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A Gaming Blog, Cheating, glitching and gaming


Hi, readers a new week a new adventure for Sandman Zone Im still alive, no I was not in prison and yes, Im still complete, this week was a really gaming week as all I did was, gaming, gaming with my girl, work and go to college, So yes I was relaxed, thanks for your comments guys is great to have readers like you hahaha.This week I'm talking, about cheats, glitchs and gaming, well so let's go!


what am I playing?


 Ok, just as last week I'm still playing FarCry 2 the most as the campaign is lenghty and there is lots of places to visit and places to say wow! I played a couple matches on Farcry's multiplayer, and well I am doing a map, I finished the Gears of War 2 campaign on Hard all by myself, if anyone is up to some co-op on Insane, send me a message, and last but not least...well yes least, Fable II, I played a bit of the campaign and some co-op with akiraxander. From now on I will put my weekly gamerscore


Sandmanarenas gamerscore: 22909 (god! I want that point Im missing from FIFA 09 that 9 looks horrible)

sandmanarenas gamercard 


Cheats and Glitches


 Have you ever cheated on a game? I know I have BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND is the most memorable for me (tip: unlocks everything in Turok 2 Seeds of Evil) I used to suck beyond suck in videogames I thought I wasnt capable of finishing a game without cheats, mabe I I did beat some on easy and didnt tried on normal..... so whenever a cheat was at hand I used it!!!! quake, turok, even super mario bros. every single one of them muhuhahaha....... ok, nowadays I dont cheat anymore, it all started with my old xbox as I beated Knights of the Old republic, I feeled great to finish a game on hard, so from that day on, I started playing straight and in the end it was more fun, and more of a challenge, and now with achievements I know I can finish that Call of duty on veteran or Halo on legendary, or Rainbow six on realistic, and I finally consider myself a good gamer (my good that 100% in Splinter Cell Chaos theory is my personal achievement)

other thing common nowadays are glitches (I'm watchng you Gears of War)  I define them as game bugs wich people uses to their advantage, this kind of cheating is the one I cannot stand as mostly it is used in multiplayer, you know crabwalk, get behind walls in halo, etc. really for the people that uses doesnt make you better at all trust me,  it just proofs you ont have the means to win a battle.

So thats all for my main theme this week.



Top 5 ways to die in a videogame

5.- be the meal of a T-Rex - Turok dinosaur hunter, and Turok 

4.- burned!!! - Mortal Kombat, Gears of war 2 and others

3.- crushed, slam and cut into tiny pieces -yeah Resident Evil 4

2.- have your face melt by acids - Resident Evil 4 again

1.-Get your spine ripped off!!- Mortal kombat



Ok, so this is it for this week hope you enjoyed my blog and well, read me next week and vote for the main theme, a gaming blog either my favorite game of all time or the new xbox live experience!!!!

A Gaming Blog, Gaming in Fall 2008

A Gaming Blog, gaming this Fall.

whoa! long time no see my friends but here I am once again returning to my blog as I have much to say and many things to Blog about, Fall is here and all those games that where worth getting are now out, but first of all let me tell you why I was away from my blog and the forums...job hahaha, I needed money for birthdays, my anniversary and some games, and well let's get going with the blog

what am I playing?

ok, its been a long since I write the last time, so this months list will be about the more important games I've played lately, ok I played the force unleashed and rainbow six vegas 2 o september, on october and the first part of november I've been playing FIFA 09, Fable II, FarCry 2, and Gears of war 2 but the blog will be about these games so.... lets get into the main theme

Fall Games

Ok, a small overview now that I played this games and all (just prince of persia and fallout 3 in the "to be played list") ok so here is my opinion of the games I've played recently hope it helps someone get decided

Star Wars the force unleashed: ok, I wasn't hyped at all for this game, and I got it to wait for all the games that were coming in october, but I really enjoyed this game it was amazing, I like star wars a lot and I got the chance to know about the gap between trilogys, the strong point for this game is the story, it is well done and represented and starkiller is a memorable character, gameplay wise is an ok game, it has minor glitches and flaws but it offers great moments, and some spectcular moves. I achieved the 1000 points, so I had the complete experienced, and I will really finish it one more time...oh a con for the game is the lenght is too short

score: 8/10

FIFA 09: normally I wouldnt write about sports games, but FIFA deserves to be here, because its a great video game wich lets you be creative, in your tactics, and offers a robust online component with 10 on 10 games, and all, great modes, and great realism int the game FIFA is one of the best sports games ever

score: 9/10

Fable II: I know some people may differ but Fable is a great game, it has some really nice moments but the thing is I played Oblivion 2 years ago, and is a far more complete adventure than Fable, but feoble has great things such as the dog, the propertys and the live and breathing world, I have yet to finish it but on an early score I'd give it a 8.5/10

FarCry 2: ok, here is the game that has all my heart, I know some people doesnt like it or feels it is too slow and all, but to me is like the calm before the storm, it is rearding to have a battle plan working, I am 14 hours into the game and im like 30% in the campaign, the multiplayer is ok, not the greatest but a good pick and play experience, and for the map editor is great and all I havent finished it but my early score is 9.5/10

Gears of War 2: the game most people was waiting, Gears of war deliver bigger better and more badass....but I totally hate the matchmaking, the campaign is great offers a big experience, and finally you feel like your are in the war, the graphics looks great, and horde mode is pretty fun, mp is...I dont know, I just played a match but the matchmaking is ugly really, score 9/10

five things that make me love farcry 2

1. snipe someone from far far far away

2. to burn an enemy camp and surround every enemy

3. the explosions, boom! and everything flies and all

4. the exploration, you know run through the jungle jump to a river and follow the river to a desert


A gaming Blog, Jap Games

A gaming blog, *** games

First of all, congrats on the readers from the U.S. Michael Phelps did a pretty impressive job on the swimming pool, equally impressive that jamaican runne Usain Bolt fastest man alive haha, second, I just preorder my first game for fall, but the thing is here in Mexico there arent as much games to preorder as in the U.S. or other countries,and third, maybe I wont write any entry in a couple of weeks, I dont know, hope I can

What am I playing?

Ok, this week I sat and finished Half-Life 2 episode 2, wish I never did it, now I cant wait to get episode 3, I also been playing some Lego Star Wars the original trilogy bacuase I havent finished and it is with me for a long time, I also finished the second disc of Lost Odyssey, I also plyed lots of Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 2 on MP and some Turok, really I want to love this game but the lag sometimes kills it.

Japanesse Games

Raise your hand those of you who havent played any game developed in Japan!!! I knew it there is no one who havent, I may get flamed but I have to tell you,I dont like Japanesse games for the most part, no, Im not crazy, and yes I respect those who likes them, the thing why I dont like most japanesse games (there are exceptions as Resident Evil and Street Fighter, and some more...) is because first of all, they always need the craziest settings for their stories, many games are in a medieval futuristic pretty weird, the art on their games is like reading a manga, and I dont like japanesse drawing, also they always put leather clothes on man, and barely any clothes on women, come on, chicks dont need to have a giand butt and huge breasts to impress me or like em (Mai Shiranui being the only exception hehe) also they need more manly characters almost everyone in the Final Fantasy Universe (that is important and is not named Cloud) looks like a chick..... also whats with their hair colors? arent they happy using just black, blonde, brown, white )on old men or women), or red? If I were a *** character my hair should be green to match my eyes, oh and have a pretty weird haircut (or the *** cut you know dante ****..), also the more slut a girl looks the deadlier she is, enough bashing for now, someday I may write part II, but as I tell what is worng I will tell what I like about *** games, first the narrative, they know how to express the emotion they want, (compare the death of the important chick in FF VII and the death of Carmine in Gears of War hehe) Japanesse developers do the best bosses in the business, and no one beats them creating inhuman powers.

Weekly Top 5: Best Bosses of The Legend of Zelda (besides Ganon)

5.- The Armored Dragon in the last temple of Twilight Princess

4.- Phantom Ganon (Ocarina of Time-Forest Temple)

3.- Dark Link (Ocarina of Time-Water Temple)

2.-Gohma (Wind Waker-Dragon Roost and Twilight Princess-Temple of Time)

1.- Twinrova (Ocarina of Time-Spirit Temple)

Next Week: A Gaming Blog, game of the year awards (yes im giving my awards in august)

A Gaming Blog, A change in format ans Splinter Cell

Hi Readers, once again here I am posting the weekly blog entry, last week I posted it late because I hadnt had the time to finish it, you know, Im kinda busy guy hehe, so this week is a special one, as I consider to make some changes here, first of all, I will make shorter entries because I noticed my entries are pretty boring to read, second, as always I will keep my main theme, with some weekly secondaries, I don't know if im gonna divide them or let them flow but I will try the first one, please give feedback in your comments, oh and I will star putting images in here.

News and commentaries

first of all, the Olympic games Inauguration was awesome dont you think? I was pretty amazed of the creativity put into it, second, I started saving money for this fall, you know is full of games I want (at least 6 I really want), third, let me know in your comments, wich games are you eager to get.

What am I playing?

this week is a mixed one, I started again the Halo 3 campaign, becuse a buddy just got it and he wanted help with the campaign achievements, this week my most played MP were Unreal Tournament 3 and Gears of War, I love Unreal by the way, and for Gears, Im playing with a buddy, I really want to like the game but...the host advantage is a nightmare, And last but not least I just finishd the first disc of Lost Odyssey, it is a good game, I am really liking it, it is very emotional, and have some interesting things to read, and for comabt is ****c turn based but it as it's little something

On Splinter Cell

I am one of those guys that is still Expecting Splinter Cell Conviction to land on my console, because believe me, I am really a fan, it all began when I borrowed from a friend Pandora tomorrow, at first I thought it was a Metal Gear rip-off, but soon I realized it was far more realistic than MG (as always I'm not bashing, but let's be honest no spy can carry a missile launcher and a ton of weapons) and I was amazed of the kind of movements and the ways you could apply them, and what was the best thing? Sam Fisher, I see it as the coolest character ever created, with a weird sense of humor and always saying what he thinks, dont know I had lot of empathy with the guy, a year later I was able to get Splinter Cell chaos theory and it made a good experience, into a unique one, as the campaaign was more complete and full of detail it was immersive, and every single new move, was something I wanted in SCPT, I finshed it 4 times wich is rare in my as I tend to finish my games from 1 to 3 times the most, and if you havent played it, then you are missing a great game, later I got to play Double Agent in the originl xbox, It had some great twists into the SC formula, and it kept the game interesting, but I hadnt that much time to play it as the 360 was on the market, some months later I bought Splinter Cell DA for the 360 and I was surprised by 1 thing, it was a whole different game from the 1st one (if you havent played one of the versions believe me, it has nothing to do one with the other) and the more cinematic game I have played to date (short, but cinematic haha) and it had a stunning scene....the intro to sea of Okhost it was a desolated scene I am still impressed by it..... and on closing comments, I am really curios for the new game, the gameplay and the changes in Fisher's life, but I will have to wait at leat for q4 2009 or more......really sad

Weekly top 5: characters in video games

1.-Sam Fisher: Cool and Badass

2.-Link: The hero everyone wants to be

3.- The Prince (prince of persia): the acrobathic wonder

4.- Leon Scott Kennedy (RE): the man that gets the job done bu taking its time to get the girl

5.- Dante: Dont you love his attittude in DMC 4?

special thanks

as always to akiraxander, thanks for reading my eternal posts hahaha, ScarTissue9 thx for that 1st comment, and another one who reads it always darrenfps, dude Im still hoping that I can play with you on live hehe

Next Week: A Gaming Blog, Japanesse Games

A gaming blog, I will be poor in december

Ok, first of all some comments from the last week, first of all, I ride the gears of war hype band wagon and I returned to play as dom, marcus and friends, second, I just got Unreal tournament 3 and my oppinion!!!'ll tell you later, third thanks as always to akiraxander, darrenfps, and skatatay for the comments and congratulations skat I wish you luck as the new leader of the inflarmembe union! fourth I starting saving money for this fall.....and thats today topic.

ok since january of the last year I was amazed of the great games coming, but then I just checked the release ates for this games and guess what? as you may know every single game I want is coming in a space of 3 months, and to add more that space of 3 months I have 3 birthdays and 1 I will become a bank robber or something like that so a little notes on those games that I will blame for my poorness (i dont know if this is a word but sounds funny)....

FarCry 2: ok I played FarCry Instincts and Evolution and I really lover them both, because of the enviroments and the different ways to achieve your goals, feral powers were good but I kind of like that the franchise moves forward, FarCry 2 seems to me like a FPS 2.5 starting with the graphs, you know the enviroments really look so real, and the detail in gameplay (at least the one shown in videos) seems like no other game in consoles, FarCry 2 seems like the greatest idea for a next gen experience, maybe some elements were there before but not togheter and in this fashion FarCry is my silver Star and will be spinning in my 360 on day one (day one in mexico dont forget hehe)

Prince of Persia: yes as FarCry I played all prequels (except prince of persia 3d) and the story of the sands of time is one of my favorites, the whole saga was fun and so spectacular, Ubisoft made a great franchise of old, become a great experince last gen, Prince ofp ersia looks spectacular and awesome, the ilustrative graphics, added more fantasy to the game, seems like a great game, and one I dont want to miss and surely I wont, just hope they dont mess the soundrack as in prince of persia warrior within

Fable 2: as an owner of the original xbox I played every game published by microsoft game studios, and fable was not an exception, the game had magic, and some really cool ideas, the lost chapters only improved the original gameplay, and if you make memory the game world was big and had lots of variety, some memorable moments (the arena and the balverine attack comes to my mind) and a customizable heo, some cool lookinf clothes, enough of fable one time for 2, fable 2 looks like it can deliver the experience of old and some really "oh holy (fill in the blanks) " thats cool, and a great, maybe it doesnt sound to great, but it will be kinda funny do some mayhem with a pal, and if you ask me this is what the 360 needed more adventure games.

Gears of War 2: the 360 doesnt need more shooters but you cant miss one of this proportions (wich are epic hehe) If you played the first gears of war yu will know 2 will be very similar, but it is the second era version I really have the same high hopes in this one as in the first one, and the hope is...the new weapons to be balanced, and o the old ones, the host advantages to be taken away (never got killed by a host with a single shot of the shotgun 8 feet away?) and some story on the locust conflict

Fallout 3: I havent played any fallout game, but the trailer and all got my attention but this e3 I had the chance to see fallout in ation, and let me tell you looks like a good experience, not the one that I imagined but a great big, and gory experience, believe me I will not let pass this game, as it looks big, and by big I mean in all senses storytelling, graphic detail, gameplaywise and it has more than 50 beards....haha do you need more? maybe if i can I will play the previous fallouts, but is har to find them here

Banjo Kazooie nuts & bolts: I grew playing banjo, and I still love playing banjo, it was the evolution of mario 64, and although it looked like a childs game it had a great sense of black humor, and great detail level. Nuts & Bolts, looks different in some aspects such as the vehivcle building, im nor sceptic about this, in fact im curious to see gameplay of a level, to see if you can mix the vehicles and the old banjo platforming, and let me tell you the game looks beautiful, and looks like the levels will have an epic scale.

Other games worth mentioning: Street Fighter 4, Call od Duty World at War, Dead Space, Dark void and Legendary, I will also keep an eye on those games althought im not really sure when do they hit the shelves

ok, so this is it for this weeks blog entry, and dont forget to attend to...A Gaming Blog: Splinter Cell next week . oh and by the way I am currently having a great time with unreal tournament!!!

A Gaming Blog, from a first person perspective

Ok, a new week, a new entry, so before I get into topic I have to tell you a couple of things, first of all, Im not buying any new games until October, because I have to save money to play all games that I want, second, I just bought Davil May Cry 4 and Lost Odyssey and looks like I will have one hell of a time playing those two (Lost Odyssey is my first RPG so let's see how well I do) third, thanks as always to akiraxander and darrenfps for taking the time to read my tops, and commenting on the blog, and akira nice list man, and know with no more dalys let's talk about ...... yes FPS.

If you see my Top 10 games you wouldn't imagine that my favorite genre is FPS, and let me tell you one is, is my most played genre since the n64 days (and a few on pc before that), why it is my favorite? maybe because the action, gameplay is really good, and give you more spacial perception of everything, you are always focused on your screen, generally this genre has the best audio, and like it or not it has the best MPs, so a quick overview on some of my favorites and the thing that makes them different.

Doom: who hasn't played doom? you? please go do yourself a favor and play it thanks, what is incredible about this game is that it has aged well, even now, it is still fun to play it, and even has some of the best enemies to date (im watching you spider mastermind) doom was the first FPS game I played, I remember be amused by the way I could crush a guy with a shotgun, or the desperate feel of being lost mand those were sick times....

Turok Dinosaur Hunter: a quick overview on this one, this game was the thing back in the day I played it at a friends house, and was amazed of how good the graphics looked, and how much gore was put into it, this game convinced me that I wanted a n64.

Goldeneye: the most exciting doom-type of game ( I didnt knew the therm FPS at the time) with memorable missions based on one of the best bond movies (at least for me) a great soundtrack (who doesnt remember the bunker tune) really creative, with objectives above the get the key and escape, and well the best of all 4 player split screen multiplayer!!!! I remember countless library matches in license to kill and proximity mines....and they were good. Also to add Perfect Dark here, was awesome too but just improved some of the goldeneye formula so it wasnt as stunning.

Turok 2 Seeds of Evil and Turok 3 Shadows of Oblivion: If you tell me wich game has the best weapons without doubt I'd say turok two (there has to be a video on youtube or something like it) it has insane equipment even to this day, even current weapons have historic antecedents in this game, remember the glaive from dark sector? you have the wind razor here, and if you ask me it has the biggest levels ever! try not to get lose in river of souls, or lair of the blind ones, try to figure out the way to end primagens lightship...those were good times... and the reason Im pointing turok 3 here is because the mp you could play it against bots, and even change some settings pure unreal ****

Quake III Arena: I was going with unreal tournament here but nah quake 3 is my main man, you know it has doom, and Ozzy Osborne ( hehe I downloaded that skin) some of the greatest maps, and one of the more balanced gameplays of all, everyweapon counts and every weapon can be used to kill (with a little help from quad damage) even playing agains the cpu was a challenge (who didn't got killed by Xaero?) good memories...

Metroid Prime: if you havent played it you should, it great even for thisdays if you ask me is not a shooter is a FPAdventure, with many skills and upgrades, talon world is big to explore and hard to master, every room has its secrets, it's funny how fast times change I really loved how samu's visor showed many effects, like water, steam, and even reflection, if you ask me this is the best step mtroid franchise could have done.

Half Life 2: I just finished this game in the orange box, and now I see what they meant when they told me it was awesome...everything on it, story, gameplay, alyx, you know it is the game, and two oh my god endings (I havent reached the one on episode 2) but I would be very shocked if I had to wait all those years to watch what happened next hehe,

Halo 3: ok this is my seond halo I just played two and only the campaign, wich was ok, but for this one I had multiplayer, wich made the experience a new one, it's not the same shoot a grunt to death with the needler that shoot another spartan to death, vehicles with friends are even better, so with halo 3 was the more the better, I just hope master chief adventures continue to entertain me

Rainbow Six Vegas and Rainbow Six Vegas 2: ok vegas 2 is the real deal, so im focusing on it as everythng I disliked in vegas one is gone, the story is so so, but the gameplay makes me return for more, well that and a great multiplayer, I can be hours playing total conquest in killhouse and never get tired of shooting heads with the FNC and the best of all.... I just got the Elite rank, fair and square, no glitching, no **** and no boosting.

some others FPS worth mentioning: unreal tournament, 007 nightfire, Doom 3, Bioshock, the Darkness, Jedi Outcast, Star wars Republic commando and SW battlefront II o and I almost forgot...the FPS minigame in Banjo Tooie it was realli good, using kazooie as a gun jejeje, pure fun to play with friends

so this is it for now, I see you next week in" a gaming blog, I'll be poor in fall"

A Gaming Blog, all top games!!!

Ok, my weekly entrance (oh man 3 blog entries in 7 days) so first of all, thanks to akiraxander and darrenfps for taking the time to read and comment on the blog, second, I've just reached my 16,000 gamerpoints I don't know why but I like having every single point I can, third of all I'm amazed with the trailer of Prince of Persia, I love the music (Saeglopur-Sigur Ros) fourth, to my thousands of readers, let's play together next weekend, send me messages on xbox live to coordinate. Ok so now it's tme t begin with....all my tops!!! maybe is a boring reading and I don't blame you, I just want to do it for you to know what kind of gamer I am!!. Ok so I will start by some of the main genres, on the consoles I've owned, and finally m top 10 games.Oh and if I fail to clasify a game let me know!

Top 5 sandbox games

1.-GTA San Andres: is a truly deep experience with lots of thing to doand places to go, I didn't finished it (I just failed the last mission once and never tried it again) but I put a lot of hours on it

2.- The Godfather:I really loved the be a mob bully premise, and the fighting system worked great, also the presentation was awesome to me (I played it on the original xbox)

3.-Saints Row: lots of customization and fun things to do a definitively M rate game, but a great experience, I can have tons of fun just shooting pals on the game lobby, oh and I love the pimp slap too!!

4.-Ultimate Spiderman: it wasn't a great game, but it was cool balancing from building to building with the web and that made the game for me

5.-GTA IV: don't flame me it's number five, it was to slow for my taste and I really disagree with the lack of customization, bt the multiplayer was good....oh poor Chalo haha

Top 5 Adventure games besides any the legend of zelda

1.- Prince of Persia the warrior within: I really loved the change made to the prince and the free fighting system, the story was well played and the platforming was really awesome

2.-Prince of Persia the sands of time: wow! for it's time and nowadays it had a more disney like feeling, the acrobathics were new to me, and the sand powers were incredibly useful

3.-Castlevania Special Edition: yeah I was one of the 5 guys who liked this game, the different stories and places, made this game so complete I will never forget the fight against the bull, one unforgetable boss

4.-Assassin's Creed: yes I love it, and yes I don't think is repetitive, it has a cool character and a great way to explain things, the cliff hanger ending made me want more, and also I'll been practicing to have a great swordplay

5.-Prince of Persia the two thrones: too much PoP right? and maybe they are platformers I don't know, but was shorte than the others that's why it is not higher, but let me tell of the best endings ever (if you played the sand of time)

Top 5 RPG's

1.-Star Wars knights of the old republic: it's star wars, you are a jedi, you can customize your powers, canderous and bastila were great and it has probably the most ZOMFGWTF moment in al the games I've played

2.-The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion: ok, so heres the hing I've played a lot of Oblivion and I haven't even discovered half the stuff there is to do, the map and the experience is huge, the envirments and the armors, and the story is ok!

3.-Fable the Lost chapters: outstanding game big in verygame with lots of quests, and great character full of memorable moments, I dont care what Molyneux promised, I just enjoy this game

4.-Mass Effect: yes Shepard is a clone of my brother (the one in the box art), the story is not groundbreaking but i does make you want more, the characters are great, the graphics awesome (at least to me), and nothing like using biotics

5.-Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II the sith Lords: another great game but with a less interesting story, Atton and Mandalore were great characters (i know the true identity of mandalore just hear him speak)

Top 5 Platforms

1.-Super Mario Bros. 3: If you haven't played it, please go and do it, I need you in the move, this game need no explanation

2.-Super Mario 64: thisi s what I'm talking about mario goes 3D and redefines gaming nce again with memorable levels and stars Mario made the right moves! here we go!!!!!

3.-Banjo Tooie: huge world, bizarre humor, more banjo more kazooie, more secrets, more memorable characters, great boss battles, great music, great game in all fashion oh...and one of the best multiplayers !!!

4.-Super Metroid: it was an epic game, and a prety lenghty one, with tons of things to find, and lot's of action, this game was simply awesome

5.-Banjo Kazooie: sorry mario but the bar does kick ass, and his first adventure is no different once again big challenge great world and characterd do blab haha

Top 5 Action games

1.-Splinter Cell Chaos theory: ok is stealth, but im not going to ****fy only metal gears and splinter cells, Sam Fisher is a great character, game play is rewarding and flashy, SC20 i a great weapon and it also had coop, i'd put other splinter cells n this list but I dont want them to dominate so I put this one

2.-Resident Evil 4: Great game overall, great graphs, sound story, characters and all, weapon customization and more than anything the gameplay, oh and tell me what you want RE4 is not survival horror

3.- Jet Force Gemini: Juno, Vela and Lupus were the more forgettable characters ever, but the game was just plain fun and it had a good story and an entertaining violance grade, h and cool weapons!

4.-Gears of War: why is not number 1? laggy multiplayer I can't say anything about this game you dont already know, oh yes....Dom is one of the best sidekicks ever, and is not cheap to chainsaw the host

5.-Star Fox 64: ok it's a shooter, but is the only one I liked so again im not making a list on it only, the sqaud and the music wer awesome, epic boss fights and multiple routes....and awesome quiet...too quiet...

Top 5 Fighters

1.-Mortal Kombat Deception : X,Y,B,LT,B,LT,down B, back,down,back B, fwd,fwd A two times then back,back,fwd,fwd A and you have the round winned and a fatality with kensh haha, loved that game the characters, quest mode, fatalities, martial ****, and minigames...hehe puzzle kombat

2.-Super Smash Brothers: I played this game until my eyes exploded I was addicted to it, played more than 1,000 matches, al items were useful (except goldeen) and yes Cap. Falcon does kicks everyone else ass

3.-Virtua Fighter 5: im not hyped because I just picked it, it is a great fighter with well represented martial arts (at least kick boxing, jeet kune do and Judo) and characters with charisma

4.-Capcom vs SNK 2: mmmm I was thinking wich KoF or Street Fighter should I put in? easy their match haha great game great gameplay and I think street fighters are better fighters than the one on SNK haha

5.-Soul Calibur II: Link, Yoshimitsu and ring out made this game too fun to let pass, the quest mode was ok, also the endings a game I can still play and have fun with it

Top 5 FPS...just five? I will have a hard time choosing them

1.- Goldeneye 007: the first FPS I really loved, with a memorable campaign, gameplay and a superb 4 player multiplayer, dont port it to 360 it won't be as good 11 years later

2.-Rainbow Six Vegas 2: nothing to say just read my review, and erase some bad points of it, because I had to be fair and not put it a ten

3.-Metroid Prime: one of the greates and the biggest, great abilities, and levels and effects...that water effect on the visor was awesome to me, if you dont like it you have issues

4.-Turok 2 Seeds of Evil: want to feel lost in ah uge place? play this one, and you also want a weapon that shoots a drill to the brain? this is the one, or you feel like bow and arrow? also you can do it, and on top of that have fun with the multiplaye ok go play this one..oldie but goodie

5.- FarCry Instincts: ok Jack Carver had attitude, had feral powers, had a good arsenal, and also you could find wilson from the movie castaway, sunken ships, pirates mercenaries, monsters, it had everything

Ok this is for my main genres, lots of games were left that I really love and enjoy close call to Half Life 2, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and Street Fighter 2

Finally if you read all this congratulations hah you have pattience, and here is the top 5 per console

NES: 1.Super Mario bros 3, 2. Contra, 3.Super Mario Bros. 4.Megaman 2, 5.The Legend of Zelda

SNES: 1.TLoZ a link to the past 2.Super Metroid 3. Street Fighter 2, 4.Super Mario World 5.Mario Kart

N64.1.TLoZ OoT 2.Goldeneye 007 3.Super Smash bros. 4.Super Mario 64 5.Star fox 64

Gamecube. 1.TLoZ TP.2.Resident Evil 4. 3.TLoZ WW 4.Prince of Persia sands of Time 5. Metroid Prime

Xbox 1.SC Chaos theory 2.PoP warrior within wars KotOR. 4.Fable. 5.MK Deception

xbox360. 1.Rainbow Six Vegas 2,2.The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion, 3.Mass Effect, 4.The Orange box, 5.Gears of War/Assassins Creed

Top 10 games of all time (just 1 game per franchise)

10.Metroid Prime

9.Star Wars KotOR

8.Super mario 64

7.The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion

6.Rainbow six Vegas 2

5.PoP Warrior Within

4.Resident Evil 4

3.Goldeneye 007

2.Splinter Cell Chaos theory

1.The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (is the improvement of Ocarina of Time)

Man 90 minutes writng this post is a lot!!! deciding and all, mm you are going to defer from this but is my post haha, tell me what I missed to include it in the next blog entries and read me next week in..A Gaming Blog FPS player!

Special: A Gaming Blog shorts, E3 2008

Ok so this is a spacial entry just to let you know my thoughts on the E3 what I liked and What I didnt for the xbox360 of course, because I just dont read about ps3 or Wii, well maybe a comment or two on both hehe ok so let's start with the games in order of anticipation (before E3)

FarCry 2: still looks amazing, buth they showed the same thing as always still seems a game that can hit top 10 with me

Fable II: man I am excited for this game it seems to have the depth I always dreamed but im scared stil they havent showed any of the fighing gameplay

Gears of War 2: thisi s what I'd expected bigger better and more badass...oh and of course more Dominic Santiago the multiplayer looks great and horde sounds like fun, the campaign looks good just that but corrct me if im wrong but looks like they diminished the visuals on this one (I say it because marcus's face at the end of the campaign video looks worse

Fallout 3: I didn't knew anything about fallout, but it had a great premise and the name bethesda on it, but now that I've seen gameplay im excited for this one.and more than 50 beard types!!! they completely got me hahaha

Resident Evil 5: call me crazy but this game didnt impressed me that much, the zombies/ganados look horrible just seems like resident evil 4 with better graaphics and a cooler character (im not talking about chris) maybe co-op saves it in my book, or maybe they shut my mouth (wich I hope they do)

Banjo Kazooie, nuts & bolts: if someone tell "me hey man the vehicle part is just the 50% of the game the other 50% is platforming" I'd say ok maybe I'd get it but f someone told me "hey man the vehicles are important and you do use them for platforming" then I'd say "im definitively going to pick this one"

Prince of Persia: I didnt expect much on this one but a look to the trailer and they sold it to me it is in the number 1 spot of anticipation, and yes I'd call it Ilustrative and beautiful

Mortal Kombat vs DC: 1.- yes I like MK 2.- yes I like DC comics (hope they put Green lantern) 3.- no I dont like the mix, the game doesnt look bad, but it seems like mortal kombat 6.5 no big improvements (at the moment) in the visuals or the gameplay

Splinter Cell Conviction: where are you sam?????

ok os the new order is: 1.- Prince of persia. 2.- FarCry 2, 3.- Gears of War 2. 4.- Fable II, 5.- Fallout 3. 6.-Banjo Kazooie nuts & Bolts. 7.- Resident Evil 5.8.-Mortal Kombat vs I missing someone? no I don't, im starting to think Splinter cell wont be coming til 2010

Other news, final Fantasy XIII coming to that good? I really dont care but many people do,but ps3 fans care more than 360 fans whats their problem? mm star ocean 4 more jrpg wich I dont care (oh if anyone can give me advise of Lost Oddisey give me your opinion on that game) and too human ..the demo was a let down where are the cinematic fights? by the way I like the new dashboard, an if they implement in a good way the avatars it would be great, and party mode also looks amazing.

By the way what happened to nintendo no more fox, samus, link, captain falcon??? they have the greatest franchises ever and they are dumping them they make me mad

oh and as I did E3 as a special, next week read A gaming Blog, all top 10's the who and why of every game in every genre I like!!!

On a final announcement, I've finished my Rainbow six Vegas 2 review you may want to check it out, and I did it secid because skatatay asked for it

A Gaming Blog Super Sandman Bros.

Ok guys once again here I am writing in my blog, before I start with todays topic, I want to tell you some things, first, last thursday was my birthday, and I made a huge party and it was great, one of my presents was Virtua Fighter 5 and let me tell you is easily one of my top 5 fighting games (im not hyped because its new to me, and some day I'll give you my top five per genre, ok on a second comment, E3 has started ( a full blog next week about it) and yesterday was MS conference and what they showed was amazing, and I think the PS3 fanboys are pissed because Final Fantasy is also coming to xbox, (I havent played any of them,are they good?), I still have hope they announce or at least thy "wake" Alan (ok it was a bad joke), and finally, the voting is closed and lets make a countdown, oh man 1,383, 980 votes for the topic on Tom Clancys games, 0 votes in things about me, and 1, 383, 981 votes for the n-fan topic , thanks to akiraxander for voting

Ok as you may now know th first console I playes was the NES and a guy named Mario MArio was the man there, I grew up playing Miyamotos creations, (well at the time I didnt knew who the hell was miyamoto) but I qickly fell into his games, I remember a coule of years later my cousin got a Seg Genesis, and there my fanboyism appeared, every single day I argued with my cousin why SNES was better, the games the blabla I told him Sonic could suck my...controller... (I have to admit I Really liked sonic and his names but I had to defend mario), and I was close shut to new experiences if it didnt had the nintendo quality seal it sucked, but well at the time I wasnt a gamer it was more ike when you defend your favorite batman figure against you cousin's G.I.Joe.

But guess what? a years later I became a gamer, yeah I had in my hands a play station and a n64, I said to my self, mmm mario or wathever this thing have? ok I pick MArio, and so I started becoming a gamer and PS hater (I didnt have any reason it was just my thing) I ws in my school with n fans, and there were another group of PS owners (and also fans) they were like hey we have metal gear, I was like hey guess what? nobody cares (I was soooooo wrong too many people actually cared) but well I had answers for every game they throwed at me star fox 64, goldeneye, mario 64, banjo kazooie,turok 2 and especially the legend of zelda ( my top 1 game of all time) everything nintendo did was great, (yeah I even defended superman 64 in one ocasion) and everything the PS had suked, I even read nintendo specialized magazines and all but let me tell you im not a fanboy anymore those n64 games where some of the greatest, nowadays I play some from time to time I even had Rainbow six on n64 hahaha

Later 3 consoles where on the market the all mighty gamecube, the playsucks 2 and the crapbox ( i will swallow my words later) so I got myself a Gamecube because I had to play nintendo hits no matter what, and yeah smash bros, windwaker, and metroid were pretty good, but I am a huge fan of sports games, specially the NBA 2k series, so one day I heard the series was not going to appear on the gamecube anymore, so I had to choose stick to NBA live, or get another console, so I did a little investigation ( i never read anyting about hte xbox or PS2) so my gamer world changed the moment I picked the xbox, it was a more mature control (not because of the games, it was because of the options it had) and yeah it did have some really cool games, the splinter cells were great on xbox, KOTOR ( one of my al time top ten)and many other games.

I saw really awful games appearig on the Gamecube while the xbox had games like black, ninja gaiden and many more, so I was sorry that nintendo screwed so big, (until Resident Evil 4 another top 10) many games came and a some years passed, when the new generation appeared, I was wondering about nintendos console more than the other companies, but then the wii made its debut and I was like oh my god...nintendo isnt a hardcore gamer company (I really dont like the wii at all exept fot mario galaxy zelda, and metroid 3, oh and smash brawl) so again I chose the xbox360 to live in my house (well my girl gave it to me but I tell her that I wanted one hehe) it was then that I started not caring about nintendo, they went for the sales and all, not for the loyal gamers (for real men tell what you want but one of every ten games on the wii is for the hardcore gamers) I dont hate nintendo at all I just dont like what they became, I knew too many people that have a wii and only have wii sports, and dont care about having any other game, so I'm happy with my xbox, has at least for me the best games (mmmm they say god of war is great and I would love it, and is coming to PS3,but im not buying a PS3 for one game).

And for the fans of Play Station Idont hate the console anymore, its just that im not comfortable with the dual shock its not he best control at least for me, but enjoy your onsole it has good games, and some great coming on the way.

A Gaming Blog The Blog goes online

Ok, first things first, my first review is up you may wanna check it out Perfect Dark Zero Review ,if you dont then skip this commercial hahaha, second thing thanks for Darren and Skatataty for commenting on my blog, third I downloaded the new content on rainbow six vegas two and let me tell you...oh my god is great! fourth Unreal Tournament 3 is coming today I dont know if im getting it because also Soul Calibur 4 is coming this month and i am a really low on $$$$ haha. So I've made my announcements let's continue with the last weeks blog entry, I was telling you about my experience with the xbox 360, and I was about to tell you about my experience with xbox live so lets get it on!!!!

so I remember it was October a few days before mi niece was borned, so I was decided to buy myself the xbox live kit, so I went to a big store, and acquired it in like $65 dollars ( as stated before videogames are more expensive in mexico) oh and I also bought FIFA 08, s I went home plug everything and stuff, and decided wich game was the first candidate to join the fry, so I picked Halo 3, man was it awesome!!!! the first tiem I highlited Xbox live in the game menu I was excited haha, so as an inexperienced player in almost every multiplayer (you will fail if you think you can beat me in super smash bros) My rear part was kicked all around snowbound( if you dnt believe me check my Service Record), but I wasnt ma I was happy finally someone to play with. So I got to practice and practice, and really got to be an above the average spartan, but some days later, I had the curiosity of how good would rainbow six vegas would Halo went to the bench and Rainbow six entered to the disc tray, my first match was a real nightmare, a red dot, attack and defend, Everywhere I moved I got killed without firing, my bro was watching me play and they really kicked your know, but I really had the will to be a god player, so I played and played and played, until I was a medium player of my know the guy that dies 8 times and kills 8, meanwhile my bro was playing FIFA 08 and was kicking everyone he played against (well not everyone but like 70%) so from day to day I tried different games like Splinte Cell Double Agent, Lost Planet, NBA 2k7 (horrible online, people only use cheap tatics) Crackdown, but guess what??? I kept coming for more Halo and R6.

A few days later I buyed again Gears of War wich was an ok multiplayer but with an horrible community and an horrible problem...the host advantage.....So I kept playing games but I always came back to Halo and R6, even Call of Duty 4 is catching dust in my room (by no means im bashing it its just not my kind of game) In febraury I got myself Army of Two and it was a great co op game but let me tell you something here in mexico it is impossible to play online I've just played one complete match and thats about everything, even if I play with 3 mexicans is unplayable, I ve written many mails to EA hoping they fix this but no response to date, a few weeks later a game fell in my hands...Rainbow Six Vegas 2, It has every imrprovement I always wanted on the first one and it was a bit more fast paced, I quickly fell into it, I even got into a clan with US people, we were invincible in total conquest (really we played like 50 matches nad we never lost) but I had to leave it for a while bacuase I had to many homework atschool, but a month ago I picked again my games and got the orange box, and let me tell you TF 2 has arrived to stay with thats all for today. If someone read this leave your comment on wich of the following topics wuld you like to read about in next week, A gaming blog pick your theme..haha if no one comments then I will pick it myself hahaha

1.Nintendo fanboy

2.Why do I love Tom clancys games

3. Something about my real life haha