Ok, my weekly entrance (oh man 3 blog entries in 7 days) so first of all, thanks to akiraxander and darrenfps for taking the time to read and comment on the blog, second, I've just reached my 16,000 gamerpoints I don't know why but I like having every single point I can, third of all I'm amazed with the trailer of Prince of Persia, I love the music (Saeglopur-Sigur Ros) fourth, to my thousands of readers, let's play together next weekend, send me messages on xbox live to coordinate. Ok so now it's tme t begin with....all my tops!!! maybe is a boring reading and I don't blame you, I just want to do it for you to know what kind of gamer I am!!. Ok so I will start by some of the main genres, on the consoles I've owned, and finally m top 10 games.Oh and if I fail to clasify a game let me know!
Top 5 sandbox games
1.-GTA San Andres: is a truly deep experience with lots of thing to doand places to go, I didn't finished it (I just failed the last mission once and never tried it again) but I put a lot of hours on it
2.- The Godfather:I really loved the be a mob bully premise, and the fighting system worked great, also the presentation was awesome to me (I played it on the original xbox)
3.-Saints Row: lots of customization and fun things to do a definitively M rate game, but a great experience, I can have tons of fun just shooting pals on the game lobby, oh and I love the pimp slap too!!
4.-Ultimate Spiderman: it wasn't a great game, but it was cool balancing from building to building with the web and that made the game for me
5.-GTA IV: don't flame me it's number five, it was to slow for my taste and I really disagree with the lack of customization, bt the multiplayer was good....oh poor Chalo haha
Top 5 Adventure games besides any the legend of zelda
1.- Prince of Persia the warrior within: I really loved the change made to the prince and the free fighting system, the story was well played and the platforming was really awesome
2.-Prince of Persia the sands of time: wow! for it's time and nowadays it had a more disney like feeling, the acrobathics were new to me, and the sand powers were incredibly useful
3.-Castlevania Special Edition: yeah I was one of the 5 guys who liked this game, the different stories and places, made this game so complete I will never forget the fight against the bull, one unforgetable boss
4.-Assassin's Creed: yes I love it, and yes I don't think is repetitive, it has a cool character and a great way to explain things, the cliff hanger ending made me want more, and also I'll been practicing to have a great swordplay
5.-Prince of Persia the two thrones: too much PoP right? and maybe they are platformers I don't know, but was shorte than the others that's why it is not higher, but let me tell you...one of the best endings ever (if you played the sand of time)
Top 5 RPG's
1.-Star Wars knights of the old republic: it's star wars, you are a jedi, you can customize your powers, canderous and bastila were great and it has probably the most ZOMFGWTF moment in al the games I've played
2.-The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion: ok, so heres the hing I've played a lot of Oblivion and I haven't even discovered half the stuff there is to do, the map and the experience is huge, the envirments and the armors, and the story is ok!
3.-Fable the Lost chapters: outstanding game big in verygame with lots of quests, and great character full of memorable moments, I dont care what Molyneux promised, I just enjoy this game
4.-Mass Effect: yes Shepard is a clone of my brother (the one in the box art), the story is not groundbreaking but i does make you want more, the characters are great, the graphics awesome (at least to me), and nothing like using biotics
5.-Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II the sith Lords: another great game but with a less interesting story, Atton and Mandalore were great characters (i know the true identity of mandalore just hear him speak)
Top 5 Platforms
1.-Super Mario Bros. 3: If you haven't played it, please go and do it, I need you in the move, this game need no explanation
2.-Super Mario 64: thisi s what I'm talking about mario goes 3D and redefines gaming nce again with memorable levels and stars Mario made the right moves! here we go!!!!!
3.-Banjo Tooie: huge world, bizarre humor, more banjo more kazooie, more secrets, more memorable characters, great boss battles, great music, great game in all fashion oh...and one of the best multiplayers !!!
4.-Super Metroid: it was an epic game, and a prety lenghty one, with tons of things to find, and lot's of action, this game was simply awesome
5.-Banjo Kazooie: sorry mario but the bar does kick ass, and his first adventure is no different once again big challenge great world and characterd do blab haha
Top 5 Action games
1.-Splinter Cell Chaos theory: ok is stealth, but im not going to ****fy only metal gears and splinter cells, Sam Fisher is a great character, game play is rewarding and flashy, SC20 i a great weapon and it also had coop, i'd put other splinter cells n this list but I dont want them to dominate so I put this one
2.-Resident Evil 4: Great game overall, great graphs, sound story, characters and all, weapon customization and more than anything the gameplay, oh and tell me what you want RE4 is not survival horror
3.- Jet Force Gemini: Juno, Vela and Lupus were the more forgettable characters ever, but the game was just plain fun and it had a good story and an entertaining violance grade, h and cool weapons!
4.-Gears of War: why is not number 1? laggy multiplayer I can't say anything about this game you dont already know, oh yes....Dom is one of the best sidekicks ever, and is not cheap to chainsaw the host
5.-Star Fox 64: ok it's a shooter, but is the only one I liked so again im not making a list on it only, the sqaud and the music wer awesome, epic boss fights and multiple routes....and awesome dialogs...is quiet...too quiet...
Top 5 Fighters
1.-Mortal Kombat Deception : X,Y,B,LT,B,LT,down B, back,down,back B, fwd,fwd A two times then back,back,fwd,fwd A and you have the round winned and a fatality with kensh haha, loved that game the characters, quest mode, fatalities, martial ****, and minigames...hehe puzzle kombat
2.-Super Smash Brothers: I played this game until my eyes exploded I was addicted to it, played more than 1,000 matches, al items were useful (except goldeen) and yes Cap. Falcon does kicks everyone else ass
3.-Virtua Fighter 5: im not hyped because I just picked it, it is a great fighter with well represented martial arts (at least kick boxing, jeet kune do and Judo) and characters with charisma
4.-Capcom vs SNK 2: mmmm I was thinking wich KoF or Street Fighter should I put in? easy their match haha great game great gameplay and I think street fighters are better fighters than the one on SNK haha
5.-Soul Calibur II: Link, Yoshimitsu and ring out made this game too fun to let pass, the quest mode was ok, also the endings a game I can still play and have fun with it
Top 5 FPS...just five? I will have a hard time choosing them
1.- Goldeneye 007: the first FPS I really loved, with a memorable campaign, gameplay and a superb 4 player multiplayer, dont port it to 360 it won't be as good 11 years later
2.-Rainbow Six Vegas 2: nothing to say just read my review, and erase some bad points of it, because I had to be fair and not put it a ten
3.-Metroid Prime: one of the greates and the biggest, great abilities, and levels and effects...that water effect on the visor was awesome to me, if you dont like it you have issues
4.-Turok 2 Seeds of Evil: want to feel lost in ah uge place? play this one, and you also want a weapon that shoots a drill to the brain? this is the one, or you feel like bow and arrow? also you can do it, and on top of that have fun with the multiplaye ok go play this one..oldie but goodie
5.- FarCry Instincts: ok Jack Carver had attitude, had feral powers, had a good arsenal, and also you could find wilson from the movie castaway, sunken ships, pirates mercenaries, monsters, it had everything
Ok this is for my main genres, lots of games were left that I really love and enjoy close call to Half Life 2, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and Street Fighter 2
Finally if you read all this congratulations hah you have pattience, and here is the top 5 per console
NES: 1.Super Mario bros 3, 2. Contra, 3.Super Mario Bros. 4.Megaman 2, 5.The Legend of Zelda
SNES: 1.TLoZ a link to the past 2.Super Metroid 3. Street Fighter 2, 4.Super Mario World 5.Mario Kart
N64.1.TLoZ OoT 2.Goldeneye 007 3.Super Smash bros. 4.Super Mario 64 5.Star fox 64
Gamecube. 1.TLoZ TP.2.Resident Evil 4. 3.TLoZ WW 4.Prince of Persia sands of Time 5. Metroid Prime
Xbox 1.SC Chaos theory 2.PoP warrior within 3.star wars KotOR. 4.Fable. 5.MK Deception
xbox360. 1.Rainbow Six Vegas 2,2.The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion, 3.Mass Effect, 4.The Orange box, 5.Gears of War/Assassins Creed
Top 10 games of all time (just 1 game per franchise)
10.Metroid Prime
9.Star Wars KotOR
8.Super mario 64
7.The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion
6.Rainbow six Vegas 2
5.PoP Warrior Within
4.Resident Evil 4
3.Goldeneye 007
2.Splinter Cell Chaos theory
1.The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (is the improvement of Ocarina of Time)
Man 90 minutes writng this post is a lot!!! deciding and all, mm you are going to defer from this but is my post haha, tell me what I missed to include it in the next blog entries and read me next week in..A Gaming Blog FPS player!
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