just when I was doing great it happened......
doubalfa Blog
A Gaming Blog, the new adventures of Mr. Sandman
by doubalfa on Comments
A Gaming Blog, the new adventures of Mr. Sandman
hey readers I am here once again, writing this new entry, lately I have acquired some new games, and well Im going to comment on them as always, bacause I cant think of an interesting topic.
Soul Calibur IV; I really liked Soul Calibur II on the gamecube, because of the tight controls and gameplay, for this entry I was expecting something like that and it delivered, its a very well done game, with good graphics and great animation, sound effects are cool, and the voices are mostly well done, but where the game lacks for me at least is in depth, I liked ths story mode put in Soul Calibur II where you traveled provinces with stupid stories but they were like missions, here it is the tower of souls just floor after floor of challenges that unlock pieces of clothing for your custom characters, also it is great the online gaming as it is almost lag free and 1 on 1 fighting works fine, oh and I dont like the guest characters of star wars they feel out of place
Dead Space I've just started this one but Im liking it a lot, I cant seat for long times because I get tense, but the time I have to play it I really enjoy it, the graphics are great, and sound effect and voice acting is even better, the monsters I've seen are very well done, and the fear factor is good, it makes you feel alone and vulnerable even if you are armed with a linear gun (hell yeah), and the sorroundings are creepy as hell, the only thing I didnt like that much is backtracking, all the routes I have seen I have to clear them twice, aside from that is a great game
Mirror's Edge; another EA game, I love platformers and Mirror's Edge is no exception the game keeps it simple with a button you do all the go up or jump stuff and with the other all the grawling and sliding, the presentation of the game is awesome the graphic and ultra vibrant color really works to get your attention and makes everything easier on the eyes the game is about being fast, and use the best way posible to achieve your goal, and it makes you feel ultra skillful when you chain a decent amount of moves, the two weak things here are, the campaign is too short, and the comabt, hand tu hand is just and firefights are bad, plain and simple I am trying to beat all the time trials but you need tons of skill.
Battlefield Bad Company; just got this one yesterday, another EA game and also made by dice, how curious its pretty entertaining I have yet to play some more.
By the way I just finished Dark Sector and the game was an overall goo experience, it has lots of strong and weak points and the campaign has the exact amount oflenght I like hehe, I am also playing the Saints Row 2 campaign and it keeps very interesting
A Gaming Blog, Breaking news!!!
by doubalfa on Comments
so its april 1st, that menas today is april fool's in the U.S. I wont make you lose your time with some god awful joke, that either a) no one will believe and will make a fool of myself or b) no one wants to read. So to stay on topic I will comment on some real news that sounded like an april fool's day new
1.and the swords have met their match, this meaning the inclusion of star wars characters in Soul Calibur IV I was like come on, it can't be possible how could they....
2.Sonic and Snake as playable characters in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, this was like wow! because it made me think of other characters that may appear in next installments
3. Resident Evil 4 wii Edition, so how many times does capcom needs to just copy stuff on the wii? come on, you are actually capable of playing the gamecube version in your wii
4. Horse armor in oblivion, it was my first time on the market place so I was like DLC is just stupid junk and is too overpriced (then I knew it was the first ever DLC)
look! the horse has an elf light armor
5. the master chief armor or mjolnir armor in Fable, I couldnt believe it really
A Gaming Blog, Realism in Games
by doubalfa on Comments
Recently a friend of mine gave me a Forza 2 copy as a gift, and I as always came back home and startd playing it, the game is good but its way harder than the racing games I use to play (Need for Speed, Project Gotham Racing) which are fancier and more spectacular, but thats not the point, the game tries and does its best to emulate real driving which is fine, and I thought "man realism does work in this game" and that made me think of realism and videogames.
There is certain ammount of realism I like in games, for example I played a few terrorist hunt matches with Gamespot buddy Palantas, and I do enjoy that kind of realism, the bullet damage is something that makes or breaks a game for me, in this case I prefer realism, because I prefer precision over sustained fire, the player movements is another factor, games like Far Cry 2, Call of Duty where the characters feel like athletic humans and not super men, they cant jump too high but they are not wearig cement shoes, other stuff I like is the way weapons handle, Iron sights and the aim button is a feature I love in most games that have it, well I also enjoy games without this features like Halo because I know I am a super human, other stuff I love is, bullet penetration on thin objects, also I love realism in sports games, they make me feel like a pro.Also I do prefer realistic Graphics in most games but I dont cry if a game doesnt have them.
But here is the Dark side of realism, some games are just plain boring as they try to emulate real life in some aspects, for example Grand Theft Auto IV, I felt the game too slow, and most aspects of the game too shallow, for example, you buddies get angry at you if you dont go with them to eat or bowling, seriously I play games when I dont want to hang out with my friends why on earth would they made me hang with virtual friends...also realistic traffic is not fun either, virtual money is a 50% - 50% in some games you are dying because you cant get anything (Far Cry 2) or in other games you are so rich everything is too easy (Fable II) some games have it just right (Saints Row) you are not rich but you can save to get the best things in the game. Well thats it for todays A Gaming Blog see yo later!
March 24, Life is a witch: nutrition facts
by doubalfa on Comments
Im still waiting for someone to demonstrate that Im not the coolest person walking planet Earth.
Nutrition Facts:
- Brazilian nuts are known as nuts in Brazil.
- If you eat an electric eel, you will taste a new shocking flavor
- Bacon is the badass version of Ham
- Eating Lobster is great, but eating a Lobster covered in shrimp is even better
- Im like canderel, Im sweet but I wont make girls fat
- Pepsi is like Coca-Cola, oth are black
- Italian pizza is not the same as domino's pizza, it is made in Italy
sorry I was bored to death when I wrote this
March 23, Life is a Witch Blog
by doubalfa on Comments
Aside from "A Gaming Blog" I decided to blog a little about me, I dont know blogs are really helpful when you are sad or in conflict with yourself, aside from laughing of the kind of stupid things that troubled you in the past, so because I dont want to register in another site and start the blog, and because I am very comfortable with the mp3/tv/gamespot/gamefaqs/movietome format I decided to do it here,so whenever I feel like making some comments on my life this will be the best spot to do it, right now Im a bit depressed, but I guess I will blog about this tomorrow, or later today but before I go here is my Profile (maybe someday I commit this huge cryme and they will want to look out for me in the internet...just like the movies, feel free to comment or skip this blog entries
Name : David F. Jarquin
Age: 22
Birthdate: July 10th 1986
Birthplace: Culiacan, Mexico
Residence: Mexico City
Height: 1.82 m (I wont make a conversion)
Weight: 85 Kg
A Gaming Blog, Choosing a difficulty setting
by doubalfa on Comments
I've been playing lately a handful of different games, and in some I am more advanced in some others I am a noob, so I thought to make a blog post about the different difficulty settings and what I think about them.
For Casual Gamers
Very Easy: in some action and adventure games, there is this option to make the game too soft for a common gamer, but it makes the perfect choice for someone to run by the game and watch the full story, to be honest in my early days I used to do my first run on this setting, it is also used as the lowest setting in some Fighting games like the Mortal Kombat series
Easy/Casual: this setting is for gamers new to a genre, or people who wants to practice and not stress on the game a bit, it is somewhat fast to go through a game in this setting, most games have this option, and they are somewhat in the same line, common on all game types
Rookie: this is used in many sports games and means that the CPU will only use the most basic moves, and will miss a lot, they will move slowly and in two or three games you will bet the crap out of it, FIFA series is a good example of this in rookie you can do whatever you want to the cpu.
For Common Gamers
Normal: its just the standard definition for how a game should be played, but most of the time it doesnt have a standard line you can play some comfortable playthrouhg with some death along the way, or you can feel like "did I by mistake selected hard" this happened to me in Fracture I was getting killed a lot, also ninja gaiden is worth a mention here
Pro: this option is for people who have an idea of the sport thats being played, i. e. if I play a new game of basquetball I would play it on this setting to get hang on the basics and have some competition on me
Hard: this is the challenge of most gamers, and where I tend to begin my gameplays these days, this setting might be well known because it forces you to use all the game mechanics, take cover, find the sweet spots, and where does the weapons work better, finishing a game in this setting gives you an acomplishment feel, this setting has many games as hardcore, heroic, gold, professional or even 150 cc on mario kart
For Hardcore Gamers
Very Hard: this setting makes you do the impossible in order to survive, go back for medpacks, pick up weapons you threw a long way back, try to pick every enemy in the safest way possible, even save after every big battle, this is what prepares you the most for multiplayer games, as it gives you best reflexes and accuracy, this is only for those who commit to a game
All-Star: for sports game all-star is like playing against a huamn opponent as it uses most of the moves, and works its way to the ...whatever the scoring method is
if very hard is high some games have something far superior and in some cases unplayable such as:
Nightmare: the standard definition for hard as hell, you need lightspeed reflexes, double side step, know every bit and corner of all the levels, save ammo for later, pick up even the smallest shield shard thats on your way. Games that have this setting are Doom and Quake
Legendary: the highest setting for halo, is not unplayable but it demands presition and some ridicule forms of cover, also in some areas it becomes a trial and error essay, try over and over until you dont miss that sniper
Insane/realistic: one of the more entertaining of this list as it demands game mechanics to be perfected without making you to lose your mind, yo need to learn enemies position or distribution in order to know where to strike first, Gears of War, Rainbow Six Vegas and Mass Effect have this setting
Veteran: luck is all you need here, it is insanely hard, and sometimes it will make you slam your controller is not a matter of skill its a matter to run and pray to god that the enemies miss their shot. Call of Duty series is well known for this setting
Impossible: Far Cry makes you feel like a real mercenary with this setting as you have to play like it is your life, the one that is in danger, cheap tactics are required in order to be able to step up in the challenge
Hall of Fame: for some sports games this is the top, you have to dominate every sigle move, learn how to be a playmaker, exploit your teams strenghts, CPU won't miss a single pass, and will play defense like the championship game, you also have to use tactics and tempo to be able to beat this setting.
A Gaming Blog, 2009 sounds good to me
by doubalfa on Comments
A weak without writing an entry, I dont know why I wasnt in the mood, but here I am once again writing about games and my life, I didnt have a theme for this blog entry but nw I have, I just watched the trailer for Kingdom Under Fire II, and it looks sick, if the games battles are like the ones on the trailer count me in, I played KUF Heroes on the original xbox and it was a great game, very challenging but a great game, so this kept me thinking that there are good games coming for the xbox 360 this year, and that as always is something that puts a smile in my face, Bioshock 2 Sea of Dreams, Kingdom Under Fire II, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Resident Evil 5, Lost Planet 2 etc. is a good start for this year, and there are games yet to be announced, so hopefully gaming will be as good as 2008, on a side note, I am a bit harsh towards activision and his Guitar Hero milking, 3 guitar hero games this year included the infamous Greatest hits....come on this is kind of a joke, same as franchises like need for speed, yearly games are no good to any brand, as there is hardly time to work on upgrades or improvements, I dont think this is good for gamers, and in some time wont be good for the publishers, you know how many guitar hero can people buy until they find is better to just download the songs, rather than buying discs or sets. Also Capcom is porting resident Evil Code Veronica to the wii...surprise surprise!! more easy money for capcom, will they ever release an original Resident Evil game, and by game I mean a Survival horror not some shooter on rails.
By the way I just got some of my games back so I've been playing some multiplayers now, The Orange Box, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Call of Duty 4 and Far Cry 2 are spinning again in my console, so if anyone wants to play some of this just let me know , by the way Im getting pretty good in Far Cry 2, Im not invincible or something around it but I do my 20+ kills per match I hope I keep getting better
A Gaming Blog, the new and the Borrowed
by doubalfa on Comments
This week I've got two new games, I just traded Prince of Persia and with the money I got two games, the first was fracture a shooter made by lucas arts, its main theme its the entrencher and the terrain deformation...uh what? yeah you know you shoot this weapon and you make hills or thenches on the battlefield, the game is kind of entertaining in short bits but the story and the characters are forgetable, it has good weapons like the black Widow wich shoots a remote mine, I think I wont be keeping this game for long, only until I've finished it, the other game I got is the Bourne Conspiracy, it is kind of flashy but it feels clunky, the gunplay is a B-, but the fighting is good, you do this 3 hit combo mixing strong and fast attacks, until you fill your adrenaline meter, then you are able to do a really flashy takedown, wich is the star of this game, the game takes place in the first movie of the bourne trilogy, and it explores some of Bourne's past expanding the movie, i recommend this game as a rental, as it wont last you long, so yeah I think as soon as I am done with this one is going to be traded, and you are thinking why would you get those games if you are trading them? well I was actually thinking of getting Battlefield Bad Company, or put some money and buy Call of Duty World at War, but I just couldn't find them anywhere, so I just got those two.And this is it about the New now lets get to the borrowed.
As commented on past entries I dont have most of my games at home, I lend them to friends and all, and Im having this issue because I cant play a single **** multiplayer!!!!, you know I had this urge yesterday to play some matches on anything (I would even play Gears of War) but I dont have any games with me,so I have this gold suscription and the only games I have here that have multiplayer are: Dark Sector, Fracture and Fifa 09, and guess what there isnt a single soul in both Dark Sector and Fracture, and Im not too much into Fifa online, so Im pinned, yeah you could say "ask your friends for you games" but I dont see them often as they live in the other side of the city, and I live in the biggest city in the world, so is a 3 hours journey from one side to the other....Rainbow Six Vegas 1 or 2, Gears of War 1 or 2, Halo 3, Lost Planet, Perfect Dark Zero, Team Fortress 2, Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts, GRAW 2, Call of Duty 4....where are you guys!!!!!! return to me I swear I wil play you all night!!!
So as soon as I finish Fracture and Bourne Conspiracy I will wait, trade them and get Call of Duty World at War or B: Bad Company, you know for some Multiplayer needs
A Gaming Blog, Getting my money's worth
by doubalfa on Comments
Ok, so I've just finished Prince of Persia, it took me like 10 to 11 hours to complete, and I felt cheated you know I paid for the game full price and all, and I think it was funny and it has high production value, but you know I didnt invert $80 bucks to get a 10 hour game, and I dont feel like playing through it again, as someone pointed in my last blog, I am just starting to consider not to pay full price for single player game, this same happened to me with the force unleashed it was pretty fun and I enjoyed the presentation and story from the very beginning, but I finished the game in under 6 hours, so I replayed it on harder difficulties wich added a little more replay value. but again the game wasnt worth $60 many games are victims of this evil.
I never commented before about this but well this was the drop the glass spilled, Army of two was a so so game, but the single player was like 6 missions, each one around an hour, so it just wasnt fair, even more bacause I was unable to play on xbox live, due to unbelieveable lag problems, (hated that about army of two), another side of the coin are games like Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4, wich had short campaigns (around 8 hours each on normal difficulty) but had a great multiplayer. I dont like also games that last forever like, Lost Odyssey because I dont have the time to play them, yeah I know you can say I dont lke anything but there are games that have the exact amount of time or the game mechanics to feel fresh.
a campaign I enjoy and I think it has the exact amount of lenght is Gears of War 2, also Half-Life 2, Bioshock and Rainbow Six Vegas, they lasted like 15 hours maybe, but I enjoyed every bit of them and the gameplay never got old or boring, this just made me want to play once again the campaign
Some lenghty campaigns I enjoyed are those that lasted more than 25 hours and always kept me doing something, like KoTOR, Mass Effect, Oblivion, and Zelda Ocarina of Time this games had a story or character development that I wanted to become even more and experience all the game had to offer, so this is the end of my rant hope I kept interesting this blog.
P.S.I feel I am ranting to much lately
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