weird and funny stuff) Skate 3 (if someone still cares about skate)Bayonetta (highly praised, just not my style) Blur (for more arcade racing) Crysis 2 (a must have eventually) Sega all star racing (if it is anything like mario kart 64 count me in) Final Fantasy XIII (for those who love JRPGs and gaming) F1 2010 (Formula 1 on xbox360 sounds good to me) Alpha Protocol (I might want to get it) Dante's Inferno (for more God of War needs) project Natal and related stuff
my heavy hitters and day one purchases: Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, Halo Reach, Kindom Under Fire 2, Bioshock 2
that is in the xbox 360 alone
the owners of a PS3 and a Wii will be able to enjoy games like God of War 3, heavy Rain, the last guardian, Metroid another M maybe the next Zelda this alone without any of the E3 announcements for the year so what do you think of all this?
P.S. I wanted to add some images but the post option is not working properly
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