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A Gaming Blog , completion

Hey readers, another blog for your eyes to delight on, recently I was sorting through my played games list on xbox360 and had a good look at a ton of games I have played but came not even close to complete, yeah I've traded some, lost others and that kind of thisn but I decided to go back and try to replay as most of them as I can to relive experiences (And get a couple achievements in the process)the past month I was trying to get the most out of Gears of War 2, and while I'm not at 100% I got most of the achievements I though of getting out of the complete list, and completed again a new playthrough, thanks to a fellow gamespotter most of them got pretty quick, so at this point I feel ok (1315 out of 1750).

who has more steel Marcus or the thanks in Gears of War

Then I set my aim on both Red Dead Redemption and Halo 3 (Halo 3 has been with me since launch so I really want to 100% that game, and Red Dead Redemption save data got corrupted when I was at 98.7% completion so that annoyed me to no ends, on Red Dead I want to get the MP rank achievement and to 100% the campaign (I've 100% Undead nightmare campaign and achievements). For the MP there has been a huge deal of 3x or 5x weekend experience which I use to boost my ranking faster but still I have 7 levels to go.

this looks like the population on the action sack playlist nowadays

Other games that will get play tome for completion are Mass Effect 2 (the arrival DLC and complete the game on insane) Castlevania Lords of Shadow (gotta 100% that game) Transformers War for Cybertron (finish ranking up ****s on MP) Dead Space (get that impossible difficulty achievement) Bioshock 2 (finish my hard playthrough and rank up all the way on MP) so I have a pretty busy agenda on my own hands for compleing games...but.....

he is about to eat his whip

....I bought a couple new ones LOL someone took my copy of AC Brotherhood so I rebought it, I got Call of Duty World at War, and it's been with me for a couple months but too human sits unfinished on my games shelf so after all this is done (and also on games I will get this fall, I'll go back and revisit a lot of my game library with games like: Lost Odyssey, Devil May Cry 4, Halo Wars, Crysis 2, Bioshock, The Orange Box, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 etc. and get a couple of oldies to ad to my library (Vanquish, Enslaved, Fable III and Dead Space 2)

Ezio arrived a couple years late to the show

A gaming blog, under pressure.

Ever felt like you got to rudh through certain areas in games to get to the goal? or to save that civilian? have you ever played dead rising? what about Grand Theft Auto IV? well do you lay games regularly?

If so...then you've been under pressure by your hobby, the one thing a game can do for me to despise it is pressuring me in doing tasks, how do they pressure me? it was back in 1997 I got Goldeneye the game was entertaining and all, but I reached this point where the Mission Objective had the text "Protect Natalya" ok protect her right kill everyone who gets close to her, thing is the AI is so dumb it can't duck or take any form of cover do there I was rushin t enemy positions no strategy involved just so the enemy does't shoot my useless friend, for me they could kill natalya all they wanted but, if so I couldn't move on the story which made me rave to the game, but this is just the cherry in the pie.

and all that trouble for some blocky gal

I can protect thins not my favorite but i can do it every once in a while, but when the game forces me to do this repeatedly I simply quit I lay t ave fn to relax a bit not to be put under unnecesary stress, rememeber tht game [Prototype] the game was...ok but the protect vehicles mission made me to totally stop playing it, it was boring, difficult and the AI I tried to hard to protect seems to wanted me to fail.

I wanted to destroy tis tank so many times

yeah [Prototype] was just ok, but back in 2008 I got GTA IV on release day (being a huge fan of San Andreas) the game started fun and all but I reached this point...where I was in the middle of a mission and suddenly a phone call...Little Jacob wanted to have a the middle of a mission he couldn't wait, if I said "no" our friendship/trust bar would be reduced. or if I didn't make it on time the same, so I had to get of the mission (which if you played GTA IV know is somewhat annoying) so I was between, ok get back to Jacob fail my mission and drive and lose all progress I had at the time, or I do my mission and screw our "relation", the game shouldn't put me through this it was beyond annoying, I don't mind mission options like if you g to A this guy gets killed, and if you g to B you got the money still you progress the story (whic is a videogame typical choice) but here is...restart the wole mission or lose friendship points (which also were kind of troublesome and boring t get), so I didn't had the will or enthusiasm to advance further in GTA IV.

Jacob a grown up man wo can't take a see you later without getting angry at you

But the true champion of this the one whom I dedicated thisblog to is (well I was inspired by Just Cause 2) Dead rising, the game is one big pressure moment, first you have around 18 hours to compelte the game, the gameplay is wacky and fun I was exploring my options when suddenly I got a radio was Otis who told e that tis guy needed help on the food court, I was like ok I have an objective maybe I'll go and help him, while I was on my way to the food court a second radio call I thought "I guesssome advice on the mission" Otis tells me of people trapped n another area of the mall, ok I'll help them after I help the first guy, so a zombie group attacked me and Iputted down the radio, Otis cals me agan and tells me I'm rude for hanging him over the radio (while I was defenseless aganst the zombies) annoying this guy Otis, minutes passed and I got to the guy I was suposed to hep after a fiery battle we win and I set my mind to help the survivors ten a big blue sign on my screen appeared "X is dead" and I was liek WTF so I kept playing and discvering the mall, on the secnd day I had a couple more missions suddenly all my left screen was filled with missions, survivors died missions accomplished, psychos found...I was in shock...

....I'm a ocmpletionist I like to get al I can in games but if I have to decide between advancing the story or help survivors that desnt allow me to get a the full ending I wanted, doing the story and rescuing everybody, never again I tried dead rising, the game had the 3 biggest things that annoy me and worse the were central to the gameplay......

A. clocked gameplay (around 18 hours or whatever)

B. split my gameplay between story or sidequests

C. Protect dumb AI

Sorry Otis I can't hear you my radio is out of batteries

On a final note Just cause 2 inspired me because of the stronghold missions which has you scorting a technician to certain point of an enemy base, the AI jsut walks the route and never stops so you ave to be fast and precise in order to acomplish this.

A Gaming Blog #100, Sandman's top 100 of all time (pt. 4 25-1)

Well this is a special blog 3 years ago when I started it I never tought I could make 100 entries on a text space but since games are one of my passions it was no difficult at all so who made the top 25? let's see...

25. Bioshock (2k Xbox 360/PC/PS3)

24. Metroid Prime (Nintendo Gamecube)

23. Prince of Persia Sands of Time (Ubisoft Xbox/Gamecube/PS2/PC)

22. Super Mario 64 (Nintendo Nintendo64)

21. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (Ubisoft Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

20. Super Street Fighter II (Capcom Arcade/SNES/PS/.....every single platform)

19. The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask (Nintendo Nintendo 64)

18. Halo Reach (MGS Xbox 360)

17. Borderlands (2k Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

16. Battlefield Bad Company 2 (EA Xbox360/PS3/PC)

15. Star Fox 64 (Nintendo Nintendo 64)

14. Star Wars Battlefront II (LucasArts Xbox/PC/PS2/PSP)

13. Red Dead Redemption (Rockstar Xbox 360/PS3)

12. Mass Effect (MGS Xbox 360/PC)

11. Super Smash Bros. Melee (Nintendo Gamecube)

10. Assassin's Creed II (Ubisoft Xbox360/PS3/PC)

9. Super Smash Bros. (Nintendo Nintendo 64)

8. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (MGS Xbox/PC)

7. Resident Evil 2 (Capcom Nintendo 64/PS/GC/PC)

6. Fallout 3 (2k Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

5. Resident Evil 4 (Capcom Gamecube/PS2/PC/Wii/Xbox 360/PS3)

4. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Nintendo Gamecube/Wii)

3. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (Ubisoft Xbox/PS2/GC/PC)

2. Mass Effect 2 (EA Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

1. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (Nintendo Nintendo 64/3DS)

so that was it 100 games I have played those have to be the best 100 of the nearly 400 I have played, and the lack of PC and PS exclusive games makes it lose wuite a punch but still I have great experiences in almost every genre, many have the sentimental value for me so they might not be quite as good but bring good memories attached to them

A gaming Blog, Sandman's top 100 of all time (pt.3 50-26)

part 3 is done and let's see!

50. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 the Sith Lords (Lucas Arts Xbox/PC)

49. Turok 2 seeds of evil(Acclaim N64/PC)

48. Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (Ubisoft Xbox/PS2/Gamecube/PC)

47. Super Metroid (Nintendo SNES)

46. Shadow Complex (Epic games (XBLA)

45. Saints Row 2 (THQ Xbox360/PS3/PC)

44. Metroid Prime Trilogy (Nintendo Wii)

43. Prine of Persia Warrior Within (Ubisoft Xbox/PS2/GC/PC)

42. Fallout New Vegas (2k Xbox360/PS3/PC)

41. NBA 2k11 (2k Xbox360/PS3/PC/Wii)

40. Banjo-Tooie (Rare Nintendo64/XBLA)

39. Perfect Dark (Rare Nintendo64)

38. Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo Wii)

37. Batman Arkham Asylum (Eidos Xbox360/PS3/PC)

36. Fable The Lost Chapters (MGS Xbox/PC)

35. Jade Empire (MGS Xbox/PC/Mac)

34. Splinter Cell Conviction (Ubisoft Xbox360/PC)

33. Forza Motorsport 3 (MGS Xbox 360)

32. Goldeneye 007 (Rare Nintendo 64)

31. Super Mario World (Nintendo SNES)

30. FarCry 2 (Ubisoft Xbox360/PS3/PC)

29. Mortal Kombat (WBinteractive Xbox360/PS3)

28. Super Street Fighter IV (Capcom Xbox360/PS3/PC/3DS)

27. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Ubisoft Xbox360/PS3/PC)

26. SuperMArio Bros. 3 (Nintendo NES)

A Gaming Blog, Sandman's top 100 (pt. 2 75 - 51)

Part 2 here we go!

75. Resident Evil 0 (Capcom gamecube)

74. RockBand 2 (MTV games Xbox360/PS3/PS2/wii)

73. Fable 2 (MGS Xbox360)

72. Quake III Arena (idSoftware PC)

71. Star Wars Rogue Squadron (LucasArts Nintendo 64)

70. Pokemon Fire Red (Nintendo Gameboy Advance)

69. The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion (2k games Xbox360/PS3/PC)

68. Limbo (PlayDead Xbox360/PS3/PC)

67. FarCry Instincts (ubisoft xbox)

66. The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo NES)

65. Jet Force Gemini (Rare Nintendo 64)

64. Left 4 Dead 2 (Valve Xbox360/PC)

63. Medal of Honor Frontline (EA Xbox/PS2/Gamecube)

62. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Nintendo Wii)

61. Resident Evil (Capcom Gamecube)

60. Dragon Age Origins (EA Xbox360/PS3/PC)

59. Bioshock 2 (2k Xbox/PS3/PC)

58. Mario Kart 64 (Nintendo Nintendo64)

57. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (Rockstar PC/PS2/Xbox)

56. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (Activision Xbox360/PS3/PC/Wii)

55. Mario Galaxy (Nintendo Wii)

54. Battlefield Bad Company (EA Xbox360/PS3)

53. The Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past (Nintendo SNES)

52. F-Zero X (Nintendo Nintendo 64)

51. Halo 3 (MGS Xbox360)

A gaming blog, sandman's top 100 of all time (pt.1 100-76)

Readers and she-readers, here it is in work for the blog number 100 I started a list of the top 100 games I've played, of course there will be some serious omissions becauseI havent had a gaming PC (except for a couple games)and I've never owned a PlayStation console, anyway out of the ones I do have played here it goes.

100. Sonic the hedgegog 2 (Sega, Master system)

99. FIFA 11 (EA, xbox 360/wii/PS3/PC)

98. Dead Space (EA, xbox 360/PC/PS3)

97. Castlevania Curse of Darkness (Konami, xbox)

96. The Godfather the game (EA, xbox/xbox360/PS2/PC/PS3/Wii)

95. Kingdom Under Fire (Phantagram, xbox)

94. Unreal Tournament (Epic, PC)

93. Resident Evil (Capcom, Gamecube)

92. Halo Combat Evolved (Microsoft game Studios)

91. F-Zero GX/AX (Nintendo, Gamecube/Arcade)

90. Killer Instinct Gold (Rare, Nintendo 64)

89. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV Turtles in Time (Konami, SNES/Arcade)

88. Super Punch Out!! (Nintendo, SNES)

87. Virtua Fighter 5 Online (Sega, Xbox 360)

86. The Orange Box (Valve, Xbox 360/PC/PS3)

85. Halo 3 ODST (Microsoft Game Studios, Xbox 360)

84. Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft, Xbox 360/PC/PS3)

83. Mortal Kombat Deception (Midway, Xbox/Gamecube/PS2)

82. Far Cry Instincts Evolution (Ubisoft, Xbox)

81. Halo 2 (Microsoft Game Studios, Xbox/PC)

80. Project Gotham Racing 2 (Microsoft Game Studios, Xbox)

79. Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo, NES)

78.Gears of War 2 (Microsoft Game Studios, Xbox 360)

77. Battlefield 1943 (EA, Xbox Live Arcade/Play Station Network)

76. Rainbow Six Vegas (Ubisoft, Xbox 360/PC/PSP/PS3/Mobile)

A gaming blog, Sandman's sandbox

Hey readers and she readers (who am I kidding) what's up dudes, it's been a long since an entry of this kind and while I did my 30 days of gaming I tought on tons of topics for this blog, this week however I decided to recap some onthe sandbox genre wich means...Open World Games, absolutely everyone after hearing sandbox thinks Grand Theft Auto, won't worry so do I, but is GTA series the best sandbox series out there? let's see.

GTA III mainstreamed the genre in 3-D and whilst I never got to play it back in the day, but my first approach to the series was TRUE Crime: Streets of L.A.which tried to recreate Los Angeles, with police action added with martial asrts, the story was branching depending on you desitions and while not nearly as polished as a GTA it sure was fun.

Then I got to experience GTA Vice City, while great fun and never got tired of the super massacres of civilians and cops, the enviroments were somewhat boring to me, then came GTA San Andreas which to me greatly improved on the formula, made the map bigger you had different enviroments, way too many things to find, do and experience, and the story was half interesting although on a side note, I got to play the last mission and failed it once...and never played the story again. The customization of your character and the radio was really good.

After this the genre had some games with an interesting twist in the form of a super powers, a game like ultimate spidermanand spiderman 2(movie tie-in) which let you swing through New York city, save civilians, stop bank robberys and much more, Hulk Ultimate Destruction allowed for you to run and destroy everything aroundyou, which made you feellike a ****c japanese monster.

Other games that tried to work on other areas, was a game like The Godfather the game, which allowed you to extort rackets, and included a betterhand to hand combat mechanic, some RPG elements in the game progression and then arrived the current generation of consoles with games like Saints Row (the most well known GTA clone) that improved the gunplay for the genre, Crackdown that allowed character progression and vertical gameplay with coop features.

Some other games that included open world and got into other genres, Assassin's Creed that put you in the robes of an assassin in the crusades, allowingyou to go anywhere on the cities you visited, but with a heavy touck of platform and adventure, Red Faction Guerrilla introduced total demolition and refined third person action gameplay, Fallout 3 was an RPG in a open wasteland in the way of go anywhere and meet everyone in one of the best worlds created out there, the later Elders Scrolls games also did this by adding quests, factions, melee and magic combat.

But to most recent memory all open world games have had great moments, GTA IV focused on story telling and realism, Red Dead Redemption made it western with all features you could expect from a western story, Just Cause 2, added a whole lot of destruction and great extensions of terrain, also the grappling and parachuting made it one of a kind, Saints Row 2, gave the player an insane ammount of customization in almost everything, there has been series I haven't had the cance to try like InFamous, but all in all I would dare to say it has to be one of the genres that has grown more in recent years.

so here is a recap on the genre, to me the best game of the genre has to be Red Dead Redemption just for the level of polishment that they achieved through all game aspects, but for realism, fantasy, adventure, action,the sandbox genre has plenty to offer and I only wish the genre continues to grow as it has for the last years.

3o Days of gaming, Day 30

Day 30.

Favorite game of all Time.

1.The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (1998 Nintento/Nintendo 64)

this game single handedly turned me into a gamer, it has the best overall experience all around by that time it had graphics, gameplay, music and story, this has hold the title for over 13 years and while games have come pretty close, no one has eceled in this level to me, this year two strong candidates arise in The Elders Scroll V Skyrim and Mass Effect 3, let's see what happens

Runner Ups

Mass Effect 2

Resident Evil 4

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Fallout 3

30 days of gaming, Day 29

Day 29

Game I Thought I Wouldn't Like, But Ended Up Loving.

Fallout 3.

I wasn't sure about Fallout 3, I though although the concept was cool the gameplay seemed way to stiff, but Fallout 3 is a game hard to describe why is it that good maybe it has to be the personality everything has, characters, music, art, concept everything sorrounding this game made it an epic adventure.



Halo 3

Spartan Total Warrior

30 Days of gaming, Day 28

Day 28.

Favorite Developer.


Success after success Bioware has still to prove they can do a bad game at least from me, I have yet to play Dragon's Age II, and with the upcoming the Old Republic and Mass Effect 3, seems they are as good as always.


Ubisoft Montreal

