@customx5: ...assuming that they let me use that instead of my stupid real life name. Yu'd better! Sorry, a little Suzuki humor there, couldn't help myself.
I have no problem with them doing WW2... but I've kinda sworn off EA and their lootbox BS as they've already admitted going forward that they won't stop.
cuz ya, it's not the fault of the instant availability of assault rifles to children of all ages- it's the fault of video games! In the US it's easier for a kid to legally buy a gun than an M rated game, so maybe apply some logic to that equation you dumb rednecks. Some kid accidentally brought a gun to elementary school in her lunchbox- cuz her mom put it in there, so clearly the adults over there aren't any better than the tide pod eating kids. I betcha if you take away *most of their guns, that would stop most of the shootings. Just a thought. Or I propose having to take an IQ test and score a (reasonable) minimum to obtain a license, to avoid "Glock lunch Wednesday's" at least.
Dr_Vancouver's comments