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A Gaming Blog, Official release

Hey! it's been a long time again, I promised some stuff to be delivered through my super awesome blog but I wasn't able to deliver, why? you ask well. it's not that I've been that busy (I have find enough time to play my games, and continue my crusade on gamespot) but I have a short attention span and I forgot I promised a long ass entry, thing is I change my laptop (MacBook Air FTW) and I lost almost all my old and useless documents, so now instead of a long ass entry on FPS last millenium I'm delivering a half ass entry on FPS last millenium, that's the way it is because Sandman says so!

Recently I've been playing a couple new and old games, I finally managed to finish Banjo-Kazooie; which I played since 1998 but didn't finished hehe, I finished Shadow Complex also, which is an ultra awesome game for XBLA but I still have some achievements to go on that one, so maybe I'll hunt them down around q3 2010, I bought a ticket to the hype train to modernwarfaretwoville and got the game on release, I don't know why, but I like that game a lot like in top 10 this generation, I'm enjoying the multiplayer a lot (been playing with some gamespot's buddies) ad wel the campaign although short was filled with lots of great moments, also I've just bough Assassin's Creed II, part one is still one of my favorite games this gen, I don't know why but I couldn't find the boring part anywhere, still I don't have yet an objective comment on the game because I'm just three hours into it and the game is still throwing new game mechanics to the mix, I just have to sya I've commited my first major assassination and it felt rewarding as hell, on the down side I feel like they did less detail into characters faces but I wouldn't bet on it.

FPS in 1999

I remember back in 2007 I wasn't to used to videogames, I played one or two based on a movie or a cartoon I like or a Mario game, on the shooter side of things, the only game I've played back then was Doom on the SNES , I didn't knew anything about game genres (imagine that, now I blog bout videogames) there were Doomlike games and Mariolike games, so a christmas dad came home with two autenthic masterpieces, Star Fox 64 and a defining game in my gaming career Goldeneye 007 which to be honest I hold dearly even to this days, I remember I sucked terrible in that game but I played it on agent to the end, I dont know how I could feel comfortable with that game it was a pain in the a$$ to aim, and you couldn't aim and move (pure Resident Evil 4 win) it had a big nice auto-aim but in competitive multiplayer it made you feel ...ummm the anthonym to rewarded.

the famous bathroom scene from Goldeneye

I played Goldeneye 007 for almost a year, I never beated in any other difficulty but I surely loved to kill Natalya in all the protect Natalya missions, until a year later, my Mom bought me Turok 2 the seeds of evil (what kind of parents I have? I was 11 and 12 when they gave two rated M games) anyway, Turok 2 was way too different to Goldeneye, you moved with 4 directional buttons (if you had an n64 you probably rememeber the yellow "C" buttons) and aim with the stick the configuration felt weird at first, but a couple weeks with Turok 2 and I could kill and cover with ease, I remember I loved the cheats on that game, having all the weapons and unlimited ammo was the way to go at least for me (Most would call it killing the fun of the game, to me it was the fun on the game) I played a lot of Turok, the bad thing Is I couldn't finish it, the maps where huge labyrinths you could be lost in level 2 "the river of souls" for 4 hours and never find an exit, and to be honest I didn't have a memory card back then, so I couldn't save my progress.

the cerebral bore in action

Turok 2 was great, so I felt obliged to get Turok 3 shadows of oblivion which was way worse than it's predecesors, but had a really enjoyable multiplayer (any multiplayer back then with bots was automatic win) I couldn't play lots of multiplayer, because my brother is a girl and he hates losing to me in anything so I had to play alone everything (except FIFA,and in the holidays with my cousins I got to play everything else).

Speaking of Bots the last true marvelous game that I played to death and enjoy even more was Perfect Dark, I have to confess I never finished the campaign (they lost me with the appearane of "Elvis") but I played tons of multiplayer matches against the game's bots, you could configure every bot from name to personality to appearance, and you could play against 12 of them which was madness back then, I remember every map of that game (although it was the first game were I learned all multiplayer maps).this was some great stuff back then and that's the highlits for my FPS console gaming

On the pc side, there was this huge game I played non stop also, Unreal Tournament, where you could design your bots and play with lots of mutators so every match was unique and it had this amazing mode called domination where one team had an objective and the other had to stop it, it was truly amazing, and I got really good at aiming with a mouse, the weapons had soem serious punch and my bots had charisma, every new unreal game I pray that they retake some of those concepts.

A Gaming Blog, Teaser

rigt now I'm working in a huge entry for my blog, I've been thinking and writing heavy on it so make sure to give it a read specially if you like shooters

So next week in A Gaming Blog, First Person Shooting in 1999

P.S. My grammar owns!!

P.S. yeah it's pointless to blog about a blog entry

A Gaming Blog, das achievement unlocked Pt. 1

Hey readers! been a while since I wrote a real entry hehe, things are a little too quiet around here so I decided to fill another blog page with nonsense stuff, I've been in Germany for almost two weeks now things around here are way too different from Mexico, I never thought I'd be in Europe and miss Mexico but I do miss my country hehe gaming around here is somewhat different every single I've seen is censored in the violence subject, most of the pals I've made here (that game) own a ps3, so I can't share much of my experiences around, even so this is a gaming site and as the title notes, a gaming blog! so let's get into subject

you sure know what this is!!??

I haven't played anything here well a bit of Age of Empires, and some SNES emulators hehe, but aside from that nothing, so I chose a topic that everyone will love...Achievements.

plick! achievement unlocked; how many tmes have you seen this? Achievements serve a purpose and one purpose only, bragging, yeah I said it ok, achievements are only to show someone that you did something on x game, so what does it prove ?why we love them? I don't know, I just enjoy getting the most on my games I have this completion feeling, and that I got the most out of my money, of course there are games that takes to much to even make a significant advance in gamerscore to try it (ejem! Perfect Dark, Dead Rising and Far Cry Instincts Im looking at you). I remember a couple years back I gamed and never knew how much gamerscore I had, all this until my cousin asked me "whats your gamerscore?" and I was like uh...what? he told me about the achievement and all at the time I had around 4000 gamerscore, he was around 8000, to be honest it made me want to surpass him, so I started gaming and going for achievements as best as I could so it began an achievement fever which ended in me having 33,000 points and my cousin 15,000 haha I think I went to far in the subject, the first couple of months I was obsessed with the achivements to the point of looking for guides and stop enjoying games, just because I wanted more and more, but then I started to get bored of most games, so I decided to stop the obsession and start doing what I like the most, gaming.

the best achievement list out there is the one form the 3 episodes of Half-Life

yeah, it's cool to have an achievement unlocked, but I dont go for them anymore, I just start playing games and whenever an achievement appears Im glad, but I wont look the achievements list at all, and that's why I returned to so many multiplayer games, Im back enjoying Halo 3 I stopped it playing after the 1000 gamerscore, because of that and the map packs, street fighter IV is a joy to play and I get on a fight or two once a week (well when I was home at least) nd now that is the thing to talk about avatar awards, Im really looking to see what you can unlock by playing, my suggestion would be to get something at 50% and then to 100% or after getting some really hard achievements, well this is it for this entry on a further blog I'll continue with this theme.

By the way, my brother got me some games Im looking to get them they are Prototype, Mortal Ko,bat vs DC and call me nuts but I dont recall having a virtua tennis

Life is a witch, July 28th

hey readers, long time not blogging, you know I come here with a it of news about me, not good or bad, just news, I'm leaving gaming for a while, well, its not much but I wont be around for a month or a bit more, why? this is the good stuff, Im going to germany to take some updates on my career, so I dont know if I will be able to play at all, I guss im not taking any console with me, and I dont know if I wil be able to continue gamespoting, I'm leaving tomorrow night so if anyone wants to declare they love to me now its the time, this said...enjoy and prost!!!

A Gaming Blog, Gamin in Summer 2009

Hey two week since our last entry, I wasn't busy and I didn't forget to write it, I just didn't have a theme or something that made me wander about gaming and life, so that equals to no entry haha bad way to start the second year right? well but this week off I had lots of ideas on themes about the blog, but for those I need further analysis and attention on the topics I'll be touching

So what happens to todays blog? I'll do a clazzic gaming entry you know what I got and currently play and my take on it! so with no more delay here it is Gamin in July 13th!!!

Left 4 Dead: I just got this game about 3 weeks ago, but I have to be honest I'va barely played it, I played a co op campaign with Gamespot user Palantas, we just finished "Death Toll" Campaign I was playing as Francis, bacause Zoey was being used by someone else....too bad, I did horrible in the game I had severe lag issues (my girl was checking her Facebook.....and I have a crappy connection so do the math), I tried also to play by myself bot I got bored to death, I didnt feel the experience that gives you sharing my experience with someone else, so I hotted online and it got worse, as an infected I did so-so, I killed a survivor as a smoker, so I didn't feel useless, but then trouble began as we played the survivors there was this guy on our team that just started shooting on all of us (he even shooted on the safe room) he was making me angry so I turned around and shot him till he was down, I thught of leaving him that way but then, the other two survivors helped him and he kept, shooting us, so once again I downed him...and he was revived again.....then he killed the other two survivors, and got killd by a hunter by the time I was alone all the opposing team was hunting for I died, it made me angry so I quitted the game nad haven't played it since....I guess I'll give it another go. And see if I can play with team players.

-Shoot him before he gets to us!!

-but that's Louis

-I know

The Darkness: I got also the Darkness excessively cheap (in US Dollars it was like $9) so I always wanted to play it and I finally got to do it, I think the game is pretty immersive you have the first person point of view and it is well done one of the few games in wich you can watch from your chest down, also I like the violence the game manages, no exploding heads, or limbs destryed, just bullet holes and lots of blood, and well shootouts are so-so in this point of the game, bt using the few darkness powers I have has result in some interesting fights, being creeping dark one of my favorites, also it has some great details, like the girl you watch with your girl it is complete there or what I stayed there for like 20 minutes and the movie kept going, amazing, I have barely scratched the game so on further experiences on it I will write a bit about it.

watchin the movie I mentioned early

Street Fighter IV: wow! just wow, It has been long since I played a fighting game this good (the last for me was Mortal Kombat deception) but Street Fighter IV has the spirit of Street Fighter II but with enough new stuff and details to make it fresh, first of all I like the graphics on the game it is like some kind of cell shaded combined with japanese art and manga....the charaters seem alive from time to time, If you unleash an Ultra Finisher when the screen takes your character to show it triggered, you can see the opponent with a face like "I'm screwed" animations and characters gestures are pretty impressive, also most animations are well done, story wise is like every other street fighter, no real story just characters movies as prologues and ending (they are shown like short animes) and well it has a huge cast of players, I've counted 24 as of today, each with its own ****and moveset, (even Ryu and Ken feel too different one from the other) and new game mechanics that arent too complicated but adds strategy to the fights (like the EX moves, focus attacks and Guard breaks) the online of the game is the best I've seen in a fighting game, no lag at all and the controls are too responsive, Im currently playing with the controller, no plans on gettin an arcade stick, and well a set back to the game is the ammount of person that uses cheap tactics, and most pleople play with just Ryu or ken (around 3 of every 4 picks them) me??? I play as E. Honda hehe

the best belly physics ever!!!

Resident Evil 5: I just got this ne also I'm currently playing the second chapter on normal with the AI partner, the game is a solid action game right now, but not barely close to the feel I got when playing Resident Evil 4, is the same formula but less interesting if you get me, by having a partner you dont have the same urge of scaping and the inventory system was dumbed down, you can have 9 items at any given time no more no less, and this is annoying, because the AI partner uses ammo like you had infinite, she empties weapons in matter of seconds and takes several seconds to shoot any enemy, so it isnt helpful at all and just throws ammo away, the presentation of the game is spectacular, the enviroments, characters and crearures all look impressive, but after playing Gears of War or even Dark Sector I feel the controls too clunky, I dont feel as super extra specia lagent Chris Redfield, I just feel ultra stiff muscular guy 1, also what is the point of enemies running if they are going to stop and walk when they are two meters away from you, if you are going to make running guys, then do it, but if you are going to make them walk slow than do it that way it looks pretty weird to see that.

just when you thought you got rid of Louis

So this is it for the week I've finished Fallout 3 and the Broken Steel DLC and I decided to give the game a 9.3 score it was that good to me!.

A Gaming Blog, Invasion of the Sequels.

Ever played a game with a "2" on it's title? what about a "3" or "7"? if so as you may know you are playing.....a sequel!!!, that's right the second part to an unfinished story or in some cases, a following part that is put there by the force (damn you midiclorians), it all starts from a new IP, a game that made lots of profits to the developers, or left people wanting more, or even an improvement.

Are you serious?? Final Fantasy 10...part 2...

So this Fall and q1 of 2010 is plagues with sequels lots of followups to games mostly form 2007, check at the least and disagree: Bioshock 2, Modern Warfare 2, Halo ODST, Assassin's Creed 2, Uncharted 2, Mass Effect 2, Crackdown 2, Forza Motorsport 3, Super Mario Galaxy 2, etc. (too many sequels right?)

Sequels sometimes mean a new experience on a same franchise (Prince of Persia comes to my mind, it was still platforming but felt too different to the sands of time trilogy) some others remain almost the same (Gears of War) some others just offer some updates and a tweak or two (Sports games mostly, guitar hero), most people get sequels of games they iked (obvious) I for example am eager to get Assassin's Creed 2, Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock 2. As usual I see some pros and cons on this sequel stuff.

the biggest change in gameplay, pretty impressive right?....right?

The good things: You get to play more of a game o franchise you liked, most games which its develop involves a sequel, are often continued in the most fancy way and with minor change on the character (remeber every good story has 3 parts, development, difficulties and end) some franchises reinvent the way they are played and thsi way it makes gamers come back for more if they are tired of the same stuff, character development in a series is often better.

Trivia: How many games with the title Street Fighter has been released, a tip:4 is not the answer

The bad things: Some franchises are made the same over and over again, and because they have a loyal fan base they dont change a bit of the game they are played (Halo, Call of Duty) others dont have a single change in the gameplay (Gears of War,Rainbow Six Vegas) some others release games and spin offs with almost the same content once or twice per year (FIFA, Guitar Hero) and finally the infamous cliff hangers, some people are intrigues by the ending of a game and they know they will continue playing some time in a couple years.

this has to be a joke....

and well of course there are also Spin offs which are....I dont know what they are some contain drastic changes some take on a stellar role a secondary character and tell the untold stories. You know what I didnt like this entry as much it was way to meh....

A Gaming Blog, the attack of the DLC from outer space.

Holas amigos, how are you doing? is everything ok with you? last week I made the 1st anniversary entry and it proved quite unpopular, so I guess I will keep that stuff to myself hehe, so recently I got this card with 4,500 Microsoft Points and I was like ehmm ok, now I need to spend them but I was unsure what to do with them, first of all I got the Arcade classic Banjo-Tooie, I'm sorry I grew up playing Banjo, and as someone said memories are living again, so I downloaded the overpriced Banjo Tooie (come on 1,200 MS for a 9 year old game?) but then again I payed them right? and then I was like now what? I have all the arcade game I want (Banjo Kazooie, Tooie and Street Fighter II Turbo HD remix) so I guess I'll check on some DLC....

What the hell happened to Barney?

First of all I watched my game library and selected a couple that had DLC first of all I always wanted to pick the DLC for Mass Effect (because its my favorite game on the 360) so I proceeded and downloaded it, the first take on the DLC is...if I knew what it contained maybe I wouldnt have downloaded it another barren planet...ehrrr...asteroid with 4 bases and thats all, oh yeah and the final part to the spectre master gear (Colossus X armor) and a new species, the batharians who are humans with just another face skin I was pretty disspointed I was expecting the promised "ever expanding universe" but then I guess that for 400 MS I couldn't ask for much.

keep laughing ugly spider-dog-man

Then I proceeded with Fallout 3 I wasnt convinced by the original ending so I sownloaded the Broken Steel DLC which if Im not mistaken continues the story, I havent played the DLC but I had my first experience with a DLC enemy the Super Mutant Overlord it is tough as nails that mofo, now Im deciding what to get as I have some more options in my mind but Im unsure, there is more DLC for Fallout 3 (Op. Anchorage, The Pitt and Point overlook or somethign like that) Fable II (Knothole Island, See The Future) Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts (Missing L.O.G. challenges)and the typical map pack but Im not too fan of getting those.

Low budget? dont worry you can hire the berserkers of Gears of War!

So here is my take on DLC sometimes it is a good idea to expand you universe just like Oblivion did and Fallout 3, which are huge games and some people have their supercharacters and they want things to do, I had my character level 20 in my first Fallout 3 playthrough but now I know I can hit level 30 which is fine for me, same with Oblivion I had nothing else to do in the game in the form of important quests so I barely played the game. But since I got the Knights of the nine and Shivering Isles (both included in the GotY Edition) I started playing Oblivion again.Also a DLC that proved quite popular was the Lost and Damned for GTA IV as an expansion is ok because its a totally new story and has some new feats for the game, and finally the DLC for rythm games is a great idea that way you can get the songs that interest you the most instead of giving your money for a new game.

I like the Lost and Damned but come on the thing are the Hell's Satans (if you knw this reference then you know of good stuff)

Of course as everything DLC has its other side of the coin like the infamous Resident Evil 5 Versus mode which many people claim was already on the game and the just had to download a code to open it, or the 2nd costumes for Street Fightr IV which was available the day the game was released (couldnt they make it free or include as many outfits as possible?) favorite case of wrong use of DLC, Prince of Persia as I said before Prince of Persia is an entertaining game and all but around 8 hours you finish the game with more than half of the light seeds, and the ending of the game was like Oh god what will happen in the next game, then a pair of months later a DLC was released with the true ending of the I payed $80 just to play the unfinished game? thanks Ubisoft I will think twice before I buy another Prince of Persia. and last but not least I used to love Halo 3 I could play it for hours but then Bungie broke my heart, when the Heoirc map pack appeared I wasnt able to play my favorite gamelist which end in me not playing Halo 3, then appeared the Legendary map pack and heroic was free once again I was able to play Halo 3, but in the end again all my favorite gamelist was for legendary map pack users and then came mythic...and in the end I wasnt able t pick up Halo again. Why I dont get the map packs? no! Im not hapy with the way they force you to pay for them. I'd rather sta with my free DLC for both Rainbow Six Vegas games or Bad Company!

you cant stop the arabic Jedi!

So this is it I guess it was a long entry

A Gaming Blog, 1st anniversary of the blog.

its been year since my first entry I have to be hones I didnt thought I'd make it this far, it has been great to share my experiences and my boring entries, but I got to tel you it has been pretty entertaining to write this and every past entry, I love games as much as I love basquetball or drawing. I've had some hard times during this year, and well gamig and other activities have kept my mind busy, but wel with no more delays I proudly present the first anniversary cake!

I Confess the cake is not a Lie!

First eh more important stuff during this year I've met and played with some awesome folks from gamespot, Akiraxander has keeping me writing this by reading all entries and well he helped me out with Fable II and some advice on games, Palantas, leader of a great union and well when he has the time he always plays with me, darrenfps, we had a great time playing halo, rainbow six, and Perfect Dark, Scartissue, Shalafein, raahsnavj, for reading this blog and of course all the people I've met in some unions and boards!.

so we all rock right?

Now less important stuff, this year I've played some new games some really old games and also some forgivable ones, I've had great experienes both online and offline, by the way the game I was playing when this blog started was The Orange Box which ranks high in the sand-o-gameter, and well I have to say the most remarkable games I've played this year are...Lost Odyssey, The Force Unleashed, Fable II, Far Cry 2, NBA 2k9, FIFA 09, Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, Battlefield Bad Company, Forza 2, Saints Row 2 and Fallout 3.

I will rock your foking world!

On other stuff, I have to say I want to keep this blog running and It would be best if it becomes more popular (you know the more, the better) but guess it wont happen anytime soon, but I will promote it more maybe I'll create a banner for my signature and put my photo on it because Im extremely handsome, and well I had this idea of writing entries on old games, it might be interesting, any suggestions on the blog? which format was your favorite, any entry that you liked? comment on it hehehe


A Gaming Blog, E3

Hey there, I've just finishing making a recap f the info shown on the E3...well actually I am a bit lazy so I was late to do this entry.

Well I'm not talking about the whole expo, just about the consoles that concern me (xbox 360 and a bit of Wii) so lets start with the massacre

Microsoft Press conference and games for the xbox 360 that are worth mentioning for me

The conference was sos so, with some interesting titles some worthless announcements (for me ,as half the features for the 360 are only for the US and UK) and the so called project natal (which seems cool but no further comment until they actualy do something with it, and enough with the jokes about terminator/skynet), the games for this and next year that seem to impress me the most are (in no specific order)

-Modern Warfare 2: is this game not called of duty? the first game was pretty entertaining but wasnt like the holy sh!t game for me, so this is a maybe when it is cheaper I will get it,bacuase gameplaywise it doesnt seem too different to the first modern warfare and world at war,

-Assassin's Creed 2: I really liked the First AC, it had some cool features and some fancy swordplay (it had its science once you get passed the counter attack) this seems like more of the same with more options which is great for me, it is a must have for me maybe a month or two after release, ad well I love the settinc in vencie and all, but I just hope thy dont over use Leonardo Da vinci

come and hug Ezio!

- Mass Effect 2: ME is easily one of my favorite games of all times. so that is enough for me to get the sequel the improvemtns to the game arent really that necessary (for me) but they are wel received,.....oh commander sheppard...

-Bioshock 2 : Bioshock was and still is one of my top 5 games on the 360, so naturally I am eager to get my hands or my drill on this one, Im too curious to see the multiplayer in action and what new plasmids and tonics are added to the game, I might buy it sooner or later but only time will tell

and just when you tought you were safe GlaDos got a body!

-Army of Two 2...the 40th day or something like that: I liked the first Army of Two but I did made a mistake having high hopes in it, so this time I will wait a bit to buy it used and well then I will feel my money is worth, the new mechanics seemed like they were for the first part but with this game only time will tell

-Splinter Cell Conviction: the game I am anticipating the far, I ma fan of the series and the character, so I am pretty happy to know that it is still alive and looks interesting enough for me!

-Halo 3 ODST ("Halo 3"2): a new halo is good for bussiness and gamers, it seems the new mechanics will create a different experience, but you know ODST i an expansion and Im not willing to bu an expansion for full price, so maybe I will et this one when it has a price drop

- Halo Reach: coming fall 2010 thats all I know

- Alan Wake: remeber how mazng alone in the dark looked a yer or two ago? well thats how alan's wake seem today, I hope it is the game everyone expects to play and that it deliver a trilling and scary experience ot at least thati t puts you tense from time to time I dont know If im getting this maybe a renta....dont know need to know more about the game (the first non sequel on this list)

-Dante's Inferno: Kratos, the name God of War and the God of War logos are property of SCEA so EA made its own game based on that ...ok

Dragon's Lair meets God of War

-Forza Motorsport 3: I liked forza 2 but I havent finished it so as soon s I finish 2 I might be getting part 3 (you know at least every forza has an incredible price drop after a few months, crashes? more than 400 vehicles count me in! (someday)

Other games worth a mention: Dragon Age Origins, Singularity,Crackdown 2, Castlevania Lord of Shadows, TMNT turtles in time ReShelled, Shadow Complex(this sounds like a generic name), Perfect Dark 1.2, Wolfenstein, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario Bros. 5 or New Super Mario Bros. 2

Lots of "2"s this year even more than last year (Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Far Cry 2)

Also on a side note both the shrine of the fighter (Palanta's union I deny to put a link because every reader of my blog is member of the union) and A gaming Blog are getting their first anniversary this month, oh and next week I'll do a Recap on my gaming Year to do something different.

A Gaming Blog, Gaming

hey what's up readers, I've been a little busy lately with some personal projects (you know, even I have to eat from time to time) I havent send my 360 for repair, but I will sometime this week, I am doing this entry right on the second day of E3 and I am eager to write about it, but I guess I will wait until it ends to give a greater point of view of the things that concern me in this expo.

A few days before I was playing 2 awesome games, on my xbox 360 (R.I.P.) one of them being Oblivion Game of the Year Edition, (I made this move sold my Oblivion copy to a friend in $15 and bought the GOTY edition on $25 so was a win-win, I didnt have much time with this game but the little I saw was...Oblivion keeps being great! and I am happy to continue the misaventures of my character!

On the other hand I bought the other Bethesda game, Fallout 3, Im still middleway through the game and so far Im loving each part of it, a desolated game, that makes a depressive world even worse (hehe just kidding) with plenty of places to visit and super mutants to slaughter, I've barely explored the capital wasteland, but I've grown too powerful based on exploration, the game seems way shorter than Oblivion but it never grows old (neither does oblivion) so far a solid 9 for me

Battlefield Bad Company I had more time with this game, I am in the last level of the campaign and played nearly 30 multiplayer matches, story wise is a so so game, multiplayer wise I would never stop recomending it, the game makes you feel powerful but forces you to play clever it only has 2 game modes, but they are enough in any case, graphics are great so are the controls, hope to get my 360 before july to finish it and start playing multiplayer!

Oh by the way 600 gamerpoints dissapeared from my gamer tag.....from Fallout and Bad Company...bad luck sniff!!