@R2C25 Its all an opinion i suppose but I can't see how you can really complain that much about career mode, only because there's nothing else on the market really. I was a strictly pro evo fanboy from the snes up to fifa 11 when i just finally had enough of pro evo's/iss whatever you want to call its master league rubbish. At least with fifa's career mode there's actual transfers and stuff going on, it could be a hell of a lot better of course and the computer AI bored me to death, they just pass the ball about without really going forward to much it does get quite annoying and boring. I can't agree with the defence AI, if you get ripped apart at the back its' your own fault i'm afraid, i tried the pro evo demo and that still has the same rubbish defensive AI, nearly every through ball works, you can see it coming but can do little to nothing about it, at least in fifa you can. Does it matter if you can't change captain during the match, it doesn't make any difference anyway you control the players, it might do in football manager.
7 subs on the bench is all you can have in a match, at least in the premiership anyway. Personally i saw a big difference in fifa 11 and 12 with the tackling being changed which has been needed for years, not so sure about 12 -> 13 i'll have to give a good razz. I do however massively think EA are taking the biscuit by charging £45 for it, so xbox games are now more expensive than they were even a few months ago, paying more money for a console near the end of its lifecycle is about as low as you can get but then again its EA so i'm not surprised.
@Mayleene As refreshingly optimistic as your comment is, I don't think anyone who's worked on this game should put it on their CV when applying at a different games studio if they want future employment :)
There's more people out their clambering for these jobs than there is jobs available, you have to stand out from the crowd in a positive way if you want any chance of getting a job within the games industry. I think these people may be best off looking at a career change if any of the games they've made previously are anything to go off.
@InquisitorCrox i'm not having a go here but I don't think the media influenced anyones decision on this game, it is bad plain and simple. If anything I'd say it was the other way round in that the media normally hypes up all these games that are mostly mediocre at best so usually if a game gets a bad review in this day and age there's a very good chance it's bad.
but money talks, this game sold because it used the resident evil brand so you can call it a success but only in the short term. Look at dragon age 2, sold loads when it first came out just because dragon age 1 was a great game. The sales of dragon age 3 if they ever make it will be severly hit by the shoddyness of dragon age 2, when a game stinks that bad it lingers in the memory.
well might sound a bit harsh but it's hardly surprising if that's the sort of games they produce. Raccoon City was a shocker and an insult to the Resident Evil series. You can give all the excuses in the world like capcom forcing them into pushing it out early or whatever but there really is no redeeming features to it, everything about it is just shoddy and they can't even do the basics in an acceptable way so I reckon they could have 10 years to make it and it wouldn't have been any better.Seen better more deserving developers go under so as harsh as it sounds. Good.
sounds good to me, after playing pro evo for the past 15 odd years till swapping over to fifa 12 i'm used to tiny tweaks being hailed as revolutionary :)Sort the AI though, i've never played a footy game where doing a season is pointless because the AI is so boring to play against, used to love doing a tournament with mates playing on the same side but my god its depressing on fifa 12, if i wanted to watch a team passing it around their back four for 90 minutes and then just winning with a header in the last minute i'd go watch stoke.It would also be nice if you could use any commentary name for your edited player.......my second name is donovan......i put myself in LA Galaxy where the commentator will quite happily say landon donovan's name but I can't choose that as a name.........hhhmm maybe it's because i used to work with David Rutter at another games studio and he was jealous of my football skills (unlikely), i reckon he personally made that name unavailable to pes (see what i did there) me off. ****er
I don't really see what the problem is. You're not forced into buying anything from the auction house so if you don't want to you don't have to even look at it??? Diablo isn't really a competitive game so it's not like you're buying yourself an advantage over other players. If people want to spend their own money on equipment then why not, it's their money. It's not like buying something like Gears of War 2, playing it for a couple of months quite happily to then be informed that you can't play Horde online unless you buy the map packs. Now that is wrong in everyway as it's forcing you spend more money to carry on playing a game you've already paid for. Plus look at all the pointless stuff people buy for their avatars on xbox live.......what's the point.......it does nothing.......it has no benefit to anything but it's their money so if they want to buy pointless crap then let them.
@smithboy1177 mate that's not a bad idea I might give that a go in a minute, it's probably about time I peeled myself up from this leather computer chair (I have no idea what Target is I'm guessing that's a shop in USA??) Now I just need to remember where I've put my trousers.......
Well I tried forcing myself to get into this game again last night but I can't do it, I was feeling suicidal after 2 hours of walking around the same maps so in a rage I uninstalled it completely, "would you like to keep your saves games" it asked, "no i bloody well don't, even having a 4kb file on my hard disk associated with this disgrace is making me feel nauseous". The thought that I couldn't even take the game back to the shop and pretend it didn't work to get something else was giving me ideas of smashing my own head through my bedroom window. I could of brought a bag of weed with that money, now I'm alone, sober and have nothing to entertain myself. Then I remembered I used to stash my weed in the baldurs gate box up in the loft, sweating and slightly delirious by this point i clambered into the roof of my house, hands trembling i brushed the dust off the box and lifted the lid..well tickle my bum, a dried up bud of crusty weed and not only baldurs gate but baldurs gate 2, planescape torment and both icewind dale games!! Well 20 hours later I'm still sitting in my pants and I've called in sick at work. Oh how I've missed you and that stupid little hamster Minsc. Now is it me or did computer games used to be this level of greatness that sitting in your pants for 20 hours and possibly getting sacked from work seemed like a fair trade off. This bloody DA2 is so bad I would rather be at work in my pants. Anyway gibber over, sorry i have been awake for about 40 hours now..
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