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A Gaming Blog, Gaming 20th July

Readers and she readers a little bit of time since my last blog but that ain't going to stop me right? things are getting a little easier on me this week so I might have some free time in my hands this week, some people may ask what's new around Sand? or where were you? I was fixing my mom new place, paying bills after my dad's burial, and playing some videogames, I got a couple new ones since my last blog, so I might write on those!

Battlefield Bad Company 2; I was a huge fan of the first Bad Company (well at least the online component of that game) and I was eager to get this game for a long time now I just couldn't find it anywhere, after finally getting it and playing the hell out of it: I liked this campaign a lot more it was somewhat short missions with some fresh touches to never get bored of it, and it ended just when everything started to feel familiar, so thumbs up, second the online multiplayer is way more robust in this game with specializations, more weapons, scopes way more dynamic maps and a couple "new" game modes.

Red Dead Redemption: I was giving this game a look for sometime now thing is I don't really like Western media..until RDR, the ammount of details in this game is huge, and I have to say I hated GTA IV because it was way too slow, but the same kind of gameplay speed and stuff works great in this game, campaign so far is intriguing and has lots of things to do from challenges to bounty missions, and the onlne component is great to pit you against other players or start a free roam session and find a posse great game really

Army of Two the 40th day: I enjoyed the first part of this series, but AoT the 40th day is a way more polished game thant the past one from creating custom masks, gun customization, a way better online component (extraction works great) the game seemed to improve in most of the ways I expected the first part to be, guns pack more power in this one, graphs seem better and there are tons of game mechanics that you can use anytime.

Dad passed away

Friday night at 11>30 pm my dad passed away, it was a hard fought fight against cancer but he is finally resting in god's frace

love you dad

A Gaming Blog, Gaming June 6th & life is a witch

A Gaming Blog

hey readers been a whiles isnce I last blogged something worth of your time and you will keep waiting right? gaming lately has been somewhat interesting, why? well I finished Borderlands and really enjoyed it, maybe I'l replay it with a new character or I might consider getting the DLC, I was also done with Splinter Cell Conviction and it covered my expectations but I wish it had exceeded them, the single player is a bit short both pretty interesting and intense, I'd rank it maybe as my 3rd favorite Splinter Cell, I was a bit short on money last month, I got a new bed and some forniture for my new apartment....I confess Im renting it.

So I went to my local gaming store and got myself two games...Bioshock 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 which I have played enough to give a good overview.

Bioshock 2; mixed feelings here, the game is awesome, it has the visually stunning water efects and heavy improvement on combat gameplay but it lacks a bit of personality specially in the antagonists, and has a lot of stuff that doesn't make any sense, the levels are mixed and original, the plasmid and tonic selection is interesting enough to made me try every plasmid, story in the game is a bit weaker than the one of the first. Then comes the is mindless fun, it lacks depth but has simplicity in a good way, a couple tonics, plasmids and you are ready to go, there are some original plasmids and tonics in multiplayer, and also the weapons are way more similar to the first bioshock's campaign, the game is a solid experiene bu don't expect to have the same level of amusement almost 2 years later

I love the fruit basket on the back of the sister

Left 4 Dead 2; I have to be honest I was not a fan of the first Left 4 Dead to my eyes it lacked a lot of content 4 campaigns and nothing else to do, second part has a bit mor content and with a better distribution, there are different kind of excitement moments in every campaign, and all play and seem pretty different, the new survivors are meh I couldn't care less about them, the new weapons seem ok, melee works ok, and the new infected are great, and mix really well with the rest of the special infected, versus is almost the same as the last game, scavenge mode is good to have fun from time to time, a better game than the first one, but still has room for improvement.


right now I am eager to get Red Dead Redemption or Battlefield Bad Company 2, bot seem really good, and that's it abut gaming next part of the blog is some personal stuff if you want to read it go ahead, if you dont care then the gaming blog ends

Life is a witch

well this part is a bit more to let out everything going on my mind right now, I've had a week full of sad and negative emotion, I write this entry on gamespot because is the only blog I write nad I'm too lazy to put my toughts anywhere else.

what makes me write this sort of things? well I'm depressed not to the pont where I will put a gun against my head, but to the point where I wander is things could be any worse at least family wise, My grandfather is dying there is anything I or anyone else can do, he is connected to life support machines and his condition is going from bad to worse, I spend a lot of my youth with him, he was really great, he played and toyed wth us, and tought us many things, sad part is I can't be with him right now to tell him good bye. What on earth could be happening that keeps me from being there? you might wander.


a few months I told you about my dad's surgery right which came succesful...or at least as succesful as it could be, my father had cancer, in a terminal phase, each day his condition is worsening and I knew this but never really realize how bad it was, until now, I am taking total care of him, cleaning his wounds, feeding him and all that kind of stuff it really saddens me and breaks my heart to notice that he won't last a lot more, to my eyes, maybe in two months or least he won' be with me and my family aymore, but I guess is better that way, he won't suffer as much as he is now.

A Gaming Blog, my 30 favorite games on the xbox 360

30. Red Faction Guerrilla (THQ)

29. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (Activision)

28. Splinter Cell Double Agent (Ubisoft)

27. The Beatles Rock Band (MTV Games)

26. Virtua Fighter 5 (Sega)

25. Star Wars the Force Unleashed (Lucasarts)

24.Left 4 Dead(Valve)

23. Forza Motorsport 3 (Microsoft Game Studios)

22. Borderlands (2k)

21. Mirror's Edge (EA)

20. Halo 3 (Microsoft Game Studios)

19. Rainbow Six Vegas (Ubisoft)

18. Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft)

17. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (Activision)

16. Fable II (Microsoft Game Studios)

15. Street Fighter IV (Capcom)

14. Saints Row 2 (THQ)

13. Batman Arkham Asylum (Eidos)

12. The Elder's Scroll IV Oblivion (Bethesda)

11. Splinter Cell Conviction (Ubisoft)

10. Dragon Age Origins (EA)

9. Mass Effect (Microsoft Game Studios)

8. Battlefield Bad Company (EA)

7. FarCry 2 (Ubisoft)

6. The Orange Box (Valve)

5. Bioshock (2k)

4. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (Ubisoft)

3. Assassin's Creed 2 (Ubisoft)

2. Fallout 3 (Bethesda)

1. Mass Effect 2 (EA)

A Gaming Blog, Stuff

Well a bit late on this entry right? I know, but things have been a bit shakey in my life and Í've been having some trouble since Febraury, but here I am writing some more about videogames....I haven't played much, I just got two games recently Borderlands and Splinter Cell Conviction, so let's talk a bit about them.

Borderlands; it is a good an entertaining game it overwhelms you with options every nw area you visit, the way to develop a character has plenty of options and the world of Pandora reminds of Mad Max...there is even a character named Mad Mel who happens to have a car similar to the Road Warrior, but the game keeps things going and awards you with an achievement every now and then so I recommend it!

Splinter Cell Conviction; 4 years I've been waiting for this game, now it is here and I own it, I can't talk about the story because I haven't played it, but the coop component is amazing, it has versatility to play and keep entertained, thwe coop campaign seems interesting enough, it also has a spy vs spy deathmatch, elimination gamemodes and survival, I have yet to play the main dish with Sam Fisher but my girlfriend wont allow it yet

A gaming Blog a Decade in Gaming Part 2

Well here it is part 2 of last weeks blog, which looks more like sucky articles but anyway, I'm currently playing EndWar and I feel frustration from time to time, half the time the game doesn't recognize my commands and I finished Mass Effect on the Paragon side let's see how the rebel turns out.

In 2006 some of the best games this generation were released, for the wii and Gamecube The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, which to my eeyes was one of the best games in the franchise, for the Xbox 360 3 huge games were released, The epic size and never ending game The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion, the graphic impressive and brutal Gears of War and the tactical and highly rated Multi Player Rainbow Six Vegas, also the last entry in the Splinter Cell series, Double agent which met mixed reviews.

2007 was the first strong year for the Xbox360 and I also got access to a Wii, the Xbox 360's lineup included the Multiplayer meta of Halo 3, the instant classic Bioshock, the versatility of TheOrange Box, the huge experience of Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, the innovative and too many repetitive Assassin's Creed, and the latest Bioware master piece Mass Effect, some other good games saw the light this year, like The Darkness,Virtua Fighter 5 and Rock Band

well another year passed by and 2008 started with some great games like the coop fun of Army of Two, my personal favorite Multiplayer Rainbow Six Vegas 2, and the polemic Grand theft Auto IV, and Smash Bros. Brawl on the Wii,by midway through the year Soul Calibur IV and Battlefield Bad Company filled the gap, for the one I think has been the best last third of a gaming year, the following games were released in a 3 month span and I played most if not all of them,Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway, Star Wars the Force Unleashed, Mirror's Edge,Fable II, FarCry 2, Gears of War 2, Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & bolts, Prince of Persia,Left 4 Dead, Tomb Raider Underworld, Call of Duty World at War and my personal favorite of the year Fallout 3

. things kept going the next year with early releses like Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil 5, the year kept going until half with Prototype and Red Faction Guerrilla spinning by mid 2009, there was the big surprise and solitude of Batman Arkham Asylum, followed by the party game The Beatles Rock Band, the coop firefight experience of Halo 3 ODST, the extensive and epic Dragon Age Origins, the coop madness of Left 4 Dead 2, the huge Assassin's Creed 2, the realistic and fast Forza Motorsport 3, the highly anticipated Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, on the wii the fun of New Super MArio Bros. Wii was enough to keep it in use

so this was for me the last 10 years, this is what I played and liked for the most part, there are tons of games I forgot to mention and I'll make some awards for the decade later on this same blog obviously this all is personal opinion you may or may not disagree, and well the decade just started, and in just a coule mnths we have Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, Bioshock 2 and Dante's Inferno and things seems to keep great

A Gaming Blog, A Decade in Gaming

So we're living 2010, 10 years have passed since the first massive hysteria of the end of the world, and well, what better way than spending 10 years than gaming? yeah I know, work, girlfriends, marriage, family etc. but this is a gaming site so no one cares, 3 generations of consoles have breath life in the 10 years, for me it was a nintendo 64, a gamecube, a xbox and a xbox360 everyone had it's own merits everyone gave me great experiences, lots of fun.

So I was thinking of doing this decade special blog, and the best of it, or maybe do it by year, just in a phew paragraphs no lists or ranks. Finally I decided to throw most of the cool stuff into the blog.

In 2000 I was starting to feel like a gamer, I enjoyed playing some of the worst games out there, I even played Superman 64 until I finished it, some classics and some of my all time favorites were released, being the sequel to my favorite game of all time...The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask; a darker game, with lots of polishment but I didn't feel as much love was putted into this one, different game mechanics, and some pretty interesting ideas made it althoug similar, draw apart from his predecessor, then another now classic loved by many gamers...Perfect Dark, spiritual sequel to Goldeneye 007, only with a great addition....16 player multiplayer conmponent playable wit bots, co operative campaign, and counter operative campaign.then there was another RARE game, Banjo Tooie which improved over the first one on a lot of things making the games more massive and being more humorous, also some licenses began to fade, such as Turok that part 3 was in no way comparable to the second one.

Then a new generation came by giving us some of the greatest moments of gaming, I picked up a gamecube mainly because of the nintendo licenses. games like the polished and always awesme smash bros. melee, or the spectacular dogfights of Rogue Squadron 2 made the first year of the cube a great success, somethig named Halo was released on the Xbox which was a new contender, the next year got better, with the ultra classic and intelligetn Metroid Prime, new IPs like Eternal Darkness, after some years a new Mario gae in the form of Super Mario Sunshine, the visual candy Resident Evil .

And then it happened I got an xbox so I started trying more games and even better ones 2003 was filled with some of the best games also the ultra fast F-Zero GX, the big surprise Beyond Good and Evil, the new entry in the Zelda Franchise The Windwaker and for the xbox there was a lot of great games being released and looking better than the other consoles the flagship of that year being Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, the always spectacular Prince of Persia Sands of time which made a fan of the series, even the fighting genre had a jewel for the three consoles in the form of SoulCalibur II, the visual stunner Project Gotham Racing 2.

2004 seemed also a spectacular year full of surprises and great games, being my biggest surprise the awesomeness of Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow that captvated me (gamingwise) the multiplayer greatness of Halo 2, the ultra fast Ninja Gaiden, the sequel of Knights of the Old Republic, The Sith Lords, the epic adventure of Fable, the dark Prince of Persia Warrior Within, the well balanced Mortal Kombat Deception and the massive battles of Star Wars Battlefront

2005 was the last year of the crrent generation of consoles with the Xbox 360 being released by the end of the year everyone was trying to release the best to say goodbye to the current generation, being the most impressive to me Splincet Cel Chaos Theory which in presentation, gameplay and multiplayer wise was a success, the tension that made you feel Resident Evil 4, the huge world of Grand theft Auto San Andreas, the release on consoles of Half-Life 2, Bioware's epic chinese fantasy game Jade Empire, the visually stunning Doom 3. and by the end of the year...the Xbox 360...

To be continued next week

A gaming Blog, a quick look at RPGs

Hey readers as always new week new blog, all around the internet, you can see people opening their heart to the people of Haiti (in case anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about, Haiti suffered a 7 richter scale earthquake that killed thousands of peopl and devastated the cities) and since this is a gaming site I have a request for you, if you have Halo 3 or Halo 3 ODST jump into any match on wednesday and thursday with a specific emblem (red heart as emblem and a white circle as background, for every 1000 players hthose days Bungie will donate $100 so keep that in mind and share justo ne match with the caring community)

On other news, I've been playing Dragon Age Origins lately, and Mass Effect 2 is around the corner, so this is a great excuse to talk about RPGs and my take on them, that with a little background (yeah I know everytime I use this word I lose one reader)

My gaming history has been related on the first blogs so I'll skip that, my RPG history begins with my cousin playing Final Fantasy VIII on the PSone, I find it to be the most boring game style ever, that stuff of stopping every attack to decide what to do and boost your teammates etc. etc. was a little annoying to me so I had little to no interest in the game, some time passed and I grabbed a copy of Hybrid Heaven (nintendo 64/Konami) the game was a mix between adventure, platform and somewhat of an RPG style but instead of using regular RPG combat the choices you made where different combinations of punches, kicks and throws, the game was average at best, I got to play some RPGs but didn't enjoy them at all games like: Chrono Trigger, Quest 64, Final Fantasy VII none of them appealed to me. I kept my regular gaming RPG free.

and one! and two! and three! keep those muscles up boys!

Some time passed and I got my hands on a Game boy and by mere coincidence the yellow feer was at its best around here so I got to play some Pokemon (Blue version) I trained a pokemon and enjoyed every minute of it, so Pokemon was in my sight it was simple, had changing characters (one problem I have with RPGs is that many times they don't show what yo equip and your character looks the same with different attributes) and well it was famous, sometime passed and I got a Game Boy Advance and Pokemon Fire Red (Game Boy Advance/ Nintendo) I played that game a lot..actually I bought the GBA just for that game, but I plyed nothing more else RPGwise, for some time...

what will he do? beat the crap out of that squirrell

...then the unthinkable happened I decided to get a new console an XBOX actually, and a friend of mine lend me some games to get started included one of my all time favorites (two actually but the other is a completely different genre) as a fan of the series Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (XBOX, PC/Bioware) amazed me not just be cause it had a great stiry but it never felt like a turn based game, and all my character equipped was there to be seen, so I played it two times in a row and had a blast with it, becoming instantly one of my favorite games ever, I played the sequel (made by Obsidian) which was good but not as good as KotOR, still I enjoyed it and kept it as one of my favorite experiences last gen.

so much stuff in the HUD would scare me away if it wasn't a Star Wars game

I had a bit more open mind for games on the time being and I decided to get another RPG, this time another licensed one: The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (XBOX,PS2/ EA) the game was turn based RPG but it had a Fantasy setting which got me interested, again equipment was shown on my characters which always helps me to get into a game, I have to be honest the game seemed to difficult to me, I had to replay some fights far too many times I wasn't used to boost allies and use defense spells etc. in the end the game was finished and I felt satisfaction out of it, sometime later, a second Bioware game was released on the XBOX this time it was Jade Empire (XBOX, PC/Bioware) the game had the same formula on the dialogues, but the mythological Chinese setting was perfect to give those Kung Fu fighters life, it had real time combat but with lots turn combat stuff disguised although brilliant the game I felt was too short and needed more locations ( Ihope they release a sequel sometime) I got to try some other RPGs but none of them appealed to me until the next Gen (I missed Morrowind).

get your fist in the air if you want some rock mofos!!!!

This Gen one of my first games was The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion (XBOX360, PS3, PC/Bethesda) which was an incredible experience that kept me going for hours and hours, the real time combat fantasy setting, customizable characters, architecture, different races and all made this one one of the very best games I had played by the time (achieveing a top 5 of my favorite games) I played lots and some more Oblivion, and to me it was unsurpasaable that was until my gf came home with the new Bioware game something called: Mass Effect (Xbox360, PC/Bioware) I didn't knew much about the game at the time, and I wasn't as interested in the premise, so I played it not to sure of what to expect and well...things turned out to be and still be one of my favorite games of all time.

At this point I was more open for new games so I decided to get a JRPG to give it a chance, my game of choice was Lost Odyssey (XBOX360/ Mistwalker) the game as always had this futuristicmagicfantasy setting of a lot of JRPGs and it had character design of the guy that made Slam Dunk (one of the few mangas/animes that I like) the game was ok to me, no equipment shown, turn based combat, swords destroying heavy machinery, don't get me wrong I recon it is a great game and one I would not fail to recommend, but it is not my ****for the most part, the thins I liekd about it are: heavy emotional plot, brilliant writing on a thousand years of dreams and great characters, an anecdote here; I was playing Lost Odyssey when my brother entered the room, just when he entered I was beating a demon and suddenly two boys in my party begin to sing something so ridicule that I diminished on my seat.

only a japanesse developer could make those boobs look so royal

JRPGs are not for me, but again a heavy western RPG was released: Fallout 3 (XBOX360, PS3, PC/Bethesda) I haven't played a game with more soul than this one everything had personality, the capital wasteland, the raiders, the characters all of this made me kept moving and hunting, the 50's art ****used on everything added a soft joke, but nothing that made me fail to get into it great game really, exploration was excellent, combat was although not perfect it had the ingenious VATS system and it had awesome music, something you wouldnt expecto n a post apocalyptic setting. Well this was a good set of RPGs right there, but I got my hands on another one: Dragon Age Origins (XBOX360, PS3, PC/Bioware) what a good game if a favorite of mine this gen? yes it is, how high in my favorite games? time will tell these games grow on me, so if it is good now next time I finish it it will be better to me, I just finihed this game, and had lots of trouble in character building and with gameplauy mechanics, by the end of it I had dominated most things of it, so I started a second playthorugh yesterday, different Origin, and I'm taking my time and enjoying every bit of it, because I have to admit I rushed through some parts of my first playthorugh, comabt wise is a mix between real time combat (think of KotOR) and some Turn based with a mix of strategy, solid solid solid game.

Dont ask me what the hell is going on in the screenshot

So this is it is hard for a RPG to grow in me, but once it does it becomes instant ****c and one of my favorites, I don't Know if Fable is an RPG if so is also one I like a lot, and well the RPG Elements of games like The Legend of zelda, Assassin's Creed, this is it, and well in a week from now I'll get Mass Effect 2, and it might be my favrite game ever o_o