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30 Days of Gaming, Day 17

Day 17.

Favorite Antagonist.

Darth Malak (Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic)

Traitor, misterious and with a face only a mother would love, Darth Malak quickly became a great villanous figure as the events behind Revan's redemption took form, with great power, and to be evil a huge charsima darth Malak earned this spot almost instantly.


Wolf (Starfox series)

Ridley (Metroid)

30 days of Gaming, Day, Day 16

Day 16.

Game with the best cutscenes.

Devil May Cry 4 (2008 Capcom)

I'm not a fan of cutscenes myself as most of the time they are terrible misleading, I posted DMC4 because the first one is actually one of the few I've enjoyed just because I knew next to nothing about the game, an example of misleading cutscenes? Resident Evil 5, you have this guy wesker teleporting, dodging bullets and kicking our face with air combos, and as soon as the fight starts.....he is walking to get you....pretty lame.


Metal Gear Twin Snakes

Lost Odyssey

30 days of Gaming, Day 15.

Day 15.

A screenshot of the game you're currently playing.

Crysis 2 (EA 2011)

I'm currently playing Crysis 2, and the game itself is cool with the nano suit capabilities and modules, the game started off really slow for my taste but it picked up after the 1/3 of the campaign and paced up nicely and being a show off of what the cryengine 3 could do, and that is on a console, I can only imagine it running on a optimized PC.

30 Days of Gaming, Day 14

Day 14.

Current or latest gaming realted wallpaper.

Shedder....oh I mean Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat Deception.

well I used to have a Halo Reach Wallpaper and it lasted like 4 months on my laptop but siddenly I was all like, ok time to change my wp...Sub-Zero was my choice until yesterday when I saw a kickass Hawkeye (Marvel comics) image and decided to make it a wallpaper.

Other Gaming Wallpapaer as of late.

Noble 6 (Halo Reach)

Vault hunters (Borderlands)

Lone Wanderer (Fallout 3)

30 Days of Gaming, Day 13

Day 13.

A Game you've played more than five times.

Starfox 64 (1996 Nintendo)

played more than five times, or made more than five playthroughs? didn't understand the theme of the day, anyway Starfox is a 2 hour lenght game with lots of replayability due o different routes to the endings and high scores which unlocks goodies for the game, which on it's own is pretty addicting and a proof that nintendo is able to make a fully talked game. I don't know if it is possible to finish sports or fighting games since they are so short.


Halo 3 (2007 Microsoft Game Studios)

Super Street fighter IV (2010 Capcom)

30 Days of Gaming, Day 12

Day 12.

A Game Everyone should play.

Super Smash Bros. Melee. (2001 Nintendo Gamecube)

the pick up and play standard, at least for me, easy to have fun and understad one can fall so many times before learning how to jump, and throw a turtle shell in the face of that annoyin pikachu spamming bolts.


Borderlands (2009 Gearbox)

Star Fox 64 (1997 Nintendo)

30 Days of Gaming, Day 11

Day 11.

Gaming system of choice.


Happy fool's day.

Microsoft's X-Box 360

A solid library both on retail and digital distribution, great online features,and basically all to cover my gaming needs, the xbox 360 became my most played console by far, it's been 4 years since I have it and I played lots of all kind of games, so I felt I made a good chocie when buying it.


Nintendo 64

Microsoft Xbox

30 Days of Gaming, Day 10

Day 10.

Best Gameplay.

Assassin's Creed II (Ubisoft 2009)

Freerun Parkour, detailed swordpla, responsive gadgets, diverse mission execution traits and more made the second Assassin's Creed one impressive game all around, as Ezio you could run, fight, stealth, search, trick and create diversions to reach any goal, sure the first assassin's creed was a a solid base bin part two everything was magnified, glorified and better well done all around, it led to gloriuos and gratifying gmeplay.


The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (nintendo 1998)

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (ubisoft 2005)

30 Days of Gaming, Day 9

Day 9.

Saddest game scene.


Death of Noble team.

I don't get sad with any game, but I think it is the closest as I knew no one would make it alive, still I wanted them to be alive for the rest of the series.All runner ups serve this same formula.


Death of Andrew Ryan (Bioshock 2007)

Death of Lirum (Lost Odyssey 2008)

30 Days of Gaming, Day 8

Day 8.

Best Game Soundtrack.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008 Wii)

with a huge mix of ****c songs and ****c themes this game has one of the best compilations in sounds of any game, and every song suits perfectly the game which by itself is an impressive feat.


The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (1998 Nintendo)

Halo Reach (2010 Microsoft Game Studios)