Hey! it's been a long time again, I promised some stuff to be delivered through my super awesome blog but I wasn't able to deliver, why? you ask well. it's not that I've been that busy (I have find enough time to play my games, and continue my crusade on gamespot) but I have a short attention span and I forgot I promised a long ass entry, thing is I change my laptop (MacBook Air FTW) and I lost almost all my old and useless documents, so now instead of a long ass entry on FPS last millenium I'm delivering a half ass entry on FPS last millenium, that's the way it is because Sandman says so!
Recently I've been playing a couple new and old games, I finally managed to finish Banjo-Kazooie; which I played since 1998 but didn't finished hehe, I finished Shadow Complex also, which is an ultra awesome game for XBLA but I still have some achievements to go on that one, so maybe I'll hunt them down around q3 2010, I bought a ticket to the hype train to modernwarfaretwoville and got the game on release, I don't know why, but I like that game a lot like in top 10 this generation, I'm enjoying the multiplayer a lot (been playing with some gamespot's buddies) ad wel the campaign although short was filled with lots of great moments, also I've just bough Assassin's Creed II, part one is still one of my favorite games this gen, I don't know why but I couldn't find the boring part anywhere, still I don't have yet an objective comment on the game because I'm just three hours into it and the game is still throwing new game mechanics to the mix, I just have to sya I've commited my first major assassination and it felt rewarding as hell, on the down side I feel like they did less detail into characters faces but I wouldn't bet on it.
FPS in 1999
I remember back in 2007 I wasn't to used to videogames, I played one or two based on a movie or a cartoon I like or a Mario game, on the shooter side of things, the only game I've played back then was Doom on the SNES , I didn't knew anything about game genres (imagine that, now I blog bout videogames) there were Doomlike games and Mariolike games, so a christmas dad came home with two autenthic masterpieces, Star Fox 64 and a defining game in my gaming career Goldeneye 007 which to be honest I hold dearly even to this days, I remember I sucked terrible in that game but I played it on agent to the end, I dont know how I could feel comfortable with that game it was a pain in the a$$ to aim, and you couldn't aim and move (pure Resident Evil 4 win) it had a big nice auto-aim but in competitive multiplayer it made you feel ...ummm the anthonym to rewarded.
the famous bathroom scene from Goldeneye
I played Goldeneye 007 for almost a year, I never beated in any other difficulty but I surely loved to kill Natalya in all the protect Natalya missions, until a year later, my Mom bought me Turok 2 the seeds of evil (what kind of parents I have? I was 11 and 12 when they gave two rated M games) anyway, Turok 2 was way too different to Goldeneye, you moved with 4 directional buttons (if you had an n64 you probably rememeber the yellow "C" buttons) and aim with the stick the configuration felt weird at first, but a couple weeks with Turok 2 and I could kill and cover with ease, I remember I loved the cheats on that game, having all the weapons and unlimited ammo was the way to go at least for me (Most would call it killing the fun of the game, to me it was the fun on the game) I played a lot of Turok, the bad thing Is I couldn't finish it, the maps where huge labyrinths you could be lost in level 2 "the river of souls" for 4 hours and never find an exit, and to be honest I didn't have a memory card back then, so I couldn't save my progress.
the cerebral bore in action
Turok 2 was great, so I felt obliged to get Turok 3 shadows of oblivion which was way worse than it's predecesors, but had a really enjoyable multiplayer (any multiplayer back then with bots was automatic win) I couldn't play lots of multiplayer, because my brother is a girl and he hates losing to me in anything so I had to play alone everything (except FIFA,and in the holidays with my cousins I got to play everything else).
Speaking of Bots the last true marvelous game that I played to death and enjoy even more was Perfect Dark, I have to confess I never finished the campaign (they lost me with the appearane of "Elvis") but I played tons of multiplayer matches against the game's bots, you could configure every bot from name to personality to appearance, and you could play against 12 of them which was madness back then, I remember every map of that game (although it was the first game were I learned all multiplayer maps).this was some great stuff back then and that's the highlits for my FPS console gaming
On the pc side, there was this huge game I played non stop also, Unreal Tournament, where you could design your bots and play with lots of mutators so every match was unique and it had this amazing mode called domination where one team had an objective and the other had to stop it, it was truly amazing, and I got really good at aiming with a mouse, the weapons had soem serious punch and my bots had charisma, every new unreal game I pray that they retake some of those concepts.
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