@joshrmeyer: actually no, not this time :) I got out of one of the pre-orders so just one copy, plus the controller which is actually pretty nice- the wife uses it. So I still feel ripped off, but it could have been worse.
I really wanted to love this game, but haven't played since aboot a week after launch. Maybe I'll cum back after they actually release some content, but as it stands after a week you have surely seen all there is to see. So far, anyways. I personally thought NMS had way more to offer, even at its launch. Rare made a pretty big sandbox here to show off virtually no reason to play aside from enjoying sailing a ship, I would have played longer even still but all of my friends quit within days of launch and after a few more days of trying to play with rando's without mics I had had enough.
@wexorian: good person, bad person, doesn't make the game in question any less garbage... or anyone that appreciates said garbage. Or anyone that cares for such a person that enjoys such a heaping plate of garbage. You're garbage, and you secrete garbage out of every hole in your garbage sack of meat you call a "person". As a matter of fact, I'm garbage for even having conversed with you over the interweb. Garbage is how garbage does. Life is like a box of garbage. First rule of garbage club: you don't talk aboot garbage- unless you ARE the garbage that garbages garbage. Garbage.
The best movies in the series happened before the Rock showed up, so if history has a say maybe this won't be as awful as the ones he's in?
However, unfortunately for someone else's favorite franchise that puts Dwayne at large to ruin another saga. Presumably by saying the stolen/made up catchphrase "sunbitch" as often as possible.
I'm still hoping the stupid kid dies in the first fifteen minutes, and then Kratos whips back out the Blades of Chaos. That, plus those graphics = win.
Dr_Vancouver's comments