For most it seems, video games are only about gameplay and how good that is. But what is a game if playing it doesn't seem, well, meaningful. I hate it when people look down at games as simple means to pass the time or senseless violence corrupting youthful minds. What about those that really leave you wanting more, and not more of the same gameplay mechanics, but to see the same characters return, to see them develop and grow.
10: Call of Duty 2: Big Red One
This one surprised me, because generally, I consider WWII games shallow. They fail to capture the atrocity of the events of that time. Big Red One was a considerable step forward in achieving that goal, and not in terms of violence, but in terms the emotional value of your squad. You get attached to a lot of them, and when they die, it leaves you speechless.
9: Starcraft
While most people remember Starcraft as a landmark of the RTS genre, I remember it as a fantastic science fiction epic. A strong set of characters who have become icons to a lot of the gaming community. The Protoss and Zerg are some of the coolest and most thought out alien civilizations to this day. Because of their uniqueness, these races are some of the most memorable to ever exist in a game. The painful tension between Jim Raynor and Sarah Kerrigan is one of Starcraft's best attractions, but the corruption of the Terran, the schisms throughout the Protoss, and the viscousness of the Zerg make it one of the most compelling sci-fi stories ever told. Hopefully, with Starcraft II, Blizzard can keep the story at the level of greatness I remember. I really don't want the sequel to one of the most legendary games ever to be about the multiplayer...
8: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
I was nervous about how the transition to the GC would affect, not only the gameplay, but the normally great stories of this legendary series. Both held out fantastically. The first part of the game is a little slow, but quickly things escalate to an enormous scale. As always, Fire Emblem encourages you to carefor your units with its constant motto of "If you lose them, they're gone forever." We'll see how Goddess of Dawn brings the world of Tellius back to life.
7: Halo
Some may say that Halo was just another clichéd sci-fi epic. Not so. To see its full potential, you'd have to read the fantastic books by Eric Nylund, but there really is a deep cast of characters set in a chilling apocalyptic future. It may be considered clichéd, but humanity's last stand against an unstoppable alien force is a frightening thought. Hopefully with Halo 3, they will introduce some of other important characters who never saw the light of the other games: Linda, Fred, Kelly, Dr. Halsey, and so on.
6: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
To start off, this game had one of the best plot twists I've ever seen. To find out you were the evil force driving the galaxy into chaos. And then to be given the choice of turning your back on your evil past or embracing it. Awesome. Just awesome. As well, you are accompanied by a cast of intresting characters. In my opinion, the best story in the enitre Star Wars universe.
5: Warcraft III
Two Blizzard franchises on the list! Well, what can I say, I quite literally grew up on Starcraft, Warcraft, & Diablo... The first games that got me into gaming permanently were Starcraft & Diablo (Might as well add in another oldie for the SNES, Rock N' Roll Racing was also another Blizzard title and another one of the first I remember playing) But, enough Blizzard fanboyism. Warcraft now has a solid story to its name...this is also another series that is most fleshed out by its books (The only ones I recommend reading are Richard A. Knaak's books, as well as his Diablo titles.) The cast of characters is really amazing and memorable. The next game shouldcover The War of the Ancients trilogy.
4: Jade Empire
Bioware makes some of the best RPGs, no question about it. Here's hoping Mass Effect retains that! I expected this to be too much like KOTOR, but was pleasantly surprised to find this game was even better than it in some ways. It may not be very long, but damn was it good. The best surprises lay in the voiceovers. With appearances by Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Serenity, Slither/My favorite actor ever!...too bad he played a bad guy), John Cleese (If you don't know him, ...well, that's sad...very, very sad), and Cam Clarke (Game Informer did an article on him back in their Bully issue if you can dig that up... He's done a lot of voice acting in the game industry. Best role: Kratos Aurion from Tales of Symphonia). If the talent right there isn't enough to convince you, I don't what is. Combat is incredibly fun and smooth. Though short, the game is able to develop it's characters quite nicely. As I said earlier, my character actually wound up in a romance with Cam Clarke's character, Sky. That was an awesome way to make your characters memorable. Not to mention, this game had one of the most unexpected plot twists I've ever come across.
3: Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
Now, until this game I never liked flight sims. This game certainly changed that view. What an incredible story with an awesome squad.Several sweet plot twists occur over the course of the game.This game is just thrilling and the constant chatter sets one of the best atmospheres ever.
2: Tales of Symphonia
To this day, I'm not sure what compelled me to get this game. But whatever did, I'm very thankful for. This is a timeless game, and will forever be fun. I'm not kidding when I say I've beat this game 17 times. Think about it. One playthrough is anywhere from 60 to 80 hours of gameplay. It never gets old. Deep characters. Awesome story. Amazing combat system. If you like RPGs, even the tiniest bit, YOU MUST PLAY THIS!(PS:Talk smack about this game andI will eat your soul.)
1: Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil is probaly the best zombie story ever, with actual characters with backgrounds, not just a bunch of random rednecks. Resident Evil 4, in my opinion, is the most awesome horror story ever. Never becoming too depressing or bleak. It had enough explosions and characters to slip away from standard horror and blend an action thriller with a sci-fi horror. At heart, it's a terrorist thriller with sci-fi horror elements. Leon is one of the coolest characters to ever be in a game. One of the biggest weaknesses of the horror genre is completely helpless characters who can't fend for themselves. Whoever likes that has one sick mind. But instead Leon...and Ada, kick some serious ass! Also, the sexual tension between the two is tough. You can see they have serious feelings for each other, but their loyalties keep them apart. I'm just waiting for ads to appear saying just this: "Saddler returns". I can see it now. Las Plagas lay siege to America, quickly infesting the major cities. New York, D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles. Soon, the entirety of the world is enveloped in darkness...the darkness of a new age. Only one man and one woman know the key to defeating this threat. You see Leon driving through a deserted street in D.C., all the lights dark. Suddenly, mobs of people appear. But they are people no longer, just puppets of the Las Plagas. Leon guns the engine, driving straight through one of the mobs, the Ganados try to grab onto car, but leon whips out an smg. Firing on the Ganados without mercy, he drives on. His duty to his country still remains: To protect the First Family. But as he rounds a corner, he finds himself face to face with an El Gigante. Before he can shift to reverse the Gigante slams its fist onto the hood of the car, sendingit flying end over end. Before it crashes to the ground,Leon leaps from the car. Taking out dual pistols, he unleashes a hail of bullets on it. Only this time, Las Plagas have adapted. It does not cower before bullets. It does not feel pain. But that doesn't matter, as out of nowhere, aRPG slams into the Gigante's chest, sendingthe creaturesplattering across the street. Leon turns toward his savior, to find it none other than Ada. She tosses the RPGdown and brushes her hair aside. "Ada! ...Damn good timing." He says, holstering his pistols. "Let's go. The Ganados are coming." The two rush towards the White House. With the assault on the capital, the white house has become an impenetrable fortress. Hundreds of soldiers surround its perimeter. Tanks are placed at each corner. Before they fire at an unidentified person, Leon yells out his identification. The soldiers lower their weapons and rush him inside. As he steps inside, Ashley greets him with a hug. "Thank God," She sobs, "I feared you were dead." "Come on, you know me." He smiles back. Ada turns away and looks out the window. "S**t, Leon, come look." He runs over to the window and pulls aside the curtain. "Jesus Christ, they've brought a whole f***ing army. President, we need to get you out of here. Now!" Leon looks out the window,the soldiers were in a desperate stuggle against unnamable horrors and they were losing. "Need to call some friends?" Ada inquires with a smirk. Leon pulls out his radio and switches to a secret channel. "This is Leon S. Kennedy, Secret Service. I need all S.T.A.R.S. members to make their way to Washington D.C. ASAP!" Suddenly, he grabs Ada and leaps away from the wall as a tank flies into it, plowing its way through half the room. "S**t, that was close." Leon mutters as he gets up, brushing debris off him. Ada looks up at the sky as air support rushes by. Moments later, giant mushroom clouds appear on the horizon. "We're in for on hell of a night..." Ada says, whilecocking her pistol. The screen fades to black and then you see "Resident Evil" appear. A second later, blood splatters onto the screen forming a 6. That would be one HELL of a sequel.
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