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A Gaming Blog, Back in Track

Ok, so here I am once again writing this blog, recently I just got back my Prince of Persia game, so I resumed my adventure, I just couldnt remember why I was eager to get that game, (imagine I was thinking of trading it as soon as I got it back) now I am almost like 1/3 of the game and I'm having a lot of fun, the graphics are gorgeous so is the art direction I know many of you dont like cell shaded games, but believe me when im saying it doesnt look cartoony at all, they use the cell shaded visuals to detail the enviroment and the charactes expresion, and if you watch it in motion its spectacular, I highly recommend anyone to rent the game (yeah rent it as it is short) and give it a try, on other stuff I've been also playing some Saints Row 2 in co-op, I think this doubles the value of the game as you can enjoy any activity, mission or a free run with a friend (each one of you with its own stats, money, and cars) it is the best coop I've had in a very long time, also Im in chapter 4 of Dark Sector and it is a pretty intense and solid shooter, I havent had the time to play any multiplayer but if any of you have it, lets play sometime.

So little big planet won big in the AIAS, as it is our current game of the year, I dont have a ps3 but, this game had my attention since the first time, and it looks pretty cool, also Im saving some money to get either Fallout 3 or Call of Duty World at War, I enjoyed Oblivion a lot, and played for many hours, and well I love WWII shooters, and I think the mp is great and adds value to the game, if you have played either please leave your impressions

I know I promised a big overhaul around here, but my pc is not working and it is far more comfortable to work there than in my laptop so as soon as I have my pc fixed I'll deliver

A Gaming Blog, two additions to my library

Hey, its been a long week, first of all I dont have a job anymore, thats sad but i am already looking for one, so it wont be long before Im bac in bussiness, here in Mexico the federal law protects you from unemployment by giving you a certain ammount of money based on how many time you worked and how much did you earned, so well with the money I got, I am buying myself a couple of things and try to survive until I have a job, so I got two new games on my library; Dark Sector and Saints Row 2 I will give a quick overview on both.

Dark Sector; this games has some amazing graphics, but i too grey, the controls are exactly the same as Gears of War (and almost is the gameplay) the one big difference is the Glaive, a shuriken-boomerang kind of thing wich has more uses than the common weapon, the game is gory,with the glaive, you can decapitate, sever limbs or even cut in half the enemies, the main character also learns new abilities (the aftertouch is great) such as strong glaive toss, fill the glaive with fire, ice or electricity, control the glaive as if it was alive (aftertouch this is great for severing) and others I havent discovered yet, the game has an online component but I havent tried it

Saints Row 2; I played the first Saints Row almost two years ago, I think it was pretty funny and wacky although it lacked some features I was used to in GTA, by the time GTA IV came I was dissapointed the game was too slow and they trie to be realistic in the stuff I didnt care at all, so I returned to be a memeber of the 3rd street saints, and found all the mindless and simple fun I needed, Saints Row 2 is too similar to the first part but it has a visual improvement, and the character feels more fluid, of course the game lets you customize everything about your persona, and your sorroundings, I have just played the first two missions but I will make sure to tell you how is it going

Oh by the way Im making a major overhaul in my blog and I think I will have two kinds of blogs so try to check my next entry! have a nice day

A Gaming Blog, Red vs Blue

A few years ago I was exploring the internet hoping to find something to entertain myself for a while, I watched a video named Red vs Blue it captured my attention so I chose to play it, a Halo video started and I was like meh (not a big halo fan at the time) but the video was short, so I stayed and watched it, by the end of the short episode I was laughing like a little kid, so I kept watching videos and I loved it!

The show is about two armies red and blue, and a squad of each army, they are trapped in the middle of a box canyon, no way in or out, they are supposed to be trained soldiers but guess what either side has no idea of what to do in war times, the series is focused on the misadventures of this conflict, there are like 120 episodes divided in 5 seasons (like half are made in the Halo Combat evolved multiplayer and the other half in Halo 2), and a new series called reconstruction, wich is made in Halo 3, every episode is connected so you have to watch them all to truly understand whats going on, I recommend this series and you can watch it for free on youtube.


Red Army

Sarge: he is the leader of the reds, he always carry a shotgun and is very capable building robots, he also hates Griff with no reason, he wears standard red armor

Famous Quote: "Simmons I want you to poison Griffs next meal"

Griff: he is a lazy guy who prefers to let time pass and things solve on their own, from time to time he has great idead but nobody hears him, he wears orange armor

Famous Quote:Simmons: "Griff you didnt brought ammo? you were the responsible of the ammo we told you at the briefing" Griff "I was sleep"

Simmons: he is the smartest of all the red army (maybe of the series) but he is always shining Sarges boots, he has his secret agenda to take command on the red army squad in the canyon, he wears maroon army

Famous Quote: "I was left in charge"

Donut: he is ahm girly? he is the new recruit of the red army and proced to have a great arm, he also uses a needler and loves talk shows, he wears pink ...ehr light red armor

Famous Quote: " Get elbow griese? how stupid do they think I am, once I get that headlight fluis I'll talk to them"

Lopez: he is a robot made by sarge he oftens repairs the warthog or puma, he only speaks spanish, he wears brown armor

Blue Army

Church: he seems to be the leader of the blue army, he is very irritable, and has a close to none accuracy with the sniper rifle I would say more but no spoilers here, he wears light blue armor

Famous Quote: Caboose:"how is Sidewinder the Ice planet"Church: "is cold, did you want a poem"

Tucker: he is a pervert who would love to have a girlfriend, he secretly hates Church but he would help him beat the reds, he wears aquamarine armor

Famous Quote: "chick are like voltron, the more they get the better it get"

Caboose: he is the rookie of the blue army, he has no clue of whats going on and he is the only armor certified soldier in the blue army, he wears standard blue armor

Famous Quotes: " I dont want to be dead I want to be alive.....or a cowboy"

Tex: a mercenary hired by blue army he is ruthless and would stop at nothing to reach its objective, wears the freelance black armor

Other characters Doc, Griff's sister, Sheyla the tank, Andy the bomb, Gary the computer, The Alien, the redz, the bluez, command, captain flowers, and more

A Gaming Blog, a fighting chance

Last night I was watching the NBA rookie challenge on my laptop while I was also playing some Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (Street Fighter HD to save space) and well I started with a couple onlne matches, I was mauled in every single match, not just that I couldnt win a single round (like for three matches) later on I was angry so I couldnt play anymore so I just focused on the rookie challenge, after the game I decided to play a bit more, this time I was calmed and things started going great I lost many fights but every match was pushed to 5 rounds, and finally a victory, it was really all about knowing how to counter certain punches, a mid jump low kick kills a shoryuken (didnt knew that for 17 years) throwing is a good way to cut a good chunk of health etc. so I turned off theg ame after some my first victory and earlier today I continued playing street fighter HD ad I won 7 out of 10 matches wich is ok, I just think it is all about patience and know your moves (I usually play as Ryu or Guile) so oficially I am now entering the online world of Street Fighter, oh by the way let me tell you this is not what a mexican looks like, and believe it or not I havent seen a singl donkey in my whole life in here hehehe (stereotypes what would be of our games without them)

In a closing comment I am eager for Street Fighter IV to be released I just hope it turns out as good as it looks, and that it is not too expensive here hehe

A Gaming Blog,Sick and Tired of Living here

For all the readers, who havent read all the entries, Im from Mexico, and I am growing tired of living here, why is this? ok first of all there is a lot of cryme in this country (mostly on the capital where I live), last week my girlfriend was robbed outside of a bar, I was born in northwest mexico and narcotraffic, and drugdealers are in control there. Also there is lots of corruption, from the policemen to the president, all is about influence traffic, the richer get richer and the poorman has less money, the crisis is making everything worse, last week they told they are going to cut personnel from the place I work, and I am a bit worried about it, I have to pay rent, water, telephone, internet, gas, and other services, so every price is going sky up, but salary remains the same.

The gaming side of this is that games are even more expensive now, a game was around the $70/$80 bucks now they are around $100 so you know is harder to get any, the day we all knew about the current crisis every stablishment raised their prices, even from old games I used to be able to buy a used game in $30 or $40 now they are also around $60 I dont know gaming is not cheap anymore, so I cant afford much games, I have to find another job, or even better a better country hahaha well thats my rant of the week so now I guess I will enjoy a beer

by the way thats me

A Gaming Blog, Mass Effect

As stated in yesterdays Blog, I only have Mass Effect with me right now, and well its time to give Mass Effect the place it deserves as my favorite Xbox 360 game of all I've played and just second to the best of all, I know it is a little late since the game was released, I own it since day one, and well all of a sudden I felt in love with it, the more I play the more I like it, it was no the veer expanding universe they told us but every playthrough (Im in the 3rd) I discover new missions and new outcomes, new equipment, different ways to battle enemies, a great story, really nice graphics, and memorable voice acting, some easter eggs, and a great and enjoyable experience, Im currently playing on hardcore as a vanguard, and Im currently at level 57 in half the way in the story and 3 quarters of the side missions, Im going for a couple achievementes, and well I discovered the spectre master gear wich consist in HS X series of weapons and Colossus X armor, all the improvements for my weapons are really awesome and well I just wanted to write a bit about the thngs that hook me into mass effect

A Gaming Blog, Gamecube and Xbox revived!

So I was offline for a long long time, I was very busy ( and just when I thought I had enough time to play all my games) so I wasnt able to play anything, so I lend all my 360 games (except for mass effect and FIFA 09) so when I was finally able to put some hours into my 360 I barely have games (from 36 games I own I now have 2) so I opened my trunk of memories and there they were, my gamecube and my xbox calling me to play them, and guess what I am having one hell of a time,I've been playing lots of last gen classics such as, The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Metroid Prime, Resident Evil 4,Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Halo Combat Evolved, Star Wars Battlefront II and Jade Empire, although I felt strange with the blurry textures and all, and missed the "beep" achievement unlocked (I nearly felt it was going to appear in some games but it didnt hehe), I forgot how much I did enjoy those games, some feel a bit old or a bit stiff, but it was great to replay most of them as I forgot almost everything about so I felt almost like the first time

die you ugly son of a troll

have you heard of dead or alive?

and well I will continue to play all those games, and well have a little mass effect, for some state of the art gaming, but well it is great to play sometimes the oldies but goodies, by the wy im working on my best of the year awards, and well im trying to give them a nice presentation

A Gaming Blog, New Season

Okay this is a short entry and well, I've missed my blog a lot, and I will tell you palls that its been long since I played a videogame, but well this month Im back and well, I have new perspectives, ideas and topics, so from tomorrow on, A gaming Blog will be re-edited I guess its time to change my halo theme (you know the banners that say sandman zone and I am legend I am sandman, but well I hope all of my readers had a nice beginning of 2009 and the ones who dont read me too hehe I will throw a questions for my readers, wich new games do you have?

A Gaming blog, Royalty in Persia

Hey readers how is it going? Im doing finally great, Im on vacation in both college and work, today is my fifth anniversary with my girlfriend, and well, as usual gaming is better every day hehe, thanks for your comments in latest entries of the blog, and well lets get going!

What am I playing?

Ok, this week I finally finished Far Cry 2, and well the last missiones of the game are pretty intense, I started playing it on MP nd well it is kind of hard because I have crappy equipment, I also played some NBA 2k9 (Im playing a franchise with the Portland Blazers) I continued playing Banjo Kazooie (I didnt forget about the review akiraxander, I just like to finish games before I review them) I also played a good rounds of Perfect Dark Zero with Palantas, and well finally I downloaded my first Xbox live arcade games Banjo-Kazooie, Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix (what kind of name is that?) and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, I am really enjoying those games and well this friday I will get Prince of Persia (yes it came a bit late here in Mexico)

Prince of Persia

Last gen I remember watching the Prince of Persia sands of time trailer and I was like oh that looks interesting, but I totally forgot about it and continued playing other games, almost a year later, I got a cell phone with the original Prince of persia, and well played and finished it over 5 times, then suddenly something clicked aon me and I remembered the Sands of Time so I went and picked it for the nintendo Gamecube, and well it left me amazed with its acrobathic **** and charismatic characters, it was one hell of a experience and the first platformer of its kind for me,

a disney-esque visual nad story left me wanting more, fortunately for me a couple weeks later Warrior Within wass released, and of course I picked it up, love that game from beginning to end (except godsmack in the soundtrack) with free form fighting, and more acrobathics, both games quickly became one of my al time favorites, although let me tell you I've only finished them once each, a year or so later, the Two Thrones came and I was like Oh My god a new prince of Persia, I liked the game a lot bt it had things that didnt work for me like the chariot races, the game turned so so until the end...the last words of the two thrones, were the exact same words from the beginning of the sands of time, so you understand that from the very beginning the prince is telling this tale to Farah (the prince's girl you know) taht was like oh my god that was one hell of a good idea! I enjoyed a lot the sands trilogy, and like many I would love to see more adventures of that heroic prince.

When I knew a new Prince of Persia was coming I was excited as a fan to the series, and really liked the cell shaded ****for a new saga and a new prince, the game seems like an enjoyable experience, many say its not hard, I dont have trouble with this as I really enjoy a great acrobathic gameplay and story so what I think of this new prince of persia you will know next week.

this scene and the nearly no clothes of the girl seems like something else

Top 5 titles that I appreciated more after time passed

5.-Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, finally a good star wars game

4.-Prince of Persia the sands of Time, my first platformer of that kind

3.-Jet force Gemini, I loved the presentation and weapons on that game

2.-Turok dinosaur Hunter, and then violence in game became fun

1.-The never end ways to play Mass Effect (you know I dont thend to do 3 playthroughs on a 30 hour long game)

Ok, thanks for reading and well were are almost on christmas so what are you getting for xmas? and well thats it for this week, koin me next week in: a gaming blog, when a game becomes repetitive

2.3 A Gaming Blog, The not so new xbox experience

A Gaming Blog the not so new xbox experience

Sorry I wrote a week late this time, but I was hving a hard time with college and work and well gaming time is precious so I delayed a bit the blog entry, first of all to all my friends in the U.S. happy thanks giving day I know it is an important date for all of you so I hope you had a great day, on other stuff, is freaking cold here in mexico, and im freezing right now (im in the yard of my college), christmas is coming so I will be in a good mood these days even more because I will have vacations from both college and school so great! with no more dealy I presnet you the third entry of the second season of A gaming blog!

What am I playing?

Great week! no more exams and not too much work so my time off I had time to hit games harder, first, I got myself Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts last friday, so I played some of it, my early veredict is plain fun and te kind of game I needed cause I was growing tired of shooting things all the time, single player is fun and lets you be very creative, mp I have barely touch it but seems like the mario kart version of xbox, so cool, also I played some NBA 2k9 Im a big fan of the NBA so I've had an incredible time with this one sometimes I feel like watching a broadcast, also I'm still playing through the FarCry 2 campaign, is not a game for everyone but if you manage to grab its edge you will fall in love, last but not least.....Gears of War 2, I am through the campaign on insane, I played some horde with my buddy darren and it was great!

The New XBOX Experince or the Xbox makeover

I was courious about this NXE and was eager to get it to see what new options would it offer to me, the first thing I saw was the intro video and was like ok this seems extreme hehe, then you know make your avatar, I had high hopes for this little buddy, but well in the end, it didnt have too much options, my avatar does have something of me (someday if you want I will post a picture of me and my avatar to compare) but err my haircut isnt anywhere and there is no haircut I could use from there (its not a weird one but the lenght and you the clothes oh my god I dont hae the options I wanted to but well its better that than the ones for the miis, well that said, Im not comfortable with the new screens/blades or whatever the menus is called, the market place is harer to explore and they give you like 200 pages of rockband nstead of listing them into one, videos are not as easy foun and lets not talk about new stuff, I didnt knew there was new DLC for farcry and the force unleashed until I read it somewhere, mmm the inside xbox and highlights options should be in the same menu, friends list is longer but more flashy I always see that dude akiraxander with redhair first (hehe) and well other stuff loding times for images are long so well, great things are the party mode, avatars with a bit more improvement will be a great option. Oh and netflix is unavailable here in meh I finished complaining but well it is the first step for NXE I know hey will polish it so I can take it with no problems, and thats it hahaha

Top 5: Ubigames for me

5.-FarCry 2

4.-Prince of Persia Warrior within

3.-Assassins Creed

2.-Rainbow Six Vegas 2

1.-Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

Well see you next week In a Gaming Blog ...ehhhhr well is coming coming price of persia out soooo a gaming blog, the prince of blog, and well tell me two thing does your avatar looks liek you at all? and check my games on my gamercard and select one for me to review it this weekend